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    Sep 23, 2024  
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • CHE 533 - Introduction to Polymer Processing

    The application of engineering principles to polymer processing with particular emphasis on applied rheology, extruder design, die design, spinning, molding, and sheet fabrication. Emphasis on mathematical modeling of processes and the effects of processing on the products formed. Lec 3. (Offered by arrangement.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHE 362, CHY 386 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHE 540 - Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

    Studies of phase and reaction equilibria in multi-component, non-ideal, and complex systems. Flow and non-flow systems. Application of general thermodynamic methods to problems in chemical engineering. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Credits: 3
  • CHE 561 - Advanced Chemical Engineering Kinetics

    Examines theory of homophase and heterophase catalysis and chemical transformation as a base for process design. Includes chain reactions, acid-base catalysis, enzymes, and commercial case studies such as hydrocarbon synthesis, organic oxidations, cracking, and platforming. Lec 3. (Offered by arrangement.)

    Credits: 3
  • CHE 575 - Paper Surface Science

    Deals with the fundamentals of paper surface treatment such as sizing, printing and glueing, with emphasis on paper coating. Issues such as adhesion, light scattering, rheology, fluid dynamics and film formation will be covered. (Offered by arrangement.)

    Credits: 3
  • CHE 580 - Chemical Engineering Analysis

    Modeling and simulation of chemical engineering processes. Emphasis on the formation of a model using ordinary and partial differential equations, and on the solution of the model using numerical methods. (Offered by arrangement.)

    Credits: 3
  • CHE 585 - Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering

    Solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations encountered in transport phenomena, chemical kinetics and process control. Series solutions involving Bessel functions, Legendre functions and Gamma functions. Use of Laplace transforms and approximate methods. Solution of difference equations for discrete systems. Application of vectors and tensors. (Offered by arrangement.)

    Credits: 3
  • CHE 598 - Special Topics in Chemical Engineering

    Special topics presented as need and interest require. Topics will include studies relevant to fields of application, such as pulp and paper, polymers, process control, materials conversion, and surface properties. (Offered by arrangement.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: Ar
  • CHE 695 - Graduate Seminar I

    Reports and discussion of recent developments in chemical engineering and related fields, based on the literature or current investigations. Required of all graduate students.

    Credits: 1
  • CHE 696 - Graduate Seminar II

    Reports and discussion of recent developments in chemical engineering and related fields, based on the literature or current investigations. Required of all graduate students.

    Credits: 1
  • CHE 699 - Graduate Thesis / Research

    Graduate Thesis

    Credits: Ar
  • CHF 200 - Family Interaction

    Interpersonal dynamics of dating, courtship, mate selection, and the development of family life. Changing patterns of personal interactions within the family life cycle and a pluralistic society.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 201 - Introduction to Child Development

    Influences on human development from conception through middle childhood. Theoretical perspectives, empirical evaluation and practical implications.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 203 - Practicum in Early Childhood Programs

    Introductory practicum combining child development and education theory with supervised weekly participation in the Child Development Learning Center. Focuses on the child under six years of age. Lab 2.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201, Child Development and Family Relations or Elementary Education majors, minors, or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 303 - Infant/Toddler Care and Development

    Examines issues related to quality care and early education for children ages 0-3. Emphasis on family diversity and inclusion integrated in course material. Includes six hours of lab observation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201, CHF 203.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 304 - Practicum in Early Childhood Education K-3

    Students will apply principles of child development to the education of children in grades K-3. Emphasis is placed on identifying scientifically-based practices and techniques associated with exemplary early childhood education programs. Skills in child observation, developing and modifying a range of approaches to instruction, child guidance, and family involvement in schools will be addresses in a participatory class and supervised field placement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201, CHF 203 and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 311 - Creativity and the Young Child

    Exploration of theoretical and research evidence pertaining to the nature of creativity and the conditions requisite for its expression. Includes developmental stages, strategies, materials and workshops in specific areas including children’s art, music, creative movement, story telling, play and creative dramatics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 321 - Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Young Children Science

