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    Feb 16, 2025  
2023-2024 UMaine Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 UMaine Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Enrollment Status

Full-time Status

Full-time undergraduate students can be registered for sufficient credits each semester to complete their academic programs in four years (eight regular semesters). For most programs, this means students must average 15 credits per semester to earn the minimum of 120 credits required for graduation. Some programs require more than 120 credits. 

The University treats undergraduate students registered for 12 or more credits as full-time students for purposes of calculating student financial aid, determining eligibility for campus housing, athletic eligibility, veteran’s benefits, student fees, and for all other activities which vary according to enrollment status. Failure to register for at least 12 credits per semester will jeopardize eligibility in the above mentioned areas.  Classes taken with an Audit status (no grade or credit hours earned) are not counted when determining enrollment status.  Students who will be less than full time and are receiving financial aid should report a “change in enrollment plans” when accepting their financial aid through MaineStreet’s Student Self-Service. The Office of Student Financial Aid will receive this information and if required will update the financial aid award. If the award is adjusted the student will receive an email notification.

For the spring semester students are encouraged to update the enrollment status in November. Failure to report a change in enrollment plans may result in a delay in receiving an expected refund when financial aid is disbursed.

The University grants exceptions to the full-time status under the following conditions (these exceptions do not apply to financial aid):

  • Students who formally register in courses in select Cooperative Education, Field Experience, or Internships as part of their UMaine programs. 
  • Graduating seniors who need less than 12 credits to complete requirements and have applied to graduate.

Reduced Course Load Policy:

It is the policy and practice of the University of Maine to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 4504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These laws direct the institution to provide academic adjustments to accommodate students with disabilities. To this end, the University has established a Reduced Course Load Policy for students with disabilities.

The University defines full-time student status as twelve credit hours per semester for undergraduates and six for graduate students. On the recommendation of the Office of Student Accessibility Services and an Advisory Committee, and with the approval of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost or designee, undergraduate students requesting reasonable accommodation for a documented disability who register for no fewer than six hours enjoy the rights and privileges of full-time students. Appropriate reduced hours for graduate students are determined on a case-by-case basis. Students granted reduced course load status are assessed mandatory fees in accordance with University policy. In some cases, receipt of benefits is contingent on payment of fees.

The policy does not extend to student eligibility for such programs as federal financial aid, U.S. Veterans Administration benefits, academic scholarships, and health insurance. Students approved for a reduced course load are responsible for determining the impact of that load on their eligibility for federal financial aid, VA benefits (including housing allowance), scholarships, and/or insurance. The University is not responsible for the reduction or loss of non-University aid, privileges, gifts, remuneration, or other real or perceived benefits resulting from a student’s decision to carry a reduced course load.

Students requesting this accommodation must provide current comprehensive evidence of a documented disability from a health care professional and an official transcript from any institution(s) they attended prior to enrolling at the University of Maine.

The Office of Student Accessibility Services organizes and oversees all procedures relating to the enactment of this policy and provides a written annual report to the Provost. For further information, contact Student Accessibility Services via phone at 207.581.2319 or visit our website at

Non-Degree Students

Students wishing to take courses at the University of Maine but who are not working towards a University of Maine degree are non-degree students. These students typically register for classes through the University’s Division of Lifelong Learning (DLL, located in Chadbourne Hall). Except for courses offered through Continuing Education/Summer Session, the University allows non-degree registration in regular courses on a space-available basis.

Some non-degree students register and are advised through the appropriate academic colleges rather than through DLL. These include:

  • Students holding a degree but who are pursuing a certificate (e.g., a teaching or professional certificate)
  • Students who are degree students elsewhere but are attending the University of Maine under a formal student-exchange program (e.g., National Student Exchange, Canadian-American Exchange, New England Land-Grant University Student Exchange)

Non-degree students registered for 9 or more (Orono campus) credits per semester are eligible for campus housing on a space-available basis. The University of Maine does not normally award student aid to non-degree students.

Absence from the University Options

Students who plan to be away from the University for any period of time should choose the most appropriate method from the options below.

Domestic Study Away

Students who wish to take coursework at another institution are strongly encouraged to request prior approval by completing the Domestic Study Away form. This approval will ensure that the course(s) and credits will be applicable to their plan of study when completed with an acceptable grade, credits will count toward enrollment status, and students will maintain enrollment in their degree program. Students who are applying for financial aid must complete a Domestic Study Away form available on the Office of Student Records website:

Leave of Absence

Students who wish to take a semester or two off from taking classes may request a leave of absence. Students taking a leave of absence retain the right to return to their college and keep the same catalog requirements without needing to reapply to the University. Students must have no financial indebtedness to the University. Students must obtain approval for a leave of absence no later than two weeks after the start of the semester in which they take the leave.


Students may experience life circumstances or medical conditions that compromise their health, safety, or academic success. In such circumstances, students may need to leave the university and their studies and resume the pursuit of their academic and co-curricular goals later. Students who wish to leave the University for more than two semesters should request a withdrawal. Withdrawing officially is preferable to simply ceasing to attend because it may prevent the assignment of failing grades that then are forever part of one’s transcript. Withdrawing also allows for exploration of options to aid when returning at a later date. For the required withdrawal forms and a more complete explanation of the withdrawal process, go to:

Students who withdraw from the University and who do not enroll in the subsequent semester will need to apply for readmission when they choose to return. Students who are absent for two or more years will need to meet the catalog requirement in effect at the time of readmission. The re-admit form is available on the Office of Student Records website: Refer to the Academic Calendar  for specific dates and information pertaining to withdrawn classes. Students need to contact the associate dean of their college to withdraw from the University.

