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2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • BLS 101 - Introduction to Black Studies

    Introduces the student to several of the key issues and topics of Black culture including events of African American history. Includes sociological and economic perspectives as well as issues of identity, the African Diaspora, Africanisms, Pan-Africanism and contemporary African/African American relations.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions and Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirements.

    Credits: 3
  • BLS 338 - Race and Ethnicity

    Explores dominant/subordinate relations nationally and internationally with emphasis on socially defined racial and ethnic groups. Origins, nature and consequences of racial/ethnic oppression and inequality; historical and social contexts of intergroup relations and conflicts; implication of changing racial/ethnic diversity. (This course is identical to SOC 338.)

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions and Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    SOC 101 and SOC 201 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 110 - Plagues Past and Present

    Explores the nature of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases from biological, historical, societal, technological and environmental perspectives.

    Satisfies the General Education Population and the Environment Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 207 - Fundamentals of Chemistry

    Reviews the essentials of inorganic chemistry including measurements, elements, compunds and bond formation, chemical reactions and quantities, gasses, solutions and acid-base chemistry as they relate to biological chemistry.

    BMB 207 does not serve as a prerequisite for CHY 122, and is not recommended for pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, or pre-optometry programs of study.

    Together with BMB 209, this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement. Satisfies the General Education Applications of Scientific Knowledge Requirement when taken without BMB 209. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    one year of high school chemistry.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 208 - Elementary Physiological Chemistry

    Structures and properties of biological molecules, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins and hormones, composition and function of body fluids, study of digestion and metabolism.

    BMB 208 does not serve as a prerequisite for CHY 251, and is not recommended for pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, or pre-optometry programs of study.

    Together with BMB 210, this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement.  Satisfies the General Education Applications of Scientific Knowledge Requirement when taken without BMB 210.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 207 or CHY 121.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 209 - Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory

    Laboratory techniques in the essentials of inorganic chemistry and reactions of organic compounds presented in BMB 207. Lab 2.

    Together with BMB 207, this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 207 or concurrently.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 210 - Elementary Physiological Chemistry Laboratory

    Laboratory in the structure and properties of biological molecules presented in BMB 208. Lab 2.

    Together with BMB 208, this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 208 or concurrently.  BMB 209 or equivalent.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 221 - Organic Chemistry

    Basic theories of organic chemistry, including reactions, mechanisms and nomenclature. Emphasis on those aspects of organic chemistry which relate to biological chemistry.

    BMB 221 does not serve as a prerequisite for CHY 252 and is not recommended for pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, or pre-optometry programs of study.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 207 or CHY 121 and CHY 123.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 222 - Laboratory in Organic Chemistry

    Laboratory exercises illustrating the principles presented in BMB 221. Lab 2.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 280 - Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology

    An in-depth introduction to macromolecules, cell structure, metabolic processes, gene expression and molecular replication common to all organisms. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BIO 100.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 300 - General Microbiology

    A basic biology course dealing with general principles as illustrated by microorganisms, in bacteria and viruses. Covers cell structure, cell metabolism, genetics, geochemical activities, and host-parasite relations. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    One year of biology that includes BIO 100 and BIO 200 or BIO 208 and one year of chemistry that includes BMB 207, BMB 209, BMB 208 and BMB 210 or CHY 121 and CHY 123 and CHY 122 and CHY 124 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 305 - General Microbiology Laboratory

    A laboratory study of the properties of bacteria and related microorganisms including techniques and identification. Suggested for students majoring in sciences. Lab 4.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 300 or concurrently.

    Credits: 2
  • BMB 322 - Biochemistry

    A study of the properties of proteins and enzymes, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids, metabolism and energy production, replication and protein synthesis. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 221 or CHY 251.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 323 - Biochemistry Laboratory

    Laboratory exercises illustrating the principles presented in BMB 322. Lab 2.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 400 - Molecular Genetics

    The structure of DNA and of genes, and the mechanisms of gene regulation, particularly as they pertain to cell growth and differentiation. Includes a discussion of the experimental techniques used in the genetic manipulation of organisms. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 280, BMB 322.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 410 - Diversity of Microorganisms

    Metabolic diversity of microorganisms will be emphasized. Major metabolic groups of bacteria will be examined in detail and comparisons will be made between the different groups. Bacterial evolution and the current state of bacterial taxonomy will be discussed.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 300, BMB 305.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 420 - Infectious Disease