    Applies developmental theory to the construction of curriculum and methods in early childhood education. Students explore a range of curriculum models, approaches and strategies as they learn to apply theory to meeting children’s learning needs individually and in groups. Topics including role of teachers in promoting learning, assessment, documenting learning, inclusion and family involvement are stressed.  Science serves as the content anchor for discussing curriculum and methods issues.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201, CHF 203.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 322 - Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Social Studies

    Students will develop integrated curriculum focusing on social studies for young children.  Issues of inclusion, assessment, and family involvement are integrated into class content to promote social competence in young children.  Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201, CHF 203.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 329 - Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Young Children Math

    Presents activities and instruction to support candidates’ lesson planning and assessment in math for teaching young children.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201, CHF 203.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 331 - Cognitive Development

    Introduction to the developmental processes involved in the acquisition, organization and proessing of information, with an emphasis on the period between infancy and adolescence. Discussion of current theories and research on cognitive, memory and language development and their applications and implications for teaching and parenting.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201, PSY 100.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 351 - Human Sexuality

    Discusses sexuality and its social implications against a background of constantly changing sexual mores, sex role development, alternative conceptualizations of sexuality, and implications for future trends in human interaction.

    Satisfies the General Education Ethics and Social Contexts and Institutions Requirements.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 381 - Family Resource Management

    Analysis of the managerial process and its relationship to decision making. Emphasis on the use of resources including time, energy, and money to attain family goals.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 385 - Personal and Family Finance

    Influence of outside economic conditions and personal circumstances on family financial problems. The management process applied to family problems involving finances, economic position, meeting living costs, protection against financial contingencies, credit, developing a savings and investment program.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 401 - Peer Education

    Students are trained in the realities and consequences of critical social issues college students face and provide workshops on responsible behavior to campus and community groups.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 351 and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 404 - Selected Topics in Child Development and Family Life

    Review of specific subject areas in the field. Subject areas vary by semester. May be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 406 - Introduction to Research Methods in Child Development and Family Relations

    An overview of research methods applicable to the study of children and families. An in-class research project is completed.   (This course is identical to HUD 556.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 200, CHF 201 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 409 - Special Problems in Child Development and Family Life

    As available.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: Ar
  • CHF 417 - Introduction to Leadership in Early Childhood Education

    Focuses on topics and issues relevant to becoming a leader in an early childhood organization, best practice in business, developing skills in supervising and working with a variety of staff, understanding and advocating for children and families, and collaborating with other agency personnel.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201 and CHF 203.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 421 - Student Teaching in Early Childhood

    Supervised student teaching in pre-kindergarten and K-3 settings.  (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Teacher candidacy, senior standing, Child Development and Family Relations major; permission.

    Credits: 12
  • CHF 422 - Field Placement in Early Childhood Education

    Individual study in selected early childhood settings such as Pre-K classrooms or home visiting programs.  Includes developmental assessments, planning and implementation of education programs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Senior standing or graduate standing and permission of instructor.

    Credits: 6
  • CHF 423 - Professional Seminar in Child Development and Family Relations

    An integrated examination of career-related roles, ethics, and responsibilities in research and service to individuals and families.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive and Capstone Experience Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Child Development and Family Relations major; senior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 424 - Professional Seminar for Early Childhood Specialists

    Examination of issues such as ethics, advocacy, collaborating with families and other professionals and professional development.

    Satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission. Corequisite: CHF 421.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 430 - Applied Self-Control

    Students will learn and practice several approaches to self-directed behavior change. The goal is to enhance their understanding of individual development by systematically observing their own behavior.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 431 - Parenting

    Parent behavior and the dynamics of parenthood are studied. Emphasis on interpersonal, familial, and societal roles of parents, and factors influencing role behaviors and expectations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 200, CHF 201.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 432 - Socialization of the Child

    A study of normal development and behavior with emphais on the impact of peers, school and familty on the developing child. Theory in child development is also examined.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 433 - Adolescence