Retroactive Fall/Spring Term Withdrawal 

* Retroactive withdrawal is defined as a request for withdrawal from ALL courses for a term that has ended.

A retroactive withdrawal may be an option for students who were unable to complete a standard withdrawal through the Office of the Registrar or the Graduate School (if applicable). A retroactive University withdrawal is an extraordinary remedy that is only available when extenuating circumstances significantly impaired the student’s ability to complete the semester and officially withdraw by the established semester deadlines as outlined in the Academic Calendar . Examples of extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to, a mental or physical illness, injury, or other extraordinary circumstance that significantly limited a student’s capacity to withdraw in a timely manner or when the student was forced to leave the University abruptly due to a health or safety emergency within their immediate family, or to an individual whose close relationship with a student is the equivalent of a family relationship, Title IX, or some other type of extenuating circumstance.

To submit a request for a Fall or Spring retroactive term withdrawal, students must contact the Associate Dean of their college.  The withdrawal date will be based upon the last confirmed assignment submission or other documented instance of participation in any course relevant to the request.  The deadline for requesting a retroactive withdrawal for Fall or Spring term is six months after the final day of the term of which the student withdrew.  

Retroactive Winter Session/Summer University Session Withdrawal 

* Retroactive withdrawal is defined as a request for withdrawal from ALL courses for the session.

A request for a retroactive withdrawal for a Winter Session or Summer University course(s) may be submitted to the Division of Lifelong Learning. Typically, this type of withdrawal is requested when extenuating circumstances significantly impaired the student’s ability to complete the session and officially withdraw by the established session deadlines as outlined on the Division of Lifelong Learning’s website, Examples of extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to, those listed in the Retroactive Fall/Spring Term Withdrawal policy.

To submit a request for a retroactive withdrawal for a Winter Session or Summer University course or courses, students must contact the Division of Lifelong Learning.  The deadline for requesting a retroactive withdrawal for Winter or Summer Session is six months after the final day of the term of which the student withdrew. 

Registration for Classes


Maine law prohibits students born after 1956 from registering for classes until they have submitted proof of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella with the Office of Student Records. Students must also provide proof of Tetanus/Diptheria (Td or DT) or tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) that has been administered within the past 10 years. Students can forward the supporting documentation to directly to the Shared Processing Center at or by fax at (207)581-5451.

Maximum Number of Credits

Students select and register for classes in consultation with an academic advisor.  Students wishing to register for more than 18 hours in a semester must obtain permission from the associate dean of their college.

Course Numbering System

Courses are numbered to indicate their level. Those numbered 000-099 are considered remedial and do not count towards a University degree. Courses numbered 100-299 are often introductory in nature and intended to be taken during the first two years of a baccalaureate degree program. The numbers 300-399 usually indicate advanced courses with prerequisites designed for the junior and senior years of the undergraduate program. Courses numbered 400-499 are advanced baccalaureate courses. Courses numbered 500-599 are designed for students working for graduate degrees, but undergraduates may take them with the permission of their academic advisor and of the professor teaching the course. Courses numbered 600-699 are highly advanced courses for graduate students exclusively.

Schedule of Classes

Not every course is offered every semester. The Schedule of Classes lists the courses scheduled to be taught in a given semester, showing the days, times, and building locations where they meet. Students should use the Catalog and the Schedule of Classes to prepare a tentative class schedule before meeting with their academic advisors.


The University of Maine gives priority in registration to those students who are closest to graduation. The details of the registration procedure may vary depending upon which of the University’s colleges, schools or departments offer the student’s major program. In general, after meeting with an academic advisor, students are enabled to perform the actual registration using a personal computer.

Schedule Changes (Course Add/Drop/Withdrawal)

Full-Semester Length Classes: The University of Maine allows students to make schedule adjustments for full-semester classes including adding courses, swapping sections within a course, and changing the grading option through the first five class days of the semester. Full-semester classes may be dropped through the first five weeks of the semester; however, there is no tuition refund after the tenth day of classes. Course withdrawals are noted on the transcript with a “W” grade from the sixth week through the eleventh week.  Withdrawals after the 75% completion of the course are graded with the “F” grade. 

Less than Full-Semester Length Classes: Drop deadlines for classes meeting less than the full-semester are available in the student information system.

Continuing Education Registration

The Continuing Education Division (CED) schedules courses in the evenings and on weekends for the convenience of students who can attend the University only on a part-time and evening basis. The content of these courses is the same as that of the same courses offered during the regular daytime hours. Degree students may register for a CED-sponsored course during the first week of the semester if space is available. Special policies for CED-sponsored courses governing cancellation, adding and dropping, and obtaining refunds are published in the CED fall and spring course schedules and the Summer Session catalog. A complete listing of courses offered through CED is available from the CED Office, Division of Lifelong Learning, 5713 Chadbourne Hall.

Definition of an Undergraduate Student Credit Hour

The University of Maine acknowledge and adhere to the federal definition of a credit hour with respect to courses offered face to face, in hybrid format, and online, as developed in 2010 and published in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 34, Part 600.02:

[A] credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than

(1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit [ … ] or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or 

(2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution[,] including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the awarding of credit