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2003-2004 Undergraduate Catalog 
2003-2004 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • ECE 547 - VLSI Design/Layout

    Integrated circuit design methodologies. Semi-custom ASICs, logic synthesis and simulation, design automation techniques and designing for testability. Chips designed in this course will be fabricated and tested in ECE 548. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 343. Corequisite: ECE 445 or ECE 444.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 548 - VLSI Test/Characterization

    Laboratory course covering the testing and characterization of integrated circuits designed in ECE 547 and fabricated externally. (Pass/Fail Grade Only.) (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 547.

    Credits: 1
  • ECE 550 - Electromagnetic Theory

    Reviews of Maxwell’s Equations and waves in dielectric and lossy unbounded and layered media. Covers plane cylindrical and spherical wave functions; reflection and transmission properties of layered media, electromagnetic radiation and antenna theory. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 351 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 552 - Wave Propagation

    Theory of the propagation of electromagnetic and sound waves in unbounded and layered isotropic and anisotropic solids and liquids. Specific applications to wave propagation in the ocean and crystals are also presented. Lec 3. (Summer.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 453 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 565 - Solid State Device Theory I

    A study of physical principles underlying solid state devices. Topics include: crystalline structure, x-ray diffraction, reciprocal space, lattice vibrations, phonons, specific heat and introduction to quantum mechanics. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 571 - Advanced Microprocessor-Based Design

    Includes techniques for developing software and hardware for microprocessor-based systems, computer aided design using a multistation logic development system, use of components commonly found in microprocessor-based systems. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 471 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 573 - Microprogramming

    Fundamentals of microcoding and the design of microcoded systems including bit slice design. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 471, ECE 475.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 577 - Fuzzy Logic

    Covers the fundamentals of fuzzy logic and its application in control, model identification, information systems and pattern recognition, as well as in conjunction with artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 477 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 580 - Communications Engineering

    Topics include: probability theory, random processes, optimum receivers, vector channels, matched filters, block orthogonal signaling, time-bandwidth product, channel capacity, and implementation of coded systems. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 515 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 581 - Estimation and Detection Theory

    Mathematical fundamentals of optimal signal-processing strategies. Neyman-Pearson and Bayes Detectors applied to radar and sonar systems. Maximum Likelihood and Bayes Estimators and applications. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 515.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 590 - Neural Networks

    Introduces artificial neural networks. Provides supervised and unsupervised learning in single and multi-layer networks, software implementation, hardware overview. Applications in pattern recognition and image analysis. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 598 - Selected Advanced Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Advanced topics not regularly covered in other courses. Content varies. May be repeated for credit. (Fall and Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECE 599 - Selected Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Advanced independent study for qualified students who present suitable projects for intensive investigation in the area of faculty interest. (Fall/Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECE 643 - Microelectronic Devices II

    A continuation of topics undertaken in ECE 543. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 543.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 662 - Microwave Acoustics

    A study of the theory of acoustic wave propagation in piezoelectric media. Focuses on bulk acoustic waves and guided acoustic waves and use of these waves in microwave acoustic devices such as sensors. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 550, ECE 552 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 663 - Design and Fabrication of Surface Wave Devices

    Covers the design, fabrication and measurement of surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices, e.g. delay lines, filters, resonators, oscillators, convolvers and sensors. Topics include: planar fabrication techniques, surface properties of piezolectric crystals, photolithography, vacuum technologies for thin film deposition, electronic systems for the measurements of impulse and frequency response, phase and group velocity, insertion loss, distortions and spurious effects. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 550, ECE 662 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 667 - Solid State Device Theory II

    Theory of electronic properties of solids. Topics include: statistical mechanics, free electron theory, thermoelectric effects semiconductor theory and electronic transport properties in semiconductors. Lec 3. (Summer.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 565.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 699 - Graduate Thesis

    Selected research problems. (Fall and Spring.)