    Growth and development during the adolescent years. Conceptual models and recent research are discussed.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201 or PSY 100 and sophomore standing.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 434 - Adult Development and Aging

    Developmental processes and transitions from the early to later years of adulthood. Social, physical, cognitive, and familial aspects of adult growth and aging are examined.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 441 - Family Life Education Methods

    Provides students with an overview of the knowledge, skills, methods, current materials and resources to plan, implement and evaluate family life education programs for diverse learners including K-12 students, parents, community members, educators and other professionals. Students will practice developing and presenting educational programs.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 442 - Helping Skills

    Examines the nature of helping relationships including descriptions, characteristics, stages and ethics of effective helpers and helping relationships. Considerable attention will be focused on learning the nonverbal and verbal responses used in helping interactions. To assist in the development of these helping skills, students can expect to be engaged in extensive practice sessions with classmates.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 450 - Early Childhood Special Education - Inclusion in the Early Childhood Classroom

    The emphasis of this course is on early intervention for young children with disabilities in group settings. The course will focus on history and rationale, legal foundations, theoretical perspectives service delivery models, family-professional partnerships, assessment practices, and curriculum development.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 201 and CHF 203.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 451 - Family Relationships

    The study of traditional and non-traditional family units as a system of interactions between individuals.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHF 200.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 452 - Violence in the Family

    Major forms of family violence, including child abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, and spouse abuse, are examined to provide students with an understanding of the development of dysfunctional forms of family interaction, descriptive knowledge on the prevalence of violent relationships at the national and local level, the necessary skills for identifying victims of abuse and the services available to them, and a preliminary understanding of the challenge of designing intervention strategies.

    Satisfies the General Education Ethics Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Junior or senior standing, CHF 200 or SOC 318 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 488 - Family Legal Issues

    Issues of legal interest to consumers. Social and economic effects on families will be emphasized.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • CHF 496 - Field Experience in Human Development and Family Studies

    An approved program of work experience for department majors that involves the application of theory and research in applied settings. Requires a written proposal outlining the proposed experience, its relation to the student’s program of study, plan for faculty supervision and a final written report. No more than 6 credits may be used toward the departmental major and not more than 12 credits may be used toward the graduation requirements.

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1-6

  • CHY 101 - Chemistry for Everyday Living

    A non-mathematical introduction to the basic principles of chemistry with an emphasis on chemistry relevant to everyday life. Topics will include nuclear, food, agricultural, drug, cosmetic and polymer chemistry. May be taken without CHY 102.

    Together with CHY 102, this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement  Satisfies the General Education  Applications of Scientific Knowledge Requirement when taken without CHY 102.  Lec 3 with dem.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 102 - Chemistry for Everyday Living Laboratory

    Accompanies CHY 101. Experiments will emphasize chemical topics relevant to everyday living.

    Together with CHY 101, this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement. Lab 3.

    Credits: 1
  • CHY 105 - Majoring in Chemistry

    Introduces students to the faculty, students, facilities and resources central to their major in chemistry. Topics covered include requirements and advising for the major, library resources, research laboratories and projects, and the special expertise of the faculty.

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    First-year students only.

    Credits: 1

  • CHY 121 - Introduction to Chemistry

    Topics include: units and definitions, atomic structure, bonding, chemical change, concentration of solutions, reaction rates and equilibria, acid-base chemistry and summary topics related to applications in materials science, biological chemistry and the environment.

    Together with CHY 123, this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement. Satisfies the General Education Application of Scientific Knowledge Requirement when taken without CHY 123.  Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 122 or MAT 126 or MAT 127 or TME 151 and TME 152. Corequisite: CHY 123.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 122 - The Molecular Basis of Chemical Change

    Topics include: atomic and molecular bonding; classes of chemical reactions, reactivity of non-metals and metals; materials chemistry; kinetics; thermodynamics; electrochemistry; nuclear chemistry.

    Together with CHY 124, this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement  Satisfies the General Education Applications of Scientific Knowledge Requirement when taken without CHY 124.  Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in both CHY 121 and CHY 123. Corequisite: CHY 124.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 123 - Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory

    Introduction to experimental techniques and concepts in chemistry.