    Examines medically important bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites causing human infection.  Introduces major classes of pathogens and host immunity to microbes.  Covers pathogenesis, virulence factors, clinical symptoms, transmission, epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment for individual microbes.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 300, BMB 305.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 421 - Infectious Disease Laboratory

    Introduction to procedures used in the clinical diagnostic laboratory to identify the causative agent of human infectious diseases.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 420 or concurrently.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 430 - Bacterial Physiology

    The properties and behavior of bacteria with respect to their chemical and physical requirements for life and reproduction. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 300, BMB 322.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 431 - Bacterial Physiology Laboratory

    Laboratory experiments and exercises designed to expose students to aspects of bacterial physiology and to selected assays, techniques, and equipment used in physiology research. Lab 2.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 300, BMB 322.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 440 - Introductory Immunology

    An introduction to the organization and function of the immune system including the basic properties of humoral and cell-mediated immune responses, the reactions or antigens and antibodies and the lymphocytes involved.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 300 and either BMB 221 or CHY 251

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 441 - Introductory Immunology Laboratory

    A laboratory course to introduce students to diagnostic and experimental techniques routinely used in the immunology lab. Lab 2.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 440 or concurrently.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 455 - Virology

    Introduction to the study of viruses, emphasizing their nature, methods of cultivation, mode of transmission, genetics and mechanisms of pathogenieity. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 300.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 456 - Virology Laboratory

    Introduction to methods of virus propagation, assay and characterization, including cell culture, in vitro infectivity assays, and cytopathic effects. Lec 3, Lab 2.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 455 or concurrently.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 460 - Advanced Biochemistry

    A continuation of BMB 322, with emphasis on elements of biochemistry and similar topics. May include discussions of cellular control mechanisms, enzyme kinetics. Lec 3.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 322 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 464 - Analytical and Preparative Biochemical Laboratory Methods

    Laboratory techniques for the manipulation and analysis of biochemical materials including biological activity assays, concentration determinations, ligand binding analysis, enzyme kinetics and methods for macromolecular fractionation and characterization.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 322.

    Credits: 4
  • BMB 467 - Physical Biochemistry

    Designed for students who have a strong background in the properties and function of biomolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates. Focus will be on the physical, chemical, and thermodynamic principles that define macromolecular interactions in cells and solution. Topics include thermodynamics of macromolecular systems, bioenergetics, binding, solution behavior, macromolecular interactions, transport, separation techniques, spectroscopy, phase transitions, and steady state and rapid reaction kinetic principles.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 460 or concurrently or permission; and BMB 322, CHY 252, MAT 127.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 471 - Cell Culture Laboratory

    A laboratory course devoted to eukaryotic cell culture techniques and applications. Lab 2.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 305.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 490 - Microbial Genetics

    A lecture and laboratory chiefly in the genetics of Escherichia coli, its bacteriophages, and mechanisms of genetic exchange among prokaryotes. Lectures cover all materials and problems presented in the text. Laboratory sessions may include chemical mutagenesis, transposon mutagenesis, in vitro mutagenesis, transduction, conjugation, transformation, genetic mapping, physical mapping, complementation analyses, maxi cell expression of proteins, and regulatory studies using gene fusions and operon fusions.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement. Lec 3, Lab 4.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 300 and BMB 305 or permission.

    Credits: 5
  • BMB 491 - Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Research

    Research in Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology.

    Satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    senior standing or graduate standing.

    Credits: Ar
  • BMB 497 - Independent Study

    A laboratory and conference for students desiring to pursue some particular line of investigation.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: Ar
  • BMB 505 - Principles of Microbial Ecology

    The distribution and activities of microorganisms in natural systems with particular emphasis on the role of bacteria in elemental cycles, animal-microbe and plant-microbe interactions, and the relationship between physiological and ecological attributes of microorganisms. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 300 or BIO 319 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 509 - Molecular Toxicology

    Molecular and cellular mechanisms governing the mode of action of exogenous substances. Comparative physiology of toxics, toxicant gene interactions, toxicant protein interactions. Brief coverage of current relevant environmental regulations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 280 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 510 - Laboratory in Molecular Biology

    Selected exercises in recombinant DNA technology and related subjects, including nucleic acid purification, construction of recombinant DNA molecules, DNA-DNA and DNA-RNA hybridization, and DNA sequencing.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 400, BMB 464 or permission.