    Credits: Ar
  • ECO 107 - The World Economy: Changes and Challenges

    Introduces the world economy as a transnational economic system and describes its basic structure for allocating and distributing economic resources. Covers such issues as: international trade and capital flows; international financial institutions; comparative economic growth and development; economic effects of world population growth and demographic change.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions and Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirements.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 120 - Principles of Microeconomics

    Principles of microeconomics and their application to economic issues and problems. Analysis of the economic decision-making of individuals and firms; markets and pricing; monopoly power; income distribution; the role of government intervention in markets.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 121 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    Principles of macroeconomics and their application to modern economic issues and problems. Analysis of national income and employment; fluctuations in national income; monetary and fiscal policy; control of inflation, unemployment, and growth; and international aspects of macroeconomic performance.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 310 - Introduction to Economics/Accelerated

    An accelerated introduction to the principles of micro- and macro-economics for those preparing for graduate school who have not taken an introductory economics course. Theories of business and consumer behavior. Competitive and non-competitive markets. The determination of national income. Monetary theory and policy. Government regulatory, budgetary and fiscal policy. Principles of international trade and finance.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    baccalaureate degree or senior standing and permission of the instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 329 - Global Political Economy

    Description, analysis and evaluation of the newly emerging global economy. Systematic and holistic assessment of the origins, characteristics and institutions of the global economy in light of economic and other social science theories. Topics include political, economic and technological changes at the global level, transnational corporations, international monetary institutions (World Bank, International Monetary Fund) and the implications of globalization for the relevance of traditional economic theory and policy.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions and Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 333 - Labor Markets and Human Resource Development

    Topics include: labor market dynamics, the structure of labor markets, preparation for employment, labor market problems of special groups, remedial manpower programs, labor markets and public policy.

    Satisfies the General Education Ethics Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 336 - Marxian Economics

    A dynamic macro-analytical critique of the functioning of a capitalist society. Covers theoretical comparisons with orthodox economic theory and an introduction to American radicals (neo-Marxian) and their thought.

    Satisfies the General Education Western Cultural Tradition Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or the equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 338 - Economic Development

    Theories and practices of interregional and international economic development. Emphasis on development problems of emerging nations.

    Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 339 - International Finance

    Analysis of the fundamental characteristics of an open macroeconomy including exchange rate determination, balance of payments adjustment, income determination, financial flows, effect of monetary and fiscal policies on exchange rates, economic integration and global monetary issues.

    Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 340 - The Canadian Economy: Issues and Policies

    Survey of the structure and functioning of the Canadian economic system, its problems and the policies used to solve them.

    Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 343 - North American Economic Integration

    Covers the emergence of trading blocs in North America and the conflict involved in the passage of North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Also covers the economic costs and benefits for Canada, the United States and Mexico (including the relocation of production and job loss). The future of North American economic integration will be addressed.

    Satisfies the General Education Western Cultural Tradition Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 353 - Money and Banking

    Examines the American banking and financial system including monetary theory and policy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 368 - Economics of Regulation

    Examination of the institutions and economic issues related to public utility regulation in the United States.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 370 - Topics in Economics

    Includes readings, research and discussions. Topics vary depending on faculty and student interests.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECO 371 - Public Finance and Fiscal Policy

    Covers public expenditure theory, principles of taxation, the federal budget and alternative budget policies, federal tax policy, fiscal policy for stabilization, federal debt.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 372 - State and Local Government Finance

    Topics include: development of the federal system, fiscal performance, intergovernmental fiscal relations, state and local revenue systems, budgetary practices, state and local debt.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 399 - Readings in Economics

    Supervised readings or research in topics not covered by regular course offerings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 and permission. Junior or senior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 420 - Intermediate Microeconomics

    A study of theories of consumer behavior, markets ,the firm, and distribution.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121, or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 421 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    Analysis of the basic forces that cause fluctuations in economic activity and their effects on employment, investment, and business firms. Stabilization proposals examined and evaluated.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 443 - Introduction to Modern Economic Growth

    An introduction to the empirical aspects of economic growth and an exploration of the major determinants of growth and decline, including the roles of technological progress and research and development, human capital accumulation, technology transfer, intellectual property rights and other socio-political institutions.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 445 - Urban-Regional Economics

    Economics of business and household location decisions and the formation and spatial distribution of urban places. Economics of land rent, intraurban land use allocation, and the suburbanization of households and businesses. Economics of urban and regional growth and decline and the effects of public policies involving taxation, industry subsidies, public service and infrastructure supply and environmental regulations and quality.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420 or the equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 449 - International Trade

    An examination of the microeconomics foundations of international trade, including the historical evolution of theories that explain the international exchange of goods and services. Focus will be on the “real trade theory” and on major emerging policy issues in international trade, including growth in the volume of international trade and the benefits and costs of the removal of trade barriers through international trade agreements.

    Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives and Writing Intensive Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 470 - Topics in Economics

    Includes readings, research, and discussions. Topics vary depending on faculty and student interests.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive and Capstone Experience Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420 and ECO 421 or permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECO 475 - Industrial Organization

    Explores the relationship between market structure, conduct and performance. Development of a general analytical framework to assess performance in existing markets and evaluation of current public policy on this basis.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions, Writing Intensive and Capstone Experience Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 480 - Introduction to Mathematical Economics

    Mathematics used as a language in presenting concepts of economic theory.

    Satisfies the General Education Mathematics Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420, ECO 421, MAT 114 or MAT 126.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 485 - Introduction to Economic Statistics and Econometrics

    Surveys the application of probability and statistics to economic problems. Emphasis on construction and testing of economic hypotheses. Practical application of regression techniques, including use of computer, occupies second half of course. Strong algebra skills required.

    Satisfies the General Education Mathematics, Writing Intensive and Capstone Experience Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420 or ECO 421, MAT 215.

    Credits: 3-4
  • ECO 499 - Readings in Economics

    Supervised readings or research in topics not covered by regular course offerings. Offered at student request. (May be repeated for credit.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420 and ECO 421 and permission. Junior or senior standing required.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 511 - Macroeconomic Theory

    An examination of the development of modern economic analysis with regard to employment, income distribution, and stabilization policies.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 524 - Advanced International Finance

    Analysis of the fundamental characteristics of an open macroeconomy including exchange rate determination, balance of payments adjustment, income determination, financial flows, effect of monetary and fiscal policies, economic integration, and global monetary issues. (May not be offered every year.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 421 and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 525 - Advanced Topics in Economic Development

    Presents concepts, tools and models in contemporary economic theory relevant to development problems. Also explores applications to public policy. (May not be offered every year.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420, ECO 421 and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 533 - Economics of Human Capital

    Considers the role of human capital theory in understanding labor market outcomes and in policy decisions involving the allocation of funds to education and training programs. (May not be offered every year.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420 and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 545 - Advanced Regional Economics

    Theories of the development of subnational economic regions, principally in the United States. Factors that influence firm and household interregional location and migration decisions. The impact of public policy on growth and adjustment. Attention to econometric evidence is emphasized. (May not be offered every year.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    INT 514.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 565 - Graduate Economics Practicum

    Presents material on conducting and presenting economic research, with an emphasis on application to economic policy. Requires completion and presentation of a substantial research project.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 590 - Advanced Topics in Economics

    Theoretical and empirical analysis of one or more major economic policy issues. (May not be offered every year.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 420 and ECO 421 and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 699 - Graduate Thesis

    Graduate Thesis

    Credits: Ar
  • EDA 521 - Evaluation of Instruction

    A basic course for elementary and secondary school teachers. Emphasis on utilizing various strategies of evaluation in classroom and school.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDB 202 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EDA 570 - Models of Educational Evaluation

    A study of the different models of educational evaluation including procedures for designing and implementing both formative and summative evaluation studies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDA 520 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • EDB 202 - Schools, Students, and Society

    An interdisciplinary examination of the school-society relationship in the United States. Examines and evaluates the political, economic, social, and academic purposes and ethical issues that shape teaching and schooling practices and policies.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Context and Institutions and the Writing Intensive Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ENG 101 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • EDB 204 - The Teaching Process

    Examines procedures of instructional planning, including improved use of small groups, classroom space, and appropriate teaching materials; measurement, evaluation, and reporting of pupil learning. Prerequisite to student teaching in all regular undergraduate programs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    teacher candidacy approved minor or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EDB 221 - Educational Psychology

    A scientific study of human development, learning, cognition and teaching. Emphasis on theory and research and their application to educational problems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PSY 100 and sophomore standing.

    Credits: 3
  • EDB 504 - Inquiry Into Teaching and Learning

    Explores the substance of classroom instruction and student learning. Current research and practice in teaching, learning, school culture and context will serve as the foundation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Admission to the Master of Arts in Teaching Program.

