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2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • EAD 693 - Superintendent Internship II

    Second semester of an 11-month internship, taken in a sequence of three two-credit courses: EAD 692, EAD 693 and EAD 696.  Provides students an opportunity to explore the role of superintendent of schools and to assess themselves for work in such a role.  Jointly planned by student, advisor, and internship supervisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Masters degree with emphasis in administration and permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • EAD 696 - Superintendent Internship III

    Third semester of an 11-month internship, concluding the sequence of three two-credit courses: EAD 692, EAD 693, and EAD 696.  Provides students an opportunity to explore the role of superintendent of schools and to assess themselves for work in such a role.  Jointly planned by student, advisor, and internship supervisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Masters degree with emphasis in administration and permission

    Credits: 1-3
  • EAD 697 - Independent Study in Educational Leadership

    Provides graduate students with an opportunity to increase professional competence through independent readings and research. Students plan individual projects to gain competencies in educational leadership.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Master’s or CAS students and permission.

    Credits: 1-6
  • EAD 698 - Special Topics in Educational Leadership

    Concentrated study of designated topics in educational leadership. Topics may vary depending on faculty and student interest. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CAS or doctoral level student or permission. Some sections may have additional prerequisites.

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECE 101 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Introduction to the engineering profession as well as information and concepts of general use in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Topics include: exploration of career paths and professional responsibilities, basic use of personal computers, mathematical concepts, development of problem solving skills with professional communication. Students work in teams on projects involving digital and motor control. Rec 3, Lab 1. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering majors only or permission. Corequisite: PHY 121.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 105 - Explorations in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Teaches non-engineering students the relationships between computers, sensors and mechanical systems. Provides an understanding of how microprocessors interact with mechanical systems to achieve desired results. Students will design, build and program robots to perform simple tasks using a high level language such as C. The class will be primarily hands-on.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 177 - Introduction to Programming for Engineers

    Introduction to computer programming with emphasis on algorithms and an understanding of underlaying hardware. Topics include syntax, variables, control structures, pointers, operators, functions, and input and output. Lec 3, Lab 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 101 and MAT 126, or permission

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 198 - Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Topics in electrical engineering not regularly covered in other courses. May include ECE topics suitable for advanced first-year students. Content can be varied to suit current needs. (Fall and Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECE 209 - Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

    Basic circuit laws and theorems, operational amplifiers, natural and forced response of first order circuits, phasors and steady-state AC circuits, 3 phase circuits. For non-majors. Lec 3, Rec 1.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 127, PHY 122.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 210 - Electrical Networks I

    Covers basic circuit laws and theorems, op-amp circuits, natural and forced responses of first order systems, phasor concepts, solution of steady-state AC networks, AC power calculations. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 127 and corequisite PHY 122.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 211 - Electrical Networks II

    Natural and forced responses of second order systems, polyphase circuits, magnetically coupled circuits, frequency domain analysis, Bode plots, two-port parameters, Fourier series applications. Lec 3 (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 210, MAT 228.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 214 - Electrical Networks Laboratory

    Provides support for ECE 211. Lab exercise and circuit simulations demonstrate concepts presented in ECE 211. Participants become familiar with circuit simulation, safety and grounding considerations, instrumentation, e.g., oscilloscopes, signal sources, multimeters, and signal analyzers. Also of particular significance will be the development of technical writing skills. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 211 or Corequisite: ECE 211.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 271 - Microcomputer Architecture and Applications

    The microcomputer and its component parts including microprocessors, registers, memory and I/O. Programming and applying the microcomputer in engineering systems. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 275 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 275 - Sequential Logic Systems

    Methods of design and testing for logic systems with memory. Includes procedures and the design of system tests, combinational design, multi-level circuits, logic minimization, sequential design, analysis and optimization and the use of computer tools for logic design. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 177.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 300 - Seminar

    Exploration of career opportunities, organizational structure of industry and professional responsibilities. Lec 1. (Fall.)

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)


    Prerequisites & Notes
    Junior standing.