    Credits: 5
  • BMB 525 - Proteins and Enzymes

    Emphasis is on contemporary principles of protein structure and interactions, enzymes and catalysis, and membrane function. Rec 3. (Offered every other year.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 460 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 530 - Cellular Signal Transduction Mechanisms

    Signal transduction mechanisms used by cells to perceive extracellular messages and to produce proper responses in regulating growth, development and metabolism. (Offered every other year.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 460 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 540 - Advanced Immunology

    Selected topics in immunology including regulation autoimmune disease, immunogenetics, and immunodeficiences. Emphasis on topics of current significance. (Offered every other year.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 300, BMB 322 and BMB 440 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 550 - Special Topics in Molecular Biology

    Includes lectures/seminars on the structure, regulation and evolution of genetic elements, viruses, and cell-surface glycoproteins. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 460 and permission.

    Credits: Ar
  • BMB 580 - Seminar in Microbiology

    Preparation and presentation of papers dealing with current research in the field of microbiology.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Senior standing or graduate standing.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 582 - Seminar in Biochemistry

    Preparation and presentation of papers dealing with current research in the field of biochemistry.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Senior standing or graduate standing.

    Credits: 1-3
  • BMB 597 - Special Topics in Biochemistry

    A graduate-level readings, lecture, seminar, or laboratory course covering timely topics in Biochemistry. May be repeated for graduate credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1 - 3
  • BMB 598 - Special Topics in Microbiology

    Covers selected topics or areas within the field of Microbiology. May be repeated for graduate credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • BMB 699 - Graduate Thesis / Research

    Thesis work.

    Credits: Ar
  • BMS 690 - Special Topics in Biomedical Sciences

    Current and emerging topics in the field of Biomedical Sciences.  May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate Standing.

    Credits: 1-3
  • BMS 699 - Graduate Thesis / Research

    Graduate Thesis

    Credits: 1-6
  • BUA 101 - Introduction to Business

    Covers the basic functional areas of business, including finance, management, marketing management information systems, and accounting. For first-year business majors only.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 201 - Principles of Financial Accounting

    An introduction to the use and preparation of financial accounting information. Emphasis is on gaining an understanding of the income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows and applying that knowledge to a corporate annual report.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 202 - Principles of Managerial Accounting

    An introduction to the use and preparation of accounting information for management decision making and analysis. Includes techniques that can be used by all businesses in evaluating, planning and controlling operations. The accounting cycle is also briefly covered.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 201 with a C- or Higher.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 220 - The Legal Environment of Business

    An examination of fundamental legal concepts and their application to the business community. Considers the evolution of law and its underlying conceptual framework from which legal rules and principles of business develop. Selected legal cases will be critically analyzed and discussed.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions and Ethics Requirements. Must be taken in series with BUA 449 to meet Ethics requirement. Neither course alone fulfills the requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    sophomore standing; business majors or declared business minors only.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 235 - Information Systems and Technology for Business

    Provides an overview of current and emerging technologies used in organizations today.  All business majors should understand the technological infrastructure underlying information systems of the firm including system components, databases, networking, telecommunications, e-commerce and distributed systems.  The course focuses on using information systems and techologies to enhance the competitive postion of the firm, enabling managers to make better decisions and solve business problems.  A minimum grade of C- is required in this course course.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Sophomore Standing and BUA 201.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 262 - Business Process Analysis and Redesign

    Introduction to the analysis and redesign of existing business processes, and the requirements analysis and design of new business processes.  Emphasizes the incorporation of information technology in the redesign aspects. Makes extensive use of visual interactive simulation software as the enabling technology. Includes a term project consisting of the analysis and redesign of an existing, real-world business process.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 135 or BUA 335.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 268 - Electronic Commerce

    Information systems and technology dramatically impact the way in which consumers and organizations conduct business transactions. Focuses on the process of buying and selling goods and services through electronic networks. Business-to-consumer and business-to-business applications will be explored. The hardware, software and networking technology necessary to implement such applications will be studied. Topics include: electronic payment systems, corporate strategy, security, legal issues, ethics and intelligent agents.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 135 or BUA 335 or NMD 100 or permission; sophomore standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 301 - Intermediate Accounting I

