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    Feb 10, 2025  
2022-2023 UMaine Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 UMaine Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Expenses and Fees

Billing Information and Related Policies

Click here to view the Estimated Expenses for 2022/2023  .

Click here to view the Explanation of University Fees .

Invoices and Due Dates
Billing statements are provided online and are available through MaineStreet. Charges are calculated using pre-registrations, room sign-up information, and data supplied by the Admissions Office. The student will be provided online billing statements regarding their financial status and will be notified via email to the student’s email address. Students may view their accounts on Student Self-Service on MaineStreet. Students may authorize parents or other third parties to view and pay on their accounts online. Instructions for
adding an authorized user can be found at

Fall 2022 billing statements will be available online beginning in mid-July, and will be due
September 15th.

Spring 2023 billing statements will be available online beginning in early December, and will be
due January 15th.

Summer 2023 billing statements will be available online in mid-April, and the charges for each
class will be due by May 15.

Late Payment Fee
A $50 late payment fee will be assessed monthly to students who fail to pay their bills or fail to notify the Bursar’s Office of any third party sponsorship or anticipated resources by the due date, (see Anticipated Resources) To avoid being charged the late fee, students who have not received a bill should contact the Bursar’s Office.

Anticipated Resources
With the first bill for the fall, spring and summer semesters, the student will use the Anticipated Resources area of Student-Self-Service on Maine Street (Path: Student Self-Service / Self Service / Campus Finances / Anticipated Resources) to notify the University of any credits from other sources that are not shown on the billing statement (i.e. third party/sponsor payments, waivers, loans). Instructions for entering anticipated resources can be found at

3rd Party/Sponsor Billing
The student receives an invoice. The student will use the Anticipated Resources area of Student Self-Service on Maine Street to notify the Bursar’s Office of any third party sponsorship. It is the student’s responsibility to provide authorization (purchase order/authorization form) from the third party/sponsor. The student sends the purchase order/authorization form, which indicates how much the third party/sponsor will be paying and any payment due for charges not being paid by the third party/sponsor to the Bursar’s Office by the payment due date. If these items are received by the payment due date shown on the statement, no late fee will be assessed. Please visit the following link for full details in instruction on the 3rd party billing process and procedure

Payment Plan
For those who find it convenient to make monthly payments, the University of Maine is pleased to offer either a 4 installment payment plan or a 5 installment payment plan.  Enrolling in a payment plan is easily done by self-service through the MaineStreet student center or TouchNet Authorized user access.

Enrolling in a payment plan requires payment of an enrollment setup fee of $30 and the initial payment (20% down payment for the 5 installment plan or 25% down payment for the 4 installment plan) at the time of enrollment. The Fall 2022 payment plan will be available for self-service enrollment after July 1. The Spring 2023 payment plan will be available for self-service after December 1. For more information, please visit Please call the Bursar’s Office with any billing questions at (207)581-1521. Please direct financial aid questions to the Office of Student Financial Aid (207)581-1324.

Financial Aid Refunds
A credit balance created by the disbursement of Student Financial Aid is normally disbursed to you by the start of each semester, unless you have requested that funds be held on your account. Excess financial aid will be held on your account if your financial aid award is based on an enrollment level greater than your current enrollment. If you are eligible to receive a refund of excess financial aid, this could delay your refund. For more information please

Refunds for Tuition and Fees
For refunding purposes the following definitions apply:

“Standard” full semester classes are classes which are scheduled to start during the first week of a semester and meet through the end of that semester.

“Non-standard” classes are classes whose starting and ending dates do not coincide with the starting and ending dates of the Fall or Spring semester including all Summer University classes. These classes fall into two groups:
Classes with duration of less than 12 weeks in length.

Classes with duration of 12 weeks or longer.

The “Drop” period is the time frame a student may drop classes from their schedule without academic or financial penalties. For standard full semester classes, the drop period ends:
September 12, 2022 for Fall 2022

January 30, 2023 for Spring 2023

Dropping classes is a reduction in a student’s class load during the Drop period while remaining enrolled in other classes at any of the University of Maine campuses. Withdrawing from classes is a reduction in a student’s class load after the Drop period while remaining enrolled in other classes at any of the University of Maine campuses.