    Credits: 1

  • ECE 314 - Signals and Systems

    Analysis of continuous linear time-invariant systems including Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transform techniques and their applications; transformation and properties of continuous signals and systems, convolution, transfer functions and state variable system representations. Rec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 258 and at least a C- in ECE 211.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 316 - Random Signal Analysis

    This course introduces the fundamental concepts of random signal analysis based on probability theory and random processes.  It presents the mathematical and engineering tools to analyze and interpret random events occurring in natural phenomena, games, sciences, and engineering.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Corequisite: MAT 258

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 323 - Electric Power Conversion

    AC/DC power conversion, linear and switching power supplies, magnetic circuits, inductors, transformers, fundamentals of electromechanical energy conversion, basic properties of electric motors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 211 and ECE 214 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 331 - Introduction to Unix Systems Administration

    Topics include hardware and devices, file systems, user management, backup and recovery, application management, and network services such as NFS, NIS, DNS, DHCP, electronic mail and web servers. Problem solving and diagnostic methods, performance tuning, legal and professional issues, ethics and policies and security aspects of hosts on the Internet are discussed. Students gain hands-on experience and complete a project.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    COS 220 or ECE 177 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 342 - Electronics I

    Investigates semiconductor fundamentals of the p-n junction, BJT and MOSFET. Static and low frequency dynamic models are developed and utilized in design and analysis. Explores basic electronic circuit building blocks based on diodes, BJT’s MOSFET’s and fully-compensated op-amps. Lec 3, Lab 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 214 and at least a C- in ECE 211.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 343 - Electronics II

    Introduces design and analysis of semiconductor circuits. Analog networks include amplifiers, power supplies and oscillators. Digital efforts are concentrated in the CMOS and pseudo-NMOS areas with a brief look at the BJT logic. Explores basic concepts of frequency response, feedback and data conversion. Lec 3, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 342.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 351 - Fields and Waves

    Topics include: static electric and magnetic fields, properties of dielectric and ferromagnetic materials, time varying fields, Faraday’s law, Maxwell’s equations, plane waves in dielectric and conducting media, calculation of the fields and other properties of common transmission lines. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 211, MAT 228, MAT 258.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 383 - Communications Engineering

    Introduces the fundamental concepts of signal transmission in communications systems based on probability theory and random processes.  Presents the mathematical tools used to analyze and interpret random events occurring in natural phenomena, games, sciences, and engineering.  Practical examples from digital communications systems will be studied in depth.  Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 314.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 394 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Practice

    Work experience in electrical engineering and/or computer engineering. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring and Summer.)

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    sophomore standing and permission.

    Credits: 1-3

  • ECE 401 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Project

    First of a three semester sequence of courses involving the design, implementation and reporting of an engineering device, system or software package by an individual student or small group. Part one: project selection, feasibility studies and proposal writing. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 314, ECE 342, or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1
  • ECE 402 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Project

    Second of a three semester sequence of courses involving the design, implementation and reporting of an engineering device, system or software package by an individual student or small groups. Part two: resource location, module debugging, prototype testing. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 401.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 403 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Project

    Third of a three semester sequence of courses involving the design, implementation and reporting of an engineering device, system or software package by an individual student or small group. Part three: written and oral presentation of the completed project.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive and Capstone Experience Requirements. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 402.

    Credits: 2
  • ECE 414 - Feedback Control Systems

    Analysis and design of continuous control systems using transfer function and state variable system representations. Covers signal flow graphs and Mason’s gain formula, decomposition of transfer functions, controllability and observability, root locus techniques, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Nyquist criterion, controller design in time and frequency domains, State feedback, phase lead and lag controllers, PID type controllers. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 314, basic knowledge of matrix algebra.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 417 - Introduction to Robotics

    Introduces robotics and operation of microcomputer-controlled manipulators with their applications in automation. Includes a general review of robot structure, current application of robots in automation, spatial descriptions and coordinate transformations, manipulator kinematics and solutions, robot control and path planning, dynamics and vision in robot application. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 177 or COS 220, and MAT 228; knowledge of matrix algebra and some familiarity with basic control and rigid body mechanics suggested.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 427 - Electric Power Systems

    Power system models, power flow solutions, fault analysis, protective relaying. Lec 2, Lab 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 211.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 435 - Network Engineering

    Focuses on the engineering aspects of data networks including physical media and interconnections, signals and noise, modulation, multiplexing, frame and packet transmission, routing, network design and network management. Problem solving and diagnostic methods, legal and professional issues, ethics and policies, and security aspects of interconnected networks are discussed. Students gain hands-on experience and complete networking projects.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    COS 231 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 444 - Analog Integrated Circuits