    An in-depth study of generally accepted accounting principles and external financial reporting. Alternative accounting methods and their impact on financial statements are discussed and analyzed.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 202, sophomore standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 302 - Intermediate Accounting II

    A study of the accounting and valuation problems of assets and a consideration of current issues and controversies in financial accounting.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 301; sophomore standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 305 - Cost Accounting

    Includes concepts of cost, cost systems (activity-based, job order and process), the theory of constraints, budgeting and cost volume profit analysis.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 202; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 306 - Advanced Managerial Accounting

    A continuation of BUA 305. Includes such topics as standard costing, capital budgeting, quality costing, transfer pricing. Also includes case analysis.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 305; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 310 - Auditing

    The systematic verification of financial statements including a study of the responsibilities, liabilities and ethics of the independent public accountant.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 301.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 312 - Federal Taxation of Individuals

    A study of Federal income tax laws as they affect individuals. Includes a study of principles and concepts of taxation. Various types of income, deduction, credits and gains and losses are covered, including capital gains, income from self-employment, itemized deductions and realized and recognize gains and losses, among others. Emphasis is on tax-planning to minimize taxable income. The effect of the tax laws on individual and small business decision-making is studied. Students learn tax research techniques to help identify tax issues and find solutions to tax problems. Prepares students for further study in taxation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 202, junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 325 - Principles of Management and Organization

    Analysis of the internal organizational structure and the process of management in business enterprises both domestic and international. Focus on concepts, methods, and techniques of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the functions of the modern manager, and the impact of these processes upon effective interpersonal relations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 and PSY 100; sophomore standing

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 326 - Organizational Behavior

    Examines the behavior of individuals, groups and organizations. Applies a managerial perspective that considers organizational effectiveness, careers and job satisfaction. Topics include diversity, motivation, organizational communication, team processes and structure, leadership, organizational design, culture and change.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Junior Standing, BUA 325 and PSY 100.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 327 - Business and Society

    Role of business in our society and the interactions it has with various segments of the society.  Specific areas examined include the legal environment; social responsibility of business, political, and social forces; and ethical dilemmas that can occur.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 325.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 328 - Canadian/U.S. Business: A Comparison

    A comparative review of the recent history of Canadian-U.S. business relations with primary emphasis on cross-border trade issues and the impact of that bilateral trade on Maine’s business environment. Focus on energy, lumber, paper, agricultural products, industrial production, freight/transportation, and foreign investments.

    Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 330 - Personnel Management and Industrial Relations

    An interdisciplinary survey of the personnel management systems of private and public organizations. An integrated behavioral, quantitative and systems approach permits an applied synthesis of the social sciences used to analyze the employment relationship.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120, ECO 121, and PSY 100, or equivalent or permission; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 331 - Labor-Management Relations

    An interdisciplinary survey of the labor-management systems of the private and public sectors. Considers the nature and characteristics of labor-management relations from structural, historical, international, legal, psychological, and economic perspectives.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 335 - Principles of Management Information Systems

    Introduces students to principles of management information systems. Topics include overviews of current and emerging technologies and systems, database design, distributed systems, networks and telecommunications, decision support systems, systems development and functional applications.  NOTE:  Students may not take both BUA 335 and BUA 135 for degree credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    COS 211 or COS 220 or permission; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 337 - Production and Operations Management

    The place of production planning and control in an industrial organization and its relation to the actual production procedure.  Problems in design, marketing, forecasting, capacity evaluation and quality control are interwoven with those of production and inventory management.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 325, MAT 215 or MAT 232; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 343 - Introduction to International Business

    Examines the role of U.S. businesses in the global economy with focus on key concepts and topics in world trade and investments, economic relationships among nations, as well as an understanding of cultural diversities. Provides analyses of problems and opportunities related to establishing, conducting, and maintaining business activities in foreign markets.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121; junior standing; business majors or declared business minors only.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 344 - Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation

    Develop an understanding of entrepreneurship theory and the relationship between entrepreneurial firms and the broader business environment.  Entrepreneurship focuses on new venture creation of high growth potential ventures through incremental or radical innovation.  This course is for students interested in entrepreneurship practice and those interested in pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Junior Standing, BUA 201, and BUA 325.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 350 - Business Finance

