Formatted Name |
Title |
Ackroyd, Rosemary C. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Adam, Steven C. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Adams, James |
Part-Time Faculty |
Aldrich, Nathaniel B. |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Alex, Joanne D. |
Instructor |
Ames, April D. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Anagnostis, Arianna J. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Andrews, Loren J. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Armistead, David T. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Arrigoni Martelli, Cristina |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Ashland, Patricia S. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Austin, Jodelle A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Avanzato, Robert |
Part-Time Faculty |
Barry, Elizabeth A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Barton, Paulette E. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Bartosenski Bowden, Mary |
Lecturer III |
Batty, Diane K. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Batuski, Shellie |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Beaupre, Danielle M. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Bell, John P. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Bishop, Karl D. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Bishop, Kathleen |
Part-Time Faculty |
Bishop, Suzanne Y. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Blake, Heather S. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Blanchard-Caesar, Lynn A. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Boardman, David C. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Boothroyd, Aaron D. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Bourne, Louise |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Braley, Noelle C. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Brasslett, Roger L. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Bregman, Jay A. |
Professor - Part Time |
Bromley, Gordon R. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Brophy, James P. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Burgess, Susan D. |
Lecturer 111/Staff Speech |
Burns, Tina M. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Bushey, Karen A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Bushway, Alfred A. |
Professor - Part Time |
Butterfield, Stephen |
Professor - Part Time |
Call, Helen E. |
Lecturer - Part Time |
Camp, Susan D. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Campbell, James J. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Carter, Barbara A. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Caruso, Lisa T. |
Lecturer - Part Time |
Carver-Bialer, Cassie J. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Charette, Kristi M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Charpentier, Karen M. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Cheek, Patrick P. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Cilli, Adam L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Clement, Amy B. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Clewley, Barbara A. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Cloukey, Justin J. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Cody, Howard H. |
Professor - Part Time |
Cole, Kylie G. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Collins, Patricia A. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Congdon, Mark J. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Cook, Cristanna |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Cook, Richard A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Corey, Roberta |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Corliss, Heidi E. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Cormier, Michael R. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Costigan, Rebecca R. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Cowan, Amanda C. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Cross, Amy E. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Crowley, Adam M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Curran Sargent, Lynn B. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Curran, Hugh J. |
Curtis, Amy S. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Cyr, Matthew D. |
Instructor |
Daffron, Thomas A. |
Professor - Part Time |
Davner, Aliza P. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Dean, Allyson M. |
Instructor - Part-Time |
Del Vecchio, Tandy L. |
Lecturer II - Part Time |
DeMarco, Devon A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Dendinger, Maia R. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Derar, Hind D. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Dixon, Erika M. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Dolloff, Aimee L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Donaldson, Gordon A. |
Professor - Part Time |
Downey, Jeffrey |
Part-Time Faculty |
Downey, Patrick M. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Dufour, Charles L. |
Professor - Part Time |
Dunning, Elizabeth L. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Dyjak, Leon |
Instructor In School Of Perfor |
Ecker, Brianne F. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Eden, John D. |
Professor - Part Time |
Edwards, Lori T. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Eldridge, Gertrude M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Elkins, Anthony D. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Ellis, Kathleen |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Elwood, Edith P. |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Engman, Kerstin L. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Estela, Rolf W. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Farrell, William B. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Fish, Clarissa L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Fish, Kelly A. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Fort Jr, Raymond C. |
Professor - Part Time |
Garfield, Henry A. |
Lecturer II - Part Time |
Gee, Robert L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Gilbert, Donna M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Gilbert-Caret, Laura M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Glaser, Radek |
Part-Time Faculty |
Gogan, Nicole L. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Goldenberg, Jennifer E. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Goldman, Solomon |
Part-Time Faculty |
Gonyar, Gary J. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Gonzalez, Jorge A. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Grant, Donald A. |