    Considers topics in the internal circuit design and system applications of analog integrated circuits. Concerns addressed include temperature and power supply sensitivity, gain, bandwith, stability and I/O characteristics. Specific topics include current sources, differential amplifiers, level shifters, op-amps, regulators and phase-locked loops. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 314 and ECE 343.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 445 - Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits

    Reviews device characteristics with emphasis on switching behavior. Considers ramifications of need for designs to be compatible with IC processing technology. Emphasis on CMOS and ECL based systems. Explores interface and optimization problems as related to timing and loading. Brief look at significant parameters needed for accurate computer modeling. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 342.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 453 - Microwave Engineering

    Topics include: rectangular and cylindrical waveguides, transmission line models, impedance matching, Smith chart methods, microwave circuits and components, s-parameter measurement techniques and antennas. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 351.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 462 - Introduction to Basic Semiconductor Devices and Associated Circuit Models

    Introduces the fundamental device material that is basic to electronics-engineering. Initial concepts include diamond (zinc-blende) crystal structure, holes, free electrons, drift, diffusion, and the energy band model. These are then used to explore p-n junction and MOS structures including the extraction of SPICE model parameters. A more detailed look at reasons behind the characteristics of p-n and Schottky diodes, MOSFETs and BJTs follows. The goal is an understanding of the behavior of the basic semiconductor devices, their limitations and their models. If time permits additional topics from the following list will be discussed: Power Semiconductors, Photonic Devices, Semiconductor Reliability. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 342, MAT 228.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 464 - Microelectronics Science and Engineering

    The science and engineering of CMOS and deep sub-micron semiconductor device fabrication. Semiconductor process steps including: diffusion, oxidation, reactive ion etching, chemical etching, surface cleaning, lithography, ion implantation, thin film deposition and chemical-mechanical polishing. A CMOS process flow is outlined. Computer simulation is utilized to provide insight into ion implantation, diffusion and lithography. Lec 3 (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHY 121 and PHY 122. Corequisite: MAT 258.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 465 - Introduction to Sensors

    Various types of conductometric, acoustic, magnetic, thermal and optical sensors are presented. Techniques for interfacing the sensors using microprocessor control systems and signal processing are discussed. Applications of sensor systems in medicine, environmental monitoring, the automotive industry, the chemical industry, manufacturing and construction are given. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    junior standing in engineering.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 466 - Sensor Technology and Instrumentation

    Design and fabrication techniques for piezoelectric, thin film, fiber optic and silicon based sensors. Topics include: cutting, polishing and cleaning crystals, the deposition of electrodes and sensing elements and sensor characterization. Students will design, fabricate and test a sensor. Lec 3, Lab 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 465 or permission.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 471 - Microprocessor Applications Engineering

    Application of micro-processors to the solution of design problems, including hardware characteristics, peripheral control techniques and system development. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Fall)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 271.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 473 - Computer Architecture and Organization

    Historical computers and topics of importance in the design of modern computer systems including memory technology, memory system design, and parallel processing. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    at least a C- in ECE 271.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 477 - Hardware Applications Using C

    Emphasizes the use of the C programming language to control hardware devices. Review of the necessary features of the C programming language will be included. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    COS 220 or ECE 171 and ECE 271, or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 478 - Industrial Computer Control

    Design of computerized systems for industrial applications. These include programmable logic controllers, personal computers and embedded controllers. Interface electronics, communication strategies, design for hostile environments, fault tolerance and fail safe design will also be covered. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    COS 220 or ECE 177 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 484 - Communications Engineering II

    Topics include: digital communication systems, multiplexing, signal space, information theory and coding. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    at least a C- in ECE 383.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 486 - Digital Signal Processing

    A study of discrete-time signals and systems, Z-transforms, discrete Fourier series and transforms. Efficient implementations of discrete-time system and design of IIR, FIR and multirate digital filter structures. Lec 3, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    COS 220 and ECE 314.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 487 - Digital Image Processing

    Introduction to image processing techniques and their applications including image generation, sampling and quantization; thresholding, binary images, gray level images, pseudo-color, coding techniques; image processing mathematics, two dimensional discrete Fourier transform, convolution and correlation, image transforms; masking, image smoothing, image sharpening, high-pass and low-pass filters, histogram and image enhancement. Image processing laboratory experimentation. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 314, basic knowledge of matrix algebra.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 498 - Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Topics in electrical engineering not regularly covered in other courses. May include advanced microprocessor applications, robot applications, instrumentation semiconductor technology, introduction to VLSI design and microwave acoustics. Content can be varied to suit current needs. May be repeated for credit, with departmental permission. (Fall and Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECE 512 - Linear Systems Analysis

