Mar 10, 2025
ENG 342 - Native American Literature Surveys literature by Native American authors from a wide range of tribal backgrounds and culture areas. Considers the development of written traditions over time in relation to oral genres, traditional themes and story forms, and situates writing by Native American people in the context of historical and socio-political events and trends in Turtle Island (North America). Provides the opportunity to reconsider stories of colonization and the Anglo-American culture/nation in the light of indigenous perspectives and experience. This reading-intensive course is designed to teach you about the history of Native American writing in English, while giving you the opportunity to practice your reading and research skills in order to prepare you for work in advanced seminars.
Prerequisites: 6 credits beyond ENG 101 (ENG 170 and ENG 222 recommended) or instructor permission.
Course Typically Offered: Spring Even Years
Credits: 3
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