    Together with CHY 121, this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement. Lab 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    None. Corequisite: CHY 121

    Credits: 1
  • CHY 124 - The Molecular Basis of Chemical Change Laboratory

    A continuation of CHY 123. Experimental techniques and concepts in chemistry.

    Together with CHY 122, this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement. Lab 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in both CHY 121 and CHY 123. Corequisite: CHY 122.

    Credits: 1
  • CHY 242 - Principles of Quantitative Analysis and Solution Equilibria

    Topics covered include gravimetric and titrimetric methods of analysis and acid-base, complex formation, precipitation and oxidation-reduction equilibria. Spectrophotometric, potentiometric and chromatographic methods of analysis will be introduced. Laboratory determinations will provide examples of the above. Lec 3, Lab 6.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in both CHY 122 and CHY 124.

    Credits: 5
  • CHY 251 - Organic Chemistry I

    An introduction to the chemistry of carbon compounds. Lec 3, Rec 1.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in both CHY 122 and CHY 124.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 252 - Organic Chemistry II

    A continuation of CHY 251 including the study of carbonyl compounds and amines. Lec 3, Rec 1.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 251.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 253 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

    An introduction to the separation, synthesis and analysis of organic compounds in the laboratory. Lab 4.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 251 or concurrently.

    Credits: 2
  • CHY 254 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

    A continuation of CHY 253. Lab 4.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 251 and CHY 253.  Prerequisite or Corequisite: CHY 252.

    Credits: 2
  • CHY 393 - Undergraduate Seminar in Chemistry

    Discussion of developments in chemistry and the chemical profession. Introduction to chemical literature and research methods. Oral presentations and written papers required.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Chemistry major; A grade of C- or better in CHY 122.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 394 - Field Experience/Cooperative Education

    Supervised employment with relevance to the study of chemistry in the public or private sector. A proposed program of study, mutually agreed upon by the student, faculty adviser, and “Co-Op” sponsor may be carried out in the summertime or during the academic year. A written report is required.

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    junior or senior standing with a good academic record; permission.

    Credits: 1-9

  • CHY 398 - Undergraduate Research

    Students will conduct a research project under the supervision of faculty member. A written research report is required. For chemistry majors only. Students must apply through the Undergraduate Research Coordinator. No more than 2 credit hours can apply to graduation requirements.

    Together with CHY 399, this course satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Junior standing.

    Credits: 1-2
  • CHY 399 - Undergraduate Thesis

    Written report of an original investigation carried out in the library and laboratory. Together with CHY 398, this course satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    senior standing; permission of department.

    Credits: 1-3
  • CHY 431 - Structure and Mechanism in Biological Chemistry

    Examination of biosynthetic pathways, structure and function of enzymes (including metalloenzymes) and other important biomolecules, methods of structure determination and synthetic pathway elucidation and mechanisms of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252, CHY 254.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 443 - Instrumental Analysis

    Modern tools for acquiring qualitative and quantitative data about the composition and structure of matter. A blend of theoretical and experimental/hands on approaches to investigate modern spectroscopic and separation techniques for solving “real world” bioanalytical and environmental problems. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 242 and CHY 471.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 450 - Introduction to Molecular Modeling

    An introduction to the computational investigation of molecular structure, and properties. Topics include operation of UNIX workstations, and nature and application of molecular mechanics, semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations and ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Lec 3, Lab 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252 and CHY 472.

    Credits: 4
  • CHY 453 - Intermediate Organic Chemistry

    Qualitative organic analysis by chemical and instrumental methods. Lec 2, Rec 1, Lab 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252 and CHY 254.