    Analysis of linear dynamic systems using matrices and linear vector spaces, internal and external models, state variable analysis, controllability and observability, stability. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 314 and either MAT 258 or MAT 262.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 515 - Random Variables and Stochastic Processes

    Engineering applications of probability theory. Analysis of random variables, random processes and stochastic models. Introduction to the analysis and optimization of linear systems with random inputs. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    graduate standing; MAT 332 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 523 - Mathematical Methods in Electrical Engineering

    Application of mathematical and numerical methods to Electrical Engineering problems.  Topics include: systems of linear equations, sparse matrices, nonlinear equations, optimization, interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, ordinary differential equations, error analysis, application to linear and nonlinear circuit analysis. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 512 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 533 - Advanced Robotics

    Introduces intelligent robot control system and programming. Robot dynamical equations, path planning and trajectory generation, control system, off-line simulations, robot languages and vision integration in robot applications will be discussed. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 417.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 535 - Computer Vision

    Topics include: image generation, the physics of images and sensors, binary images, image processing and understanding, computational methods for recovery and representation of visual information, review of available vision systems and their applications in automation. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    COS 215 or COS 220 and ECE 314 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 543 - Microelectronic Devices I

    Physics, engineering and design of deep-submicron Si devices used in microelectronic circuits; non-Si devices used for Photonics; and novel quantum-mechanical single-electron devices. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 343.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 547 - VLSI Design/Layout

    Integrated circuit design methodologies. Semi-custom ASICs, logic synthesis and simulation, design automation techniques and designing for testability. Chips designed in this course will be fabricated and tested in ECE 548. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 343. Corequisite: ECE 444 or ECE 445.


    Credits: 3

  • ECE 548 - VLSI Test/Characterization

    Laboratory course covering the testing and characterization of integrated circuits designed in ECE 547 and fabricated externally. (Spring.)

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 547.

    Credits: 1

  • ECE 550 - Electromagnetic Theory

    Reviews of Maxwell’s Equations and waves in dielectric and lossy unbounded and layered media. Covers plane cylindrical and spherical wave functions; reflection and transmission properties of layered media, electromagnetic radiation and antenna theory. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 351 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 552 - Wave Propagation

    Theory of the propagation of electromagnetic and sound waves in unbounded and layered isotropic and anisotropic solids and liquids. Specific applications to wave propagation in the ocean and crystals are also presented. Lec 3. (Summer.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 453 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 565 - Solid State Device Theory I

    A study of physical principles underlying solid state devices. Topics include: crystalline structure, x-ray diffraction, reciprocal space, lattice vibrations, phonons, specific heat and introduction to quantum mechanics. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 571 - Advanced Microprocessor-Based Design

    Includes techniques for developing software and hardware for microprocessor-based systems, computer aided design using a multistation logic development system, use of components commonly found in microprocessor-based systems. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 471 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 573 - Microprogramming

    Fundamentals of microcoding and the design of microcoded systems including bit slice design. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 275, ECE 471.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 574 - Cluster Computing

    Advances in high-end computational technology continue to bring the digital revolution into academic, industrial and commercial areas.  A popular approach for achieving high performance for these application domains is to use parallel computers.  Introduces the primary parallel computer architectures, as well as the programming techniques applicable to concurrent, parallel and distributed computations.  Students will gain experience in developing parallel computing solutions for challenging problems.  Lec 3.  (Offered one every two years - Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    At least a C- in ECE 177 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 577 - Fuzzy Logic

    Covers the fundamentals of fuzzy logic and its application in control, model identification, information systems and pattern recognition, as well as in conjunction with artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 477 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 578 - Advanced Industrial Computer Control

    Advanced topics including distributed control systems, interoperability and networking of a variety of computers and embedded controllers. (Fall or Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 478 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 580 - Communications Engineering

    Topics include: probability theory, random processes, optimum receivers, vector channels, matched filters, block orthogonal signaling, time-bandwidth product, channel capacity, and implementation of coded systems. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 515 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 583 - Coding Theory

    Students will learn how to compute the maximum rate of reliable transmission and design, evaluate, and implement codes that achieve capacity with reasonable decoding complexity.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 515 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 585 - Fundamentals of Wireless Communication

    Aims to present the modern wireless communication concepts in a coherent and unified manner and to illustrate the concepts in the broader context of the wireless systems on which they have been applied.  Recent wireless standards will be studies in depth and emphasized through a course project. 

