Minimum number of credits required to earn minor: 21
GPA requirements to earn minor: None
Minimum Grade requirements for courses to count toward minor: C- or higher is required for EES 140/141 and all PSE courses
Contact Information: Mary Fernandez, Student Academic Services Coordinator, 201A Rogers Hall, (207) 581-2938, fern@maine.edu
Residency Requirement: The 15 credits of required courses must be taken at the University of Maine
This minor provides students foundational introductory content related to plant and soil science, and an overview of modern agricultural production systems, focusing on environmental and economic sustainability. Advanced coursework encourages more in depth study in selected areas of production and food systems.
Please note:
- Be sure to consider the prerequisites for the courses below when planning for this minor.
- The following courses are not acceptable course choices toward the minor for Environmental Horticulture majors: PSE 403 and PSE 415.
- Some of the courses below may be offered in alternate years. Be sure to check the course descriptions in the online Undergraduate Catalog.