    Credits: 3
  • EDC 333 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation

    Provides the prospective teacher with an overview of theory and research in the field of curriculum, plus “hands-on” experience in curriculum development. Historical, philosophical and sociological perspectives on both the explicit and the hidden curriculum. Exploration and guided practice in the processes of writing and evaluating curricula for local school districts.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDB 202, EDB 204, EDB 221.

    Credits: 1.5 - 3
  • EDC 524 - Curriculum and Organization of Middle Schools and Junior High Schools

    A thorough exploration of the educational program for pre and early-adolescents, including growth and development issues, curriculum planning processes, curriculum development in various subject areas and across subjects, and organizational issues.

    Credits: 3
  • EDC 533 - Dynamics of the Curriculum

    Examines problems and issues of curriculum development common to all areas of instruction and all educational levels. Provides an opportunity to acquire concepts and skills which may be applied to the curriculum development process in local school districts.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDB 202, EDB 204, EDB 221 or equivalents.

    Credits: 3
  • EDC 595 - Leadership in Curriculum Design for Administrators/Supervisors

    Role function and practices for the curriculum leader.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDC 533 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EDG 298 - Teacher Candidacy Field Experience

    Students will observe in educational settings social agencies or working with K-12 schools, complete field experience guidelines report and assist teachers and professionals. May be repeated for a total of three credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • EDG 400 - Field Observation (Activity)

    Study of education programs through visits, consultation and appraisal of practices in selected schools, instructional centers, clinics, laboratories and community agencies. Observations are considered in relation to research theory and practice.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Corequisite: To be taken in conjunction with methods course(s).

    Credits: 1-6
  • EDG 498 - Problems in Education

    Individual work on a problem selected by the student. Primarily for Education majors.

    Credits: Ar
  • EDG 499 - Alternative Practicum and Seminar in Education

    A combined practicum and seminar course drawing upon academic and professional course work. Students examine and reflect on their understandings about teaching and learning, apply integrated educational skills and knowledge in contexts other than K-12 classrooms and fitness settings, and develop projects that synthesize academic and professional experiences.

    Satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    At least senior standing required and completion of all other program requirements or permission.

    Credits: 3-6
  • EDG 595 - Educational Research

    Evaluates selected research in education in relation to the appropriateness of the design to the stated purpose of the study. Students select and present research problem with special attention to design and studies related to it.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDS 521.

    Credits: 3
  • EDG 657 - Educational Practicum (Activity)

    Supervised practice in applying professional skills to administration, supervision, science education, social studies, special education and language instruction. Activity will be selected by the student and advisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    permission obtained well in advanced.

    Credits: 1-6
  • EDG 691 - Graduate Apprenticeship

    Apprenticeship training in supervision, administration, social studies, special education, physical education, science education or another area of interest. Available only to full-time graduate students with permission well in advance of class meeting.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    permission of graduate advisor.

    Credits: 2-6
  • EDG 693 - Educational Internship

    Provides on-the-job experience through special arrangements with cooperating University departments, community agencies, or public schools.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    permission of instructor and advisor, obtained well in advance.

    Credits: 2-6
  • EDH 500 - Seminar in Social Context of Education

    Considers competing interpretations of the relationships between schools and society, the impact of race, class, and gender on education, and issues of continuity and change in policy and practice.

    Credits: 3
  • EDH 501 - Social Context of Education

    Provides a theoretical framework for analyzing the influences of schools, families, communitites, government policies, society and culture on student learning and classroom interactions, along with exploration of specific illustrativve examples of importance to beginning teachers.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Admission to the Master of Arts in Teaching Program.

    Credits: 3
  • EDH 540 - Students at Risk and Their Families

    Examines the roles of educational personnel in addressing the needs of students at risk in the context of contemporary schooling and family life. Identifies various “at risk” categories. Considers implications for school improvement programs, individual intervention, referrals to community services and community action coalitions.

    Credits: 3
  • EDH 600 - Seminar: Education in the United States

    Provides background in the history, philosophy and issues of modern education.

    Credits: 3
  • EDH 662 - Philosophy of Education

    Examines the contribution of philosophers to modern education. Analyses of principles and practices of education in relation to philosophic ideals.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Matriculation in a doctoral program or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EDM 520 - Teaching in Middle School/Junior High School

    Reviews the unique demands that children in grades five through eight place on teachers as a direct result of normal developmental patterns. Focus on specific teaching behaviors that deal effectively with each of these demands, with special attention to problems of peer influences, periodicity of brain growth, and effects of uneven growth patterns.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    teaching experience or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 500 - Directed Readings (area)

    Opportunity to read in a particular area of education under faculty direction.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Masters and CAS level and permission.