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHB 350 or ECE 383 or ECE 515 or MAT 332 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 590 - Neural Networks

    Introduces artificial neural networks. Provides supervised and unsupervised learning in single and multi-layer networks, software implementation, hardware overview. Applications in pattern recognition and image analysis. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 598 - Selected Advanced Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Advanced topics not regularly covered in other courses. Content varies. May be repeated for credit. (Fall and Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECE 599 - Selected Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Advanced independent study for qualified students who present suitable projects for intensive investigation in the area of faculty interest. (Fall/Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECE 643 - Microelectronic Devices II

    A continuation of topics undertaken in ECE 543. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 543.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 662 - Microwave Acoustics

    A study of the theory of acoustic wave propagation in piezoelectric media. Focuses on bulk acoustic waves and guided acoustic waves and use of these waves in microwave acoustic devices such as sensors. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 550, ECE 552 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 663 - Design and Fabrication of Surface Wave Devices

    Covers the design, fabrication and measurement of surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices, e.g. delay lines, filters, resonators, oscillators, convolvers and sensors. Topics include: planar fabrication techniques, surface properties of piezolectric crystals, photolithography, vacuum technologies for thin film deposition, electronic systems for the measurements of impulse and frequency response, phase and group velocity, insertion loss, distortions and spurious effects. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 550, ECE 662 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 667 - Solid State Device Theory II

    Theory of electronic properties of solids. Topics include: statistical mechanics, free electron theory, thermoelectric effects semiconductor theory and electronic transport properties in semiconductors. Lec 3. (Summer.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 565.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 699 - Graduate Thesis / Research

    Selected research problems. (Fall and Spring.)

    Credits: Ar
  • ECO 100 - Intro to Economics

    An introduction to the principles of economic decision making.  Topics include: resource allocation; government policies; markets and pricing; and international aspects of the economy.  This course does not substitute for either ECO 120 or ECO 121.  Due to substantial overlap in content, students are not permitted to receive credit for ECO 100 and INT 110.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 117 - Issues and Opportunities in Economics

    Consists of weekly meetings of first year students.  Topics covered include overview of the fields of Economics, school and university program requirements, and current economic issues.  Pass/Fail grade only.

    Credits: 1
  • ECO 120 - Principles of Microeconomics

    Principles of microeconomics and their application to economic issues and problems. Analysis of the economic decision-making of individuals and firms; markets and pricing; monopoly power; income distribution; the role of government intervention in markets.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 121 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    Principles of macroeconomics and their application to modern economic issues and problems. Analysis of national income and employment; fluctuations in national income; monetary and fiscal policy; control of inflation, unemployment, and growth; and international aspects of macroeconomic performance.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 recommended.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 190 - World Food Supply, Population and the Environment

    Reviews current global resources focusing primarily upon food production and population, and environmental problems relating to food production and distribution. World trade and world trade policy are considered with primary emphasis on food. Other topics include world trade liberalization, genetically modified foods and comparative agricultural systems.

    Satisfies the General Education Population and the Environment and Social Context and Institutions Requirements.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 254 - Small Business Economics and Management

    Application of economic concepts to real world business and economic decisions using graphs, spreadsheets and analytical techniques. Students will learn introductory small business management concepts, how to estimate the cost of producing goods and services, and how to develop business feasibility studies. Students develop a hands-on project that looks at the production and marketing of a good or service.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 280 - Fundamentals of Mathematical Economics

    Fundamental mathematical economics applies the tools of algebra and basic calculus to economics and business based problems.  Instruction includes principles of calculus, differentiation, optimization, and integration.  The focal applications include: economic modeling, supply and demand modeling, utility maximization, cost minimization, social welfare measurement and other topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    C- or better in ECO 120, ECO 121, and either MAT 111 or MAT 115 - or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 321 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    Analysis of the basic forces that cause fluctuations in economic activity and their effects on employment, investment, and business firms. Stabilization proposals examined and evaluated.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Grade of C- or better in ECO 121, or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 329 - Global Political Economy

    Description, analysis and evaluation of the newly emerging global economy. Systematic and holistic assessment of the origins, characteristics and institutions of the global economy in light of economic and other social science theories. Topics include political, economic and technological changes at the global level, transnational corporations, international monetary institutions (World Bank, International Monetary Fund) and the implications of globalization for the relevance of traditional economic theory and policy.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions and Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 333 - Labor Markets and Human Resource Development

    Topics include: labor market dynamics, the structure of labor markets, preparation for employment, labor market problems of special groups, remedial manpower programs, labor markets and public policy.