Professor - Part Time |
Greaney, Sharon A. |
Instructor In Education |
Green-Hamann, Sara E. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Gross, David S. |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Gross, Stephanie S. |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Guenther, Benjamin A. |
Professor - Part Time |
Guerin, Alessandra G. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Habib, Mushira |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Hakola, Judith |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Hall, Wayne W. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Hanscom, Judy L. |
Instructor In Education |
Harriman, Joanne C. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Hartman, Ann A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Harvey, Sarah A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Hayes, Wendy R. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Heller, Andrew R. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Henderson, Amanda B. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Hendrix, Stephanie A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Hildebrandt, Leonore S. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Hillas, Kenneth |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Hoch, Angela G. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Holman Jr, Glen P. |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Holtsclaw, Morgan R. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Hoshide, Aaron K. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Houp, McKenzie M. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Howard, Deborah |
Part-Time Faculty |
Howard, Heather R. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Hurtt, Andrew O. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Hutchison, Keith W. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Hyler, Rebecca S. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Ingalls, Wayne C. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Ippoliti, Carol |
Part-Time Faculty |
Irvine, Margery Y. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Jackson, Nicholas C. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Jenkins, Nicholas D. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Jesse, Ian |
Part-Time Faculty |
Jones, Gaylen L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Jones, Joshua L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Jones, Robert G. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Jones, Samantha |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Jordan, Anne-Marie C. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Joseph, Jincy |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Kaiser, John S. |
Instructor In Nursing |
Kashkooli, Heidar A. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Keefe, Shari L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Kelly, Kiley P. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Kennedy, Katherine A. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Keszocze, Gudrun B. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Khosravani, Simin |
Instructor - Part Time |
Klein, Renate |
Part-Time Faculty |
Knapp, Darin E. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Kopec, Audrey D. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Kravit, Nancy G. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Labelle-Hogue, Simon-Pier |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Lakey, Heather D. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Lamdan, Ruth M. |
Professor - Part Time |
Larlee, Mary A. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
LaRose, Adria Y. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Lattari, Mary K. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Le, Audrey L. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Leathem, Carla |
Part-Time Faculty |
Leaverton, Lisa G. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Leavitt, Paula M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Leonard, Kristina L. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Lerner, Darah R. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Levine, Deborah L. |
Lecturer II - Part Time |
Lewis, Jessica W. |
Lecturer in Speech-Language |
Linehan, Karen A. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Lisnet, Julie A. |
Lecturer II Performing Arts |
Littrell, Nicolle |
Part-Time Faculty |
Livingston, Hannah M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Logan, Ronald D. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Lynn, Laren L. |
Lecturer II - Part Time |
Macdougall, Pauleena M. |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Mackinnon, Elin R. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Mahlen, Steven |
Part-Time Faculty |
Malik, Heera I. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Maliwal, Ayesha |
Part-Time Faculty |
Marcho, Trevor K. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Marcotte, James A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Markides, Emily |
Part-Time Faculty |
Markowsky, Linda |
Part-Time Faculty |
Marks, Alan P. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Marston, Hannah F. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Martinez Edgar, Cynthia |
Instructor - Part Time |
Marvin, Lynda A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Mathieu, Karen R. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Mattson, Deborah G. |
Part-Time Faculty |
McLaughlin, Christopher S. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Meadow, Curtis L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Merrill, Jillian B. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Miller, Anne V. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Miller, Joseph R. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Miller, Karen E. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Mitchell, Alison S. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Mooney, Amy-Jane F. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Morrison, Matthew S. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Morrison, Mia L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Movalia, Mayur K. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Mullens, David A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Munson Jr, Henry L. |
Professor - Part Time |
Murphy, Bryan J. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Nadeau, Ronald E. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Nason, Aimee M. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Okin, Mary |
