Mark and Marcia Bailey Professorship of Speech and Theatre, Dr. Kristin M. Langellier.
Bath Iron Works Professorship in Structural Engineering, Dr. Habib-J. Dagher
Adelaide C. Bird and Alan L. Bird Professor of American History, Dr. Richard W. Judd, Dr. Alexander I. Grab, Dr. Marli F. Weiner, Dr. Williams H. TeBrake
John C. Bridge Engineering Professorship, Dr. William Davids
Henry R. and Grace V. Butler Professorship of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Bruce Segee
Louis Calder Professor of Pulp and Paper Technology, Dr. Joseph M. Genco
Roger Clapp Castle and Virginia Averill Castle Distinguished Professorship in Electrical Engineering, Dr. Donald M. Hummels
Agatha B. Darling Professorship in Oceanography, Dr. Lawrence M. Mayer
Clare S. Darling Professorship in Oceanography, Vacant
Lloyd H. Elliott Professorship in English, visiting scholars
Edwin L. Giddings Professor of Forest Policy, Dr. Robert J. Lilieholm
Robert N. Haskell ‘25 Power Engineering Professorship, vacant
Richard C. Hill Professorship in Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Donald Grant
Curtis Hutchins Professor of Forest Ecosystems Management, Dr. Robert S. Seymour
Ruth Hutchins Professor of Forest Tree Physiology, Dr. Michael S. Greenwood
Irving Chair for Forest Management, Dr. Jeremy S. Wilson
Libra Professorship in the College of Business,Public Policy and Health, (vacant)
Libra Professorship in the College of Education and Human Development, (vacant)
Libra Professorship in the College of Engineering, Dr. Michael Peterson
Libra Professorship in Conservation Biology, Dr. Malcolm L. Hunter, Jr.
Libra Professorship in the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture, Dr. Ian Bricknell
Libra Professorship of Geological Sciences, Dr. George H. Denton
Libra Professorship in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History, Dr. Scott W. See
Malcolm G. Long Professorship in Civil Engineering, Vacant
John M. Murphy Chair in Business in the Maine Business School, Dr. John F. Mahon
J. Larcom Ober Research Chair in Chemical Engineering, Dr. Adriann R. P. van Heiningen
Nicolas M. Salgo Professor of Business Administration, Dr. Ivan Manev
Henry W. Saunders Professor of Hardwood Silviculture, Dr. Robert Wagner
Mark R. Shibles Distinguished Visiting Professorship, visiting scholars
Frank M. Taylor Distinguished Professorship in Civil Engineering, Dr. Eric Landis
University of Maine Visiting Libra Professorship, Vacant
University of Maine Trustee Professorship, Dr. Marie Hayes
Visiting Libra Professorship in Diversity, visiting scholars
Arthur O. Willey Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Senthil Vel