    Credits: Ar
  • EDS 510 - Introduction to Educational Research

    For graduate students in education and related fields. Topics include: locating educational research reports, abstracting and evaluating sources, understanding statistical symbols, examining inquiry methodology and communicating about research. Designed for consumers of research. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 520 - Educational Assessment

    An introduction to the concepts, principles and practices associated with design and conduct of assesments in education. Teacher-made assessments, standardized achievement tests and large-scale assessments will be considered.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 521 - Statistical Methods in Education I

    Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics as applied to education and human behavior. Emphasis on parametric statistics.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 522 - Statistical Methods in Education II

    Builds on the statistical foundation provided in EDS 521. Topics include: power analysis, factorial and repeated-measures analysis of variance, multiple regression and factor analysis. Students use statistical software for data analysis.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDS 521 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 569 - Seminar in Educational Leadership

    Discussion and reports structured around a series of topics on organizational theory, educational leadership practice and a list of readings.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 571 - Qualitative Research: Theory, Design and Practice

    Examination and use of phenomenological approaches to social science research, emphasizing ethnographic methods in education and human service settings. Field work required. Typically offered over two semesters.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDS 521 or equivalent and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 600 - Directed Readings (area)

    Opportunity to read in a particular area of education under faculty direction.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Doctoral Students and permission.

    Credits: 1-6
  • EDS 615 - Seminar in Methods of Teaching

    Discussions and reports on specific problems in the area of teaching.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    a basic course in methods or a year of teaching experience.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 641 - Seminar in Supervision

    Considers problems related to the improvement of instruction. Specific topics will normally be determined by the needs of the class.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EAD 500, EAD 510 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 642 - Seminar in School Administration

    Considers problems related to the operation and control of the school.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EAD 500 and EAD 615 or equivalents.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 643 - Seminar-The Superintendent

    Discussion and reports on specific problems in the field of high school superintendency.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Master’s degree in Administration.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 644 - Seminar in Interpersonal Dimensions of Leadership

    Examines interpersonal and substantive factors in the leadership of educational organizations. Employs simulated situations to pose common dilemmas and assay their resolution.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EAD 500, EAD 550, EAD 615 or EAD 650 and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 676 - Doctoral Seminar in Educational Administration

    Examines major theoretical perspectives on the organization of education systems. Students develop research questions and a writing style appropriate for doctoral level work. Required for doctoral students in educational administration.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • EDS 699 - Graduate Thesis

    Graduate Thesis

    Credits: Ar
  • EDT 400 - Computers in Education

    An introduction for students majoring in education. Nature and use of the computer and its impact on the curriculum and other areas of education are studied. Laboratory experience in developing practical programs using the computer included.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • EDT 500 - Summer Technology Institute

    A one week summer technology immersion designed to help classroom teachers plan how to integrate new technologies into their existing classrooms.

    Credits: 3
  • EDT 520 - Technology Tools for K-12 Schools

    Provides practical and understandable information about integrating technology in K-12 classrooms. Examines tool applications (WD, DB, SS and Telecommunications), multimedia and categories of software. Explores ways these support learning.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDT 400 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EDT 525 - Telecommunication in K-12 Classrooms

    Telecommunications used to support teaching and learning in K-12 environments.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDT 400 or EDT 520 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EDT 527 - Networking and Troubleshooting Basics for Educators

    The basics of networking and troubleshooting for designing, building and managing a Local Area Network (LAN) in a classroom environment.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDT 520.

    Credits: 3
  • EDT 530 - Introduction to Hypermedia in Education

    Presents hypermedia tools for Macintosh and/or PC platforms. Emphasizes writing code for Hypermedia applications.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDT 400 or EDT 520.

    Credits: 3
  • EDT 535 - Multimedia Design for Teaching and Learning

    Develops skill in educational multimedia design and development using educational software found in most schools.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDT 530.

    Credits: 3
  • EDT 540 - Instructional Design

    Principles of strategic and systematic design, implementation and evaluation of instruction with emphasis on integration of technology.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDT 520.

    Credits: 3

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