Feb 10, 2025
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Course Prefixes
AED - Art Education
ANT - Anthropology
ARH - Art History
ART - Art
AST - Astronomy
AVS - Animal and Veterinary Sciences
BIO - Biological Sciences
BLE - Biological Engineering
BLS - Black Studies
BMB - Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology
BUA - Business Administration
CAN - Canadian Studies
CEC - Education-Counseling
CET - Civil Engineering Technology
CHB - Chemical and Biological Engineering
CHE - Chemical Engineering
CHF - Child Development and Family Relations
CHY - Chemistry
CIE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
CLA - Classics
CMJ - Communication and Journalism
COS - Computer Science
CSD - Communication Sciences and Disorders
DAN - Dance
DIS - Disability Studies
EAD - Education-Administration
EAE - Education-Adult Education
ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECO - Economics
ECP - Engineering Communication Project
EDA - Education-Measurement and Testing
EDB - Education-Basic Professional
EDC - Education-Curriculum
EDG/EDU - Education-General
EDH/EDM - Education-History and Philosophy
EDS - Education-Research
EDT - Education-Telecommunications
EDW - Education-Workshops
EEL - Education-Early Literacy
EES - Ecology and Environmental Science
EET - Electrical Engineering Technology
EGS - Education-Gender Studies
EHD - Education-Human Development
ELL - Education-Language Learning
ELS - English Language Skills
EMA - Education-Mathematics
EML - Education-Middle Level
ENG - English
EPT - Education-Psychology
ERL - Education-Literacy
ERR - Education-Reading Recovery
ERS - Earth Sciences
ESC - Education-Science
ESS - Education-Social Studies
FAS - Franco American Studies
FES - Forest Ecosystem Science
FRE - French
FSC - Forest Operations Science
FSN - Food Science and Nutrition
FTY - Forestry
FYE - First-Year Experience
GEE - General Engineering
GEO - Geography
GER - German
GPS - Global Positioning Systems
GRE - Greek
HED - Education-Higher Education
HON - Honors
HTY - History
HUD - Human Development
IEI - Intensive English Instistute
INA - International Affairs
INT - Interdisciplinary
ISE - Information Systems Engineering
KPE - Kinesiology and Physical Education
LAS - Liberal Arts and Sciences
LAT - Latin
LBR - Library
LHC - Landscape Horticulture
LIB - Liberal Studies
LST - Labor Studies
MAT - Mathematics and Statistics
MEE - Mechanical Engineering
MES - Marine Studies
MET - Mechanical Engineering Technology
MLC - Modern Languages and Classics
MSE - Museum Education
MSL - Military Science and Leadership
MUE - Music-Education
MUH - Music-History
MUL - Music-Literature
MUO - Music-Organizations and Ensembles
MUP - Music-Performance
MUS - Music-General
MUY - Music-Theory
NAS - Native American Studies
NAV - Naval Science
NFA - Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
NMD - New Media
NUR - Nursing
ONE - Onward-English
ONM - Onward-Mathematics
ONO - Onward-Orientation
ONR - Onward-Reading
ONS - Onward-Science
PAA - Public Administration
PAX - Peace Studies
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POS - Political Science
PPA - Pulp and Paper Technology
PRT - Parks, Recreation and Tourism
PSE - Plant, Soil and Environmental Science
PSY - Psychology
REP - Resource Economics and Policy
SED - Education-Special Education
SEI - Special Education-Early Intervention
SIE - Spatial Information Engineering
SMS - Marine Sciences
SMT - Science and Mathematics
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
STT - Education-Student Teaching
SVT - Surveying Engineering Technology
SWK - Social Work
THE - Theatre
TME - Technical Mathematics for Engineering
TSO - Technology and Society
UST - University Studies
WLE - Wildlife Ecology
WSC - Wood Science and Technology
WST - Women’s Studies
BPPH - College of Business, Public Policy and Health
EDHD - College of Education and Human Development
EGR - College of Engineering
LAS - College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
NSFA - College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
DLL - Division of Lifelong Learning
AVS - Animal and Veterinary Sciences
ANT - Anthropology
ART - Art
BLS - Black Studies
BMB - Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology
CAN - Canadian Studies
CHB - Chemical and Biological Engineering
CHY - Chemistry
CIE - Civil and Environmental Engineering
CMJ - Communication and Journalism
COS - Computer Science
CSD - Communication Sciences and Disorders
DAN - Dance
DIS - Disability Studies
ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
EES - Ecology and Environmental Sciences
ENG - English
ERS - Earth Sciences
EXP - Explorations
FAS - Franco American Studies
FES - Forest Ecosystem Science
FSC - Forest Operations Science
FSN - Food Science and Human Nutrition
GEE - General Engineering
HDF - Human Development and Family Studies
HON - Honors
HTY - History
IEI - Intensive English Institute
INT - Interdisciplinary Studies
KPE - Kinesiology and Physical Education
LBR - Library
LED - Labor Education
MBS - Maine Business School
MAT - Mathematics and Statistics
MEE - Mechanical Engineering
MLC - Modern Languages and Classics
MSL - Military Science and Leadership
MST - Center for Science and Mathematics Education Research
MUS - Music
NAS - Native American Studies
NAV - Naval Science
NFA - Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
NMD - New Media
NUR - School of Nursing
ONW - Onward
PAA - Public Administration
PAX - Peace Studies
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics and Astronomy
POS - Political Science
PRT - Parks, Recreation and Tourism
PSE - Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences
PSY - Psychology
REP - Resource Economics and Policy
SBE - School of Biology and Ecology
SET - School of Engineering Technology
SFR - School of Forest Resources
SIE - Spatial Information Engineering
SMS - School of Marine Science
SOC - Sociology
SSWK - School of Social Work
THE - Theatre
TSO - Technology and Society
UST - University Studies
WLE - Wildlife Ecology
WSC - Wood Science and Technology
WST - Women’s Studies