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    The University of Maine
    Mar 02, 2025  
2021-2022 UMaine Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 UMaine Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

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The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is dedicated to providing a sound education in the liberal arts and to imparting the specific knowledge and skills required for careers in one of its many representative disciplines. This education, both in its breadth and its approach to learning, leads students to an enlightened sense of themselves, their heritage, their world; prepares them for responsible and active citizenship; and prompts those habits of thought and expression crucial to a lifetime of active learning. A major goal of the college is to provide students with the ability to think independently, to analyze, and to solve problems creatively.


Bachelor of Arts in:
Art Education
Art History
Bachelor of University Studies, CLAS pathway
Computer Science
Human Dimensions of Climate Change
Interdisciplinary Studies
International Affairs
Media Studies
New Media
Political Science
Romance Languages
Studio Art
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Bachelor of Fine Arts in:
Studio Art

Bachelor of Music in:
Music Education
Music Performance

Bachelor of Science in:
Computer Science

Art History
Canadian Studies
Classical Studies
Computer Science
Criminal Justice
Creative Writing
Ethics, and Political Philosophy
Film and Video
Folklore and Traditional Arts
Franco American Studies
Graphic Design
Human-Computer Interaction
Human Dimensions of Climate Change
International Affairs
Jazz Studies
Judaic Studies
Leadership Studies
Legal Studies
Maine Studies
Marxist and Socialist Studies
Media Studies
Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Mental Health and Rehabilitation
Native American Studies
New Media
Political Science
Political Theory
Professional Languages
Professioal Skills for the Liberal Arts Major
Professional Writing
Religious Studies
Studio Art
The Constitution and American Law
Technical Technology
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Institutional Credit Requirements:

All majors in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences require a minimum of 15 institutional credits in the major, and all minors require a minimum of 9. For purposes of this requirement, institutional credit is defined as all University of Maine (Orono) courses regardless of delivery method (face-to-face, online, ITV, etc).

Please note that some CLAS majors and minors may have more restrictive institutional credit requirements. Students wishing to pursue a particular CLAS major or minor should review the catalog information pertaining to the specific major or minor of interest.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduation Requirements:

In order to graduate from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the following must be satisfied:

1. Completion of all university-wide General Education requirements.

2. Completion of all requirements for a specific academic major within the college.  Double majors and double degrees in closely related disciplines are not permitted. Questions regarding double majors and/or degrees should be addressed to the associate dean of the college.

3. To complete their degree, students must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in the courses in the major field that are credited toward completion of the major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Students graduating with a minor in a CLAS field must likewise earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in the courses in the minor field that are credited toward completion of the minor.

4. A minimum total of 120 credits.  (Please note that some majors require more than 120 credits).

5. For Bachelor of Arts students only, satisfactory completion of the B.A. Distribution Requirements (see text below). 

Bachelor of Arts Distribution Requirements:

In order to ensure depth as well as breadth of study, the following rules apply to students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences:

1. All students pursuing a B.A. degree must complete a minimum of 60 credits outside of the academic major.

2. All students pursuing a B.A degree are subject to the following credit limitations: 

    a. Students may count a maximum of 15 credits in military science (MSL) or naval science (NAV) toward the required 120. To count, credits must be at the upper (300-400) level, or if lower (100-200) level must be on the University’s official list of approved general education courses. In no case may the combination of lower and upper level credits used toward the required 120 exceed the maximum allowance of 15.

    b. A maximum of 2 physical education (KPE) skills credits may be used toward the 120 required for the B.A. degree. Examples of skills credits include golf, tennis, racquetball, etc.

3. Students matriculating effective Fall 2011 must complete an academic minor or a second academic major.

4. Students matriculating before Fall 2011, with no more than a two year break in enrollment, may elect the newer requirement (3A) or meet the former requirement: they must complete nine upper level credits in an area outside the academic major that have not been presented to satisfy a University of Maine General Education requirement in Human Values & Social Contexts, Math and/or Science.  Students in an interdisciplinary major should consult with their academic advisor or the college office for guidance. Note: upper level courses must be at the 200 level or above and must have a prerequisite course.

5. Students in a CLAS major who complete the preparatory courses necessary to enter the 5-year MBA program (ACC 201 ; ACC 202 ; ECO 120; ECO 121; either MKT 270 , MGT 325 , or FIN 350 ; and a statistics course approved by CLAS), totaling at least 18 credit hours, will be considered to have met the minor requirement in 3A, although no minor will be listed on their transcript.


Academic Advising:
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is committed to fostering and maintaining a positive relationship between students and faculty. To help achieve this goal, all new students will be assigned to a faculty academic advisor in the discipline in which they intend to major. Undeclared students will be assigned to an advisor in the college’s Advising and Academic Services Center.  Contact information for advisors may be found on the student’s Maine Street home page.  The college urges students to make appointments to see their advisors (or an Assoc. Dean of the College) whenever they have academic concerns.

Advising and Academic Services Center:
The Advising and Academic Services Center (AASC) was established with the goal of increasing student access, connection, satisfaction, and retention in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The AASC works to achieve this goal though a holistic advising approach, providing support for all students as well as directing them to additional academic resources on campus. The Explorations Program, which serves students undecided about an academic program and students who were not accepted into their first academic program of choice, is also part of the AASC. Academic Advisors and Success Instructors serve Explorations Program students during their first year at UMaine while assisting them with choosing a major and being academically successful.

