Minimum number of credits required to graduate: 120
Minimum Cumulative GPA required to graduate: 2.0
Minimum Grade requirements for courses to count toward major: A C or higher is required in CHF 200 and CHF 201 . Students in the Early Childhood Education concentration are required to earn a B or higher in CHF 200 , CHF 201 , CHF 203 , CHF 303 , CHF 321 , CHF 322 , CHF 329 , CHF 331 or EHD 203 , CHF 304 or EHD 400 , CHF 424 , CHF 450 , EDT 400 , EHD 101 , EHD 202 , EHD 204 , EHD 301 , ERL 317 , ERL 319 , and SED 302 .
Other GPA requirements to graduate: Students in Early Childhood Education need a 2.75 GPA to apply for teacher candidacy.
Required Course(s) for fulfilling Capstone Experience: CHF 423 (Individual and Family Studies Concentration, Early Childhood Professional Concentration, and Research Concentration) or CHF 424 (Early Childhood Education Concentration)
Contact Information: The Advising Center, 100 Shibles Hall (207) 581-2412 or email the Advising Center at: advisingcenter@maine.edu
Transfer Policy
Students at the University of Maine wishing to transfer to this major should have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 for Early Childhood Education concentration or a 2.5 cumulative GPA for all other concentrations.