    Satisfies the General Education Ethics Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 335 - History of Economic Thought

    Survey of basic economic principles and theories from preindustrial times to present. Emphasis on the Classical School (Smith, Ricardo, and Malthus) and its critics, the development of the Austrian School, the synthesis of Neo-Classicism and emergence of macroeconomics.

    Satisfies the General Education Western Cultural Tradition Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 336 - Marxian Economics

    A dynamic macro-analytical critique of the functioning of a capitalist society. Covers theoretical comparisons with orthodox economic theory and an introduction to American radicals (neo-Marxian) and their thought.

    Satisfies the General Education Western Cultural Tradition Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 339 - International Finance

    Analysis of the fundamental characteristics of an open macroeconomy including exchange rate determination, balance of payments adjustment, income determination, financial flows, effect of monetary and fiscal policies on exchange rates, economic integration and global monetary issues.

    Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 340 - The Canadian Economy: Issues and Policies

    Survey of the structure and functioning of the Canadian economic system, its problems and the policies used to solve them.

    Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 341 - Waste Management

    The study of the history and current problems of society’s municipal solid waste. Waste generation, recycling and disposal are covered for both Maine and the nation. Social, economic and engineering aspects are examined.

    Satisfies the General Education Population and the Environment Requirement. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Sophomore Standing or higher.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 342 - Health Economics

    Use of basic microeconomic principles to examine health policy issues.  Economic principles are used to understand the demand for health care, the supply of health care, the health insurance market, and the role of the government in health policy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    C- or better in ECO 120 and Eco 121.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 343 - North American Economic Integration

    Covers the emergence of trading blocs in North America and the conflict involved in the passage of North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Also covers the economic costs and benefits for Canada, the United States and Mexico (including the relocation of production and job loss). The future of North American economic integration will be addressed.

    Satisfies the General Education Western Cultural Tradition Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 350 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

    A study of how individual choice allocates goods and resources in market economies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    C- or better in ECO 120 or Permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 353 - Money and Banking

    Examines the American banking and financial system including monetary theory and policy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 355 - Tourism Economics

    Covers the theory and applications of tourism economics. What are the factors that impact the number of visitors a destination receives? How do people respond to a change in the price of tourism services? Under what circumstances should the government intervene into tourism markets? What is the economic impact of tourism? What are the tradeoffs between tourism and the environment?

    Prerequisites & Notes
    C- in either ECO 120 or ECO 100, or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 366 - Applied Data Analysis for Resource Economics and Policy

    Applies a variety of empirical methods to study issues related to resource, agricultural and rural economics. Focuses on model conceptualization, and descriptive and regression-based data analysis. Includes several computer-based assignments.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 215 or MAT 232 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 368 - Economics of Regulation

    Examination of the institutions and economic issues related to public utility regulation in the United States.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 370 - Topics in Economics

    Includes readings, research and discussions. Topics vary depending on faculty and student interests.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECO 371 - Public Finance and Fiscal Policy

    Covers public expenditure theory, principles of taxation, the federal budget and alternative budget policies, federal tax policy, fiscal policy for stabilization, federal debt.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 372 - State and Local Government Finance

    Topics include: development of the federal system, fiscal performance, intergovernmental fiscal relations, state and local revenue systems, budgetary practices, state and local debt.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECO 120 and ECO 121 or equivalent with permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 377 - Introduction to Natural Resource Economics and Policy

    Economic aspects of natural resource management and policy are presented. Both consumptive and nonconsumptive uses of natural resources are discussed along with the socially optimal use of renewable and nonrenewable resources. Contemporary environmental problems and policies are presented.

    Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions and Population and the Environment Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    C- in either ECO 120 or ECO 100, or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECO 381 - Sustainable Development Principles and Policy

    The principles of sustainable development are investigated and considered against a number of ethical and philosophical concepts. Possible ecological, economic and social criteria for evaluating development proposals against those principles are surveyed. Selected issues relevant to Maine are evaluated by sustainable development criteria.

    Satisfies the General Education Population and the Environment and Ethics Requirements.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Sophomore standing.

    Credits: 3

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