Minimum number of credits required to graduate: 120
Minimum Cumulative GPA required to graduate: 2.0
Minimum Grade requirements for courses to count toward major: A C or higher is required in CHF 200 and CHF 201. Students in the Early Childhood Education concentration are required to earn a B- or higher in CHF 200, CHF 201, CHF 203, CHF 321, CHF 322, CHF 329, CHF 331 or EHD 203, CHF 304 or EHD 400, EDT 400, EHD 101, EHD 202, EHD 204, EHD 301, ERL 317, ERL 319, and SED 302.
Other GPA requirements to graduate: Students in Early Childhood Education need a 2.75 GPA to apply for teacher candidacy.
Required Course(s) for fulfilling Capstone Experience: CHF 423 or 424
Contact Information: Mary Mahoney-O’Neil, Assistant Dean, 144 Shibles Hall 581-2484 or 581-2435
Transfer Policy
Students at the University of Maine wishing to transfer to this major should have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 for Early Childhood Education concentration or a 2.5 cumulative GPA for all other concentrations. Students not meeting these minimum GPAs should submit an application consisting of a resume, and an essay identifying their professional goals. A faculty committee will review applications. Application packets should be submitted to 118 Merrill Hall. All other students need to apply through the Admissions Office.