    Introduces the principles of finance including time value of money, security valuation, capital budgeting and measurement of risk. Emphasis is on financial decision-making in the corporate environment.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 201, ECO 120 and ECO 121; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 351 - Corporate Treasury Dynamics

    An advanced corporate finance course concentrating on the financing decisions of the firm.  Coverage includes venture capital financing, initial public offerings, capital structure and dividend policy, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate governance. Includes case studies.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 350.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 352 - Financial Institutions

    Analyzes the operations and economic roles of financial institutions, including commercial, savings and investment banks. Particular attention is paid to the changing nature of this industry, regulation and deregulation and management of risk.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 350; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 353 - Investment Strategy

    Examines the construction and management of investment portfolios.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 350.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 363 - Network Design and Applications

    Introduces the design, management and strategic use of information systems in networked environments. Topics include telecommunications, network architecture, security, distributed processing and the Internet.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 135 or BUA 335 or permission; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 364 - Database Management Systems

    Introduction to technical, managerial and ethical issues associated with computer-based data management. Covers issues in business database design and development, effective use of database management systems to support management decision making, database management and database management systems acquisition.  Because of content overlap, BUA 364 and BUA 367 may not both be taken for degree credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 262; COS 220 or COS 225.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 367 - Database for Decision Making

    Introduction to technical and managerial issues associated with databases.  Topics include structured query language (SQL) and database usage in decision making.  Because of content overlap, BUA 367 and BUA 364 may not both be taken for degree credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 135 or BUA 335; sophomore standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 370 - Marketing

    Examines problems of distribution for representative industrial and consumer goods, including merchandising policies, selection of distribution channels, price policies, and advertising and sales promotion methods.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 201, ECO 120 and ECO 121; junior standing; business majors or declared business minors only.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 371 - Services Marketing

    An in-depth examination of marketing in services industries with emphasis on the distinct characteristics of service organizations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 370 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 372 - Intergrated Marketing Communication

    This course is designed for students who want to understand integrated marketing communications and how all forms of communications work to achieve organizational objectives and contribute to the “brand.” It examines a wide range of consumer/customer communications-advertising, public relations, promotion, Internet, direct marketing, digital and social media, event marketing, point-of purchase, and other alternative media.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 370.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 374 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

    An overview of professional selling, with an emphasis on the sales process, and an understanding of sales management. It is designed for the student to gain a greater appreciation, understanding, and respect for sales, especially the concept of relationship selling, and the techniques, policies and challenges involved in managing a sales force. The student will also gain a better understanding of how sales fits into the overall marketing function and the organization as a whole.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 370.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 375 - Retail Management

    An introduction to the strategies and tactics of retail management from a marketing management perspective.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 370.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 376 - International Marketing

    Focuses on marketing principles and strategies valuable to the successful conduct of international business operations. Differing business environments will be examined in order to sensitize students to necessary adjustments in marketing strategies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 343 and BUA 370; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 378 - Marketing Research

    Considers marketing research as a tool for marketing decision making.  Emphasis on problem formulation, research design, research methodology, sampling, data analysis and interpretation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 370, MAT 215 or MAT 232; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 382 - Consumer Behavior

    An exploration of consumer purchase decision processes. Analyzes existing consumer behavior models and their role in the formulation and implementation of marketing strategies. Covers the psychological, sociological and cultural dimensions of buyer behavior, and the current state-of-the-art in consumer research, including the findings from empirical tests of buyer behavior models.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 370.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 396 - Field Experience/Internship

    Students may earn from one to six credit hours for a pre-planned, supervised field experience in business relevant to the student’s educational development and career goals. Credit will not be awarded for work experience acquired prior to registration for this course.

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Business majors only with 2.50 grade point average or better; junior standing and permission.

    Credits: 1-6

  • BUA 400 - Introduction to Accounting

    An accelerated course that provides pre-MBA students with an introduction to managerial and financial accounting. Includes concepts of cost, cost systems and budgeting as well as ways of organizing, presenting and understanding financial information.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Pre-MBA students only, permission of the Director of the MBA Program.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 409 - Accounting for Governmental and Not-For-Profit Entities

    Financial accounting for not-for-profit and governmental entities and hospitals, voluntary health and welfare organizations. Includes fund accounting. GASB statements. (This course is identical to PAA 409. Students cannot receive credit for both PAA 409 and BUA 409.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 201; junior standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 445 - International Management

    Examines the management of the multinational corporation (MNC).Topics include motivations to internationalize, MNC types, strategy, structure and processes. Analysis of the competitive environment and alliances. Cross-cultural adjustment. Relies extensively on real-life business cases.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 325 and BUA 343.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 449 - Strategic Management

    A study of administrative decision making and policy setting, with consideration of social and political forces, and ethical values.