Part-Time Faculty |
Oldenburgh, Kim M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Oliver, Brynn E. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Page, Doreen A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Palmer, Eileen M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Palmlund, Catherine E. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Parker, Jeremy J. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Parks, Jennifer L. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Paul, Roger L. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Peabbles, Natalie M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Phippen, Sanford E. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Pickard, Jennifer |
Part-Time Faculty |
Pierce, Carrie J. |
Instructor |
Pifer, Matthew |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Pratt, Bruce E. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Pratt, Phillip A. |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Precopio-White, Rachel L. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Rand, Kendra R. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Ravan, Dawn D. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Rave, Maria E. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Reardon, Erik E. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Reardon, Richard K. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Regler, Ulrich W. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Reisman, Susan I. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Rich, Jennifer H. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Roberge, Kevin J. |
Lecturer II - Part Time |
Robertson, Cheryl A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Robinson, Keith |
Instructor in Dance |
Rodrigues, Anette R. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Ronco, Constance R. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Ross, Ann P. |
Assistant Professor |
Rubenstein, David S. |
Professor - Part Time |
Ruggiero, Rebecca E. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Russell, Candice F. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Ruthven, Douglas M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Ryan, Shelley F. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Saliou-Sulley, Fuoad |
Part-Time Faculty |
Sargent, Glen A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Saunders, Corri Elizabeth O. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Schauffler, Molly |
Asst Professor of Earth Sci |
Scheibel, Debrajean J. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Scheibel, Gretchen A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Schessler-Jandreau, Imke H. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Scobie, Brent W. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Scott, Susan E. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Serwik, Agnieszka K. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Seymour, Holly-Lynn J. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Shaler, Annie M. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Shengold, Nina |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Sheranian, Nathan J. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Sheridan, Brooke A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Shimmel, Pamela G. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Siemers, William |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Silver, Noreen |
Instructor - Part Time |
Sinclair, Robert L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Singleton, Seth |
Professor - Part Time |
Smart, Michael D. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Smith, Jodi |
Part-Time Faculty |
Smith, Whendolyn J. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Smolinsky, Matthew T. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Snell, Rachel A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Solomon, Marisa |
Part-Time Faculty |
Spaulding, Clinton P. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Speidel, Sara A. |
Lecturer II - Part Time |
Speyer, Joan M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
St. Pierre, Amy L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Stack, Philip A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Staffiere, Joan E. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Stewart, Sarah E. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Sucec, James |
Professor - Part Time |
Sullivan, Karen A. |
Lecturer II - Part Time |
Swanson, Abigail B. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Swett, Debra A. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Therio, Susan D. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Thibodeau, Yvonne M. |
Distance Learning Specialist F |
Thomas-Pino, Clare E. |
Instructor of Rehab Services |
Thomes, Karen F. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Throckmorton, Emilie B. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Tijerina, Stefano |
Instructor - Part Time |
Tisher, Sharon S. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Toner, James F. |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Towey, Michael |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Treworgy, Jamie L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Tuell, Jeanna M. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Turlo, Kathleen E. |
Assoc Professor - Part Time |
Twitchell, Tiffany N. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Van Uden, Elizabeth L. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Violette, Karen D. |
Lecturer II - Part Time |
Walker, Jennifer B. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Wallace, Andrew T. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Webb, Betsy M. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Weiss, Lori K. |
Instructor - Part Time |
Wells, Pamela L. |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Welsh, Brian V. |
Part-Time Faculty |
White, Rebecca |
Part-Time Faculty |
Whittemore, Raymond C. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Wicks, Stephen D. |
Lecturer III - Part Time |
Williams, Benjamin S. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Williams, Lindsay |
Part-Time Faculty |
Wilson, Emily D. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Womac, Liza |
Part-Time Faculty |
Woodard, Jennie M. |
Asst Professor - Part Time |
Woodworth, Brianna H. |
Instructor - AY |
Yellow Robe Jr, William |
Lecturer I - Part Time |
Youcis, Deborah H. |
Part-Time Faculty |
Zacas, Miltiades K. |
Professor - Part Time |
Data as of August 4th 2017.