Minimum number of credits required to earn minor: 18
Minimum Cumulative GPA required to earn minor: 2.5
Minimum Grade requirements for courses to count toward minor: None.
Other GPA requirements to earn minor: None.
Contact Information: Tina Passman, c/o Chadbourne Hall, 207-581-3113, passman@maine.edu
This 18 hour interdisciplinary minor is offered completely through distance education. All courses are asynchronous and online; a few may have a synchronous component in Virtual Reality.
Not only are we all connected, we all are interconnected. “Interdisciplines: Language, Thought and Culture” uses the lens of interdisciplinarity to investigate the many ways in which the worlds of past, present and future are interwoven in complex and mutual interchanges. Students will have the opportunity to work in a number of seemingly disparate but subtly connected areas relevant to the web of human life and human ecology.
Students will choose 18 credits, and work with the coordinator as a contact person and advisor. Current contact person and advisor: Kristina Passman Nielson (passman@maine.edu).