    Satisfies the General Education Ethics and Capstone Experience Requirements. Must be taken in series with BUA 220 to meet Ethics requirement. Neither course alone fulfills the requirement. It is expected that students take this course in their last semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Senior standing Business Administration majors, BUA 325 & BUA 350 & BUA 370.  Not open to Graduate Students and may not be taken for graduate credit.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 454 - Financial Derivatives

    Examines the practices of futures, options and swaps markets, particularly the economic function of these markets and their application in banking, portfolio management, international finance and individual investment programs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 350. Junior Standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 455 - International Corporate Finance

    Applies the concepts and principles of corporate finance to the multinational corporation. Focuses on gaining an understanding of the international financial environment, the measurement and management of foreign exchange risk, global financing activities and foreign direct investment.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 343, BUA 350.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 465 - Information Systems Development

    Designed to integrate the areas of technology, systems analysis, systems design, project management and organizational behavior to aid the student in developing information and decision support systems. Features the design and development of a major software system.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 267 or BUA 364 and senior standing.  Students with graduate standing in the MS/IS program may be admitted to the course upon successful completion of BUA 664.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 480 - Managerial Marketing

    Emphasizes the integration of marketing, as an organization activity, with other activities of the business firm. Explores problems encountered by top marketing executives in modern business.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 378 or BUA 382. Not open to students with graduate standing.

    Credits: 3

  • BUA 490 - Special Topics in Business Administration

    Study of various aspects of functional areas of accounting, finance, management, marketing, decision sciences, international business and other business-related topics. Topics vary depending on faculty and student interests. May be repeated for credit if the topics differ.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Junior standing and permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • BUA 498 - Independent Study for Undergraduate Study

    Provides an opportunity for well-qualified students to pursue a selected topic in great depth under the supervision of an individual faculty member. Topic to be determined in consultation with instructor.  May be repeated for creidt.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Senior standing, a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 and permission of the Associate Dean of the College of Business, Public Policy and Health.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 507 - Advanced Accounting

    Theory and procedures of accounting for mergers and consolidations and preparing financial statements for consolidated entities in periods following consolidation. Related financial reporting issues, ethical issues and international aspects.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 301, BUA 302.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 515 - Federal Taxation of Business Entities

    Studies the federal taxation of corporations, partnerships and estates and trusts. Includes study of tax research and tax planning.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 312.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 527 - Business and Sustainability

    This course is appropriate for graduate students who seek to integrate sustainable business practices into their professional scope of knowledge and practice.  Topics to be addressed include the meanings and measurement of sustainability and sustainable development; sustainable business decision-making; and managerial and operational skills and tools for effective sustainability management.  Several learning methods will be utilized in the class, including readings and discussion, case study, experiential activities, guest presenters, and student research projects.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MBA studentsor permission from Business School Office of Graduate Programs

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 596 - International Field Study

    Provides an opportunity to learn about a foreign culture, to visit with foreign government and business officials, and to learn about business practices worldwide via a hands-on immersion experience. Includes preparatory class work and a final report.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    permission; open to students with graduate standing or senior standing in the University of Maine Business School.

    Credits: 3 to 4
  • BUA 601 - Statistical Analysis and Modeling for Organizational Operations

    Familiarizes the student with statistical data analysis and management science techniques as they support decision-making throughout an organization. Integrates statistical analysis and modeling techniques into the study of processes that create value through the production of goods, services, and information.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 604; graduate standing. 

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 604 - Residency Week

    The gateway residential course to the MBA program. The week will emphasize leadership, teamwork, communication, case-work and case method, and ethics. It will also be used to measure some basic skills learned in the pre-program tutorials that will be provided in advance. Required for all entering graduate students in the Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Accounting programs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 325, BUA 350, BUA 370, MAT 215 or equivalents or Maine Business School Graduate Tutorials in Finance, Marketing, Management and Statistics; and BUA 201 or BUA 400 or equivalent; restricted to Maine Business School students with graduate standing.

    Credits: 3

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