    Credits: 4
  • CHY 461 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I

    Advanced theoretical and descriptive inorganic chemistry emphasizing periodic relationships. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 471 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 462 - Organometallic Chemistry

    Principles and applications of organotransition metal chemistry. Topics include coordination chemistry, group theory, organometallic reaction mechanisms, electrochemistry, photochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, catalysis and applications to organic synthesis. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252. Corequisite: CHY 471.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 471 - Physical Chemistry I

    Applications of classical thermodynamics to the study of chemical systems. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 122; MAT 228 and PHY 112 or PHY 122 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 472 - Physical Chemistry II

    Covers electrochemistry, kinetic theory of gases, transport processes and reaction kinetics and an introduction to statistical thermodynamics. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 122; MAT 228 and PHY 112 or PHY 122.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 475 - Physical Chemistry III

    An introduction to quantum mechanics, spectroscopy and chemical bonding. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    PHY 122, MAT 228 and MAT 258 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 483 - Introductory Wood Chemistry

    Emphasis on the chemical and physical properties of cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin and extractives. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 490 - Topics in Chemistry

    Advanced treatment of specialized topics in chemistry.  Topics vary.  May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 491 - Advanced Integrated Laboratory I

    An advanced laboratory environment integrating inorganic, instrumental and physical chemistry concepts. Synthetic techniques, instrumental methods, reaction kinetics, thermodynamics and spectroscopy will be included. Lab 8.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 242, CHY 254, CHY 471, or concurrently.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 502 - Chemistry Instructional Laboratory Leadership

    For Chemistry teaching assistants to learn how to effectively communicate, supervise laboratory work, and facilitate group interactions with students in the general chemisty laboratory.  Can be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 1
  • CHY 531 - Structure and Mechanism in Biological Chemistry

    Examination of biosynthetic pathways, structure and function of enzymes including metalloenzymes, methods of structure determination and synthetic pathway elucidation, mechanisms of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252 and CHY 254 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 541 - Topics in Advanced Analytical Chemistry

    Topics may include advanced techniques in bioanalytical separation, Fourier transform, spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and other vacuum technologies. Influence of hard- and software components such as analyzers, detectors, sources and digital/electronic filters for noise removal and improved detection limits. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1 to 3
  • CHY 550 - Introduction to Molecular Modeling

    An introduction to the computational investigation of molecular structure and properties. Operation of UNIX workstations and nature and applications of molecular mechanics, semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations and ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Completion of a significant research project is required. Lec 2, Lab 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHY 556 and CHY 575.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 551 - Topics in Advanced Organic Chemistry

    Recent advances in stereo chemistry, heterocyclic compounds, natural products and other graduate level topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHY 555.

    Credits: Ar
  • CHY 553 - Organic Qualitative Analysis

    The isolation and identification of organic compounds. Lab 8.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252.

    Credits: 4
  • CHY 555 - Intermediate Organic Chemistry

    Detailed study of preparation of complex organic compounds and newer synthetic methods.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 556 - Theoretical Organic Chemistry

    Includes topics in electronic theory and reaction mechanisms.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 560 - Physical Methods of Inorganic Chemistry

    Applications of the principles of group theory and modern spectroscopic techniques, including x-ray diffraction and photoelectron, infrared and Raman vibrational, electronic and magnetic resonance spectroscopies in inorganic chemistry.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 461 or CHY 575 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 562 - Advanced Organometallic Chemistry

    An introductory course for graduate students covering the principles and applications of organotransition metal chemistry. Topics include coordination chemistry, group theory, organometallic reaction mechanisms, electrochemistry, photochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, catalysis, and applications to organic synthesis. Lec 3, Lab 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252 and CHY 472 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3 - 4
  • CHY 563 - Inorganic Chemical Kinetics and Mechanisms

    Fundamentals of inorganic chemical kinetics and reaction mechanisms. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 571 - Topics in Advanced Physical Chemistry

    Advanced level subjects such as quantum chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, theory of solutions, statistical mechanics of mixtures, applied group theory, structure and bonding.