A “Withdrawal from the University”, either temporary or permanent, involves the student withdrawing from all classes at all University of Maine System campuses for which he/she is registered as well as notifying appropriate administrative officials of his/her decision to leave.

Students who cease attendance, in any or all of their classes, without providing official notification are not entitled to a refund. If a student ceases attendance for emergency reasons, the University will accept a written appeal.

For Withdrawals from the University:

“Standard” Full Semester classes and “Non-standard” classes of 12 weeks or more:
Withdrawal Percent of Refund
Prior to the end of the second week 100%
Prior to the end of the fourth week 75%
Prior to the end of the sixth week 50%
Prior to the end of the eighth week 25%
After the eighth week 0%


“Non-Standard” short classes - classes of less than 12 weeks in length:
Withdrawal Percent of Refund
Withdrawal on or before the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class is scheduled. For example, for a six week course, a refund will be granted through the sixth day. 100%
After the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class is scheduled 0%

For Dropped Classes:

“Standard” Full Semester Classes:
Withdrawal Percent of Refund
Prior to the end of the Drop Period
  • Fall 2022- September 12, 2022
  • Spring 2023 - January 31, 2023
After the Drop Period 0%


“Non-standard” classes:
Withdrawal Percent of Refund
Withdrawal on or before the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class is scheduled. For example, for a six week course, a refund will be granted through the sixth day. 100%
After the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class is scheduled 0%

Determination of Attendance

For “standard” full semester classes, the attendance period begins on the opening day of scheduled university classes, includes weekends and holidays, and ends on the date the student notifies the University in writing, that he/she is withdrawing.

For “Non-standard” classes,  including all Summer University classes, the attendance period begins on the start date of the class as specified on the class schedule of classes, includes weekends and holidays, and ends on the date the student notifies the University in writing, that he/she is withdrawing.

These policies are available on-line at

Room and Board Cancellations

For information on room and board cancellation policies, please refer to the University of Maine Housing Services website -

Advance Deposits

No part of an advance deposit is refundable after May 1 (January 1 for Spring) for tuition and fees. After June 1 (January 1 for Spring), room charges for students withdrawing from a University of Maine System institution are non-refundable. Although such deposits are applicable to tuition and room charges for students who remain enrolled, students who withdraw forfeit them.

Involuntary Withdrawals

Consideration for retroactive refunds of tuition and fees for involuntary withdrawals, e.g., extended illness or military service, will be considered by the university on a case-by-case basis. Administrative dismissals are not covered by these procedures and thus are not entitled to refunds of institutional charges.

Statute of Limitations

Appeals for the exception to the established refund practice may be made to the designated university official. Normally, appeals will be considered up to 90 days after the close of the semester/session for which the student is claiming a refund. For a typical semester/session the dates are no later than March 31 (Fall), August 31 (Spring) and November 30 (Summer). University academic appeals committees hear appeals on academic matters and have no authority to authorize refunds.

Definitions and Guidelines for Involuntary and Voluntary Withdrawals

Involuntary withdrawal - In order to be eligible for a refund under the conditions below, the student must submit the required notification of withdrawal and the appropriate substantiating data that supports the withdrawal to the appropriate university office. The university official makes a decision based on the documentation and/or conditions presented. Involuntary withdrawals may include but are not limited to the following:

Involuntary active duty in the Armed Forces - The request for withdrawal must be substantiated with copies of military orders that show proof of date of entry. The individual’s commanding officer or another appropriate official must sign the orders.

Illness of the student or an immediate family member - A physician’s certification must be provided stating the student’s or family member’s illness that required the student’s withdrawal.

Death of the student or an immediate member of the family - Appropriate documentation must accompany the request for withdrawal.

Involuntary transfer by the student’s employer that precluded continued enrollment (armed services are considered employers under this section) - The request for withdrawal must be substantiated by appropriate documentation from the employer.

Voluntary withdrawal - Voluntary withdrawal results from students who give official notification of their withdrawal to the university after a semester/session begins.

General Information

The University expects the student to be financially responsible. All accounts are carried in the name of the student, regardless of the source of payment. Bills and statements are mailed to the student, not the parent.

All charges are payable in full by the due date on the invoice. After that, a $100.00 late fee is assessed.

Delinquent students will be subject to the following administrative sanctions:

They are prevented from receiving an official certified copy of their transcript and diploma.

They are prