The classical period in Western history, defined as the period from the Bronze
Age to the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century CE, comprises the “roots”
of modern society. In order to understand where we are and where we are going,
it is necessary to know where we have been. European and American literature,
philosophy, law, religion, politics, language, and art have all been either directly
or indirectly formed in reaction to Classical culture. By examination and study
of classical civilization, the student will develop a sense of how the ancients
responded to the universal questions of human experience. Through an implicit
comparison of the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome to our own, the student
will also come to have a fuller understanding of the humanist and cultural impulses
which have formed and which continue to form our own experience. This curriculum
is particularly useful to the student with interests in ancient history, philosophy,
art history, anthropology, literature and political science. It will also prove
useful to the student preparing for a career in law.
A minimum of 18 credits or 6 courses is required. The student who elects this
curriculum normally chooses Latin as a fulfillment of the language requirement.
The advanced student may choose ancient Greek rather than Latin (as available),
with permission of the instructor. The student will take either two semesters
of Latin beyond the elementary level or two semesters of Greek at elementary level
or above. In addition, the student will take HTY 401, History of Greece or HTY
402, Roman History, and the remaining 3 courses in one or two areas in the following
listing. The list is flexible; new courses, special seminars, pertinent readings
in upper level Honors courses, and independent study may be approved for Classical
For complete information about Classical Studies, visit the coordinator at
201 Little Hall, phone (207) 581-2072 or contact Prof. Kristina Passman at