Requirements on Electives:
A total of 24 additional credits of electives must be chosen from the
(broadly construed) areas of the Arts and Humanities, and Social Sciences (at
least 6 credits in each area and at least 6 credits in upper level courses).
These electives must be taken from the disciplines listed below. The University
requires 18 of these credits to be in the area of Human Values and Social
Context with six specific sub-categories defined. Lists of courses meeting this
requirement are available from your advisor. The above requirements are
overlapping and courses may be chosen to satisfy several requirements at once.
Social and Behavioral Science: Anthropology, International Affairs -
Anthropology, Communication Disorders, Communication, Economics, International
Affairs - Economics, Journalism, Mass Communication, Political Science,
International Affairs - Political Science, Psychology, Sociology.
Arts and Humanities: Art, English, French, German, History, International
Affairs, Foreign Languages, International Affairs, History, Latin, Modern
Languages, Music, Philosophy, Romance Languages, Spanish, Theatre .
Two additional courses (6-8 credits) emphasizing quantitative methods must be
taken. Current courses meeting this requirement are: AST 109, 110, 215, 216, BMB
207, 208, BIO 100, 201, 202, 204, 208, 280, CHY 121 and 123, CHY 132 and
124/134, GES 101, 102, 103, 140, 314, PHY 236 and 229, PHY 238 and 230, PHY 4xx,
SMS 370.