Minimum number of credits required to earn certificate: 12
Minimum Cumulative GPA required to earn certificate: 2.5
Minimum Grade requirements for courses to count toward certificate: C or higher in each course is required to count towards the certificate requirements
Contact Information: Masoud Rais-Rohani masoud.raisrohani@maine.edu, (207) 581-4120 (for Maine College of Engineering and Computing) or Douglas Gardner douglasg@maine.edu, (207) 581-2846 (for School of Forest Resources)
Educational Objectives
- Introduce modern composites made of different constituent materials.
- Develop skills necessary for analysis, design, fabrication, and testing of modern composite materials and structures.
- Establish suitability of composite materials and structures for various applications.
Eligibility Criteria
Students at UMaine as well as others are eligible to enroll in the Certificate program as long as the prerequisites for each course in the sequence are met.
The courses completed for the Certificate may be counted towards an undergraduate or graduate degree per the guidelines of the respective undergraduate or graduate degree program.
The Certificate requires the completion of 12 credits (4 courses) through a combination of 400- and graduate-level courses as described in the course sequence section below. A maximum of one course (or 3 credits) at 400 or 500 level may be transferred from outside of UMaine to the program for credit.
The Certificate program shall be completed within 3 years from the date of acceptance into the program.