Declaring the Academic Major:
Students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are encouraged to explore a wide variety of academic options before declaring a major. Students must declare an academic major when they have accumulated 54 degree credits but may declare a major at any time prior to that.

Changing Colleges:
The College normally accepts all current University of Maine students from other baccalaureate programs who have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and are in good academic standing on the effective date of change. 

In unusual circumstances, students who have less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point average may be allowed to change colleges. Students in this situation should discuss their request for change with the college associate dean.

Foreign Language Requirements:
Some majors  have special language requirements for BA degree students, as follows: NOTE: Intermediate level proficiency, here, means the equivalent of two semesters of an intermediate level language course; e.g. SPA 203, 204.

  • ART: 6 credits in one foreign language is required for students who major in Art History.
  • COMMUNICATION: 3-6 credits from French, German, Spanish, American Sign Language or other language.
  • ENGLISH: A minor in a second language is one option for an outside field requirement.
  • HISTORY: Three years of a foreign language is one option for an outside field requirement.
  • INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS: Rating of “intermediate” on oral proficiency Interview (OPI).  See International Affairs catalog copy for details.
  • JOURNALISM: 3-6 credits from French, German, Spanish, American Sign Language or other language.

  • MASS COMMUNICATION: 3-6 credits from French, German, Spanish, American Sign Language or other language.

  • MUSIC: One year of a foreign language, which can be either the continuation of the language taken in high school or a new language.

  • THEATER: One semester of any language course (3 credits minimum).

Language Competency and Placement Exams in Modern Languages:
Finding the appropriate level at which to take a language course is essential for success.  To assist in this determination, the Department of Modern Languages and Classics offers both competency and placement examinations in French and Spanish.  Students with three or more years of study in high school may opt to attempt credit by examination (competency exam). 

The Department of Modern Languages and Classics does not give automatic credit if a student does not continue in the language at UMaine. Credit will be awarded for intermediate language only if a student is enrolled for at least one additional course and passes it with a grade of B- or higher. For example: if a student has tested out of FRE 202 or SPA 204, the student must successfully complete FRE 305 or SPA 305 or an equivalent course in order to receive credit for one course at the intermediate level.  Upon completion of a second course with a grade of B- or higher, a student will be awarded credit for the second semester of the intermediate course sequence.

The Modern Languages and Classics Department accepts Advanced Placement Examinations in Foreign Languages and Literature, as well as the Seal of Biliteracy, for degree credit. See the Advanced Placement Credit Table   or the Seal of Biliteracy Credit Table  in the Undergraduate Catalog for more information.  

For further information, contact the Department of Modern Languages and Classics (207-581-2072), 5472 Little Hall, Room 201, The University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5742.

Critical Languages Program:
The Department of Modern Languages and Classics offers beginning and some intermediate courses in a number of other languages in addition to French and Spanish, including American Sign Language, German, Hebrew, Latin, and Mandarin Chinese.  In addition, Arabic, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, and Urdu classes are available through the Critical Languages Program. 

The program follows a modified version of the self-instructional pedagogy advocated by NASILP (National Association of Self-Instructional Language Programs), a method loosely based on the one used by the Foreign Service Institute.  It is effective because it requires active, committed learning by students through the study of appropriate materials, frequent practice, and the availability of accurate linguistic models provided by the native-speaker tutor-instructor.  The program also includes three hours of drills/practice a week in small tutorials of 3 to 8 students. For more information, contact the coordinator of the Critical Languages Program at (207) 581-2093.


Launched in 2018, dwell is an undergraduate journal published and edited collaboratively by students with an interest in philosophy. It is released annually in print form.

The Open Field:
The Open Field, an undergraduate literary annual, is edited and published by students in the Department of English. Stolen Island is an annual edited and published by graduate students in English.

Program Contacts

Samuel Hanes
228 South Stevens Hall

Justin Wolff
Lord Hall

Canadian-American Center
Frédéric Rondeau, Director

Alice Bruce
271 Aubert Hall

Communication and Journalism
Judith Rosenbaum, Chair
414 Dunn Hall

School of Computing and Information Science
Penny Rheingans
348A Boardman Hall

Steven Evans
304A Neville Hall
207. 81.3823

​Franco-American Studies
Susan Pinette, Director

Stephen Miller
255 Stevens Hall

International Affairs
James Settele
Executive Director, School of Policy & International Affairs

Judaic Studies
Derek Michaud
The Maples

Maine Studies/Maine Folklife Center
Kreg Ettenger,  Coordinator
112B South Stevens Hall

Mathematics and Statistics
Nigel Pitt 
333 Neville Hall

McGillicuddy Humanities Center
Michael Socolow, Director
434 Dunn Hall
Modern Languages and Classics
Carlos Villacorta Gonzales
214 Little Hall
Native American Studies
Darren Ranco, Chair of Native American Programs

New Media
Penny Rheingans
348A Boardman Hall

Kirsten Jacobson
The Maples

Physics and Astronomy
John Thompson
223 Bennett Hall

School of Policy and International Affairs
James Settele, Director
239 North Stevens Hall

Political Science
Mark Brewer, Acting Chair
113A North Stevens Hall

Thane Fremouw
301A Little Hall

Religious Studies
Derek Michaud
The Maples

School of Performing Arts
Laura Artesani (Division of Music)
Class of 1944 Hall

Daniel Bilodeau(Division of Theatre)
Class of 1944 Hall

Richard Powell, Acting Chair
 243 North Stevens Hall
Richard Corey, Director
Carnegie Hall
Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Laura Cowan
Director of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program

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