    Credits: Ar
  • CHY 572 - Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics

    Theoretical foundations of spectroscopy including time-dependent perturbation theory, interaction of light with matter. Topics may include NMR, Fourier transform methods, laser spectroscopy, Ramand and other scattering techniques. The use of spectroscopy to study molecular dynamics emphasized.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHY 575 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 573 - Computer Simulation Methods

    Computer simulation using Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics techniques with applications in chemistry, physics, materials science and molecular biology.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 471; or PHY 236 and knowledge of FORTRAN.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 575 - Principles of Quantum Chemistry

    Introduction to the foundations of quantum theory and molecular quantum mechanics.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 583 - Advanced Wood Chemistry

    Fundamental chemistry of carbohydrates, lignin, and extractives.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    A grade of C- or better in CHY 252 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 661 - Topics in Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

    Topic course.

    Credits: Ar
  • CHY 673 - Statistical Thermodynamics

    Introduction to methods of statistical mechanics and applications to theoretical calculations of equilibrium constants and other thermodynamic quantities. (Offered on sufficient demand.)

    Credits: 3
  • CHY 693 - Graduate Seminar

    Reports and discussion of recent developments in chemistry and related fields based on the literature or on current laboratory investigations. Required of all graduate students every year after the first year.

    Credits: 1
  • CHY 698 - Graduate Research

    Graduate Research

    Credits: Ar
  • CHY 699 - Graduate Thesis / Research

    Graduate Thesis

    Credits: Ar
  • CIE 100 - Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Introduces first-year and transfer students in Civil Engineering to the multifaceted field of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Each week a different faculty member will conduct the class. Challenging problems will be introduced and team work will be practiced. Lec 1. (Fall.)

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)


    Credits: 1

  • CIE 101 - Civil Engineering Graphics

    Graphic principles, concepts and techniques involving civil engineering applications. Exercises will be done in 2D/3D using CADD software. 1.0 ED/2.0 ES. Lec 2, Lab 2. (Spring.)

    Credits: 3
  • CIE 110 - Materials

    The structure, properties, and testing of engineering materials and their use in constructed facilities. Includes metals, woods, concrete, bituminous mixtures, plastics, insulation, adhesives and corrosion of materials. Engineering design is introduced by readings and discussions on creativity, the design process and the concepts of marginal economic analysis, probability of failure and safety factors. Design problems include design of concrete mixtures and insulating systems to satisfy specific realistic situations taking into account uncertainty, safety, economic factors and intangibles, as well as technical considerations. (0.0 ED/3.0 ES.) Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 122 or concurrently.

    Credits: 3
  • CIE 111 - Materials Laboratory

    Evaluation of material performance under applied loads for engineering applications. Physical properties of concrete, metals, plastics and wood. Exercises include study of the variability of materials, construction of probability density functions from test data and computation of the probability of failure. (1.0 ED/0.0 ES.) Lab 2 (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    None. Corequisite:CIE 110.

    Credits: 1
  • CIE 115 - Computers in Civil Engineering

    Introduces the student to computers and computations by solving examples relevant to civil engineering. The algorithmic aspects of programming as well as the development of simple graphical user interfaces are taught. Approximately one half of the course time is allocated to programming with the remainder involving problems and applications. Specific examples typically include problems from structures, geotechnical, transportation and environmental engineering. Emphasis is placed on examples introducing statistical methods. Also introduces the use of spreadsheets, word processing and a mathematics program. (0.0 ED/3.0 ES.) Lec 2, Lab 3 (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 126, Civil Engineering majors only.

    Credits: 3
  • CIE 225 - Transportation Engineering

    An introduction to the broad field of transportation with emphasis on the motor vehicle mode. Principles of roadway and urban transportation planning, economic analysis methods, and route design elements are discussed and related to the planning and design of highway transportation routes. Students design a section of roadway and prepare a technical paper on a current transportation engineering problem. (3.0 ED/0.0 ES.) Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Civil Engineering majors or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CIE 231 - Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering

    Introduction to environmental engineering including water quality, water and wastewater treatment plant design, solid and hazardous wastes, landfill design, radioactive waste control and air pollution abatement (1.0 ED/2.0 ES.) Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHY 121, MAT 127.

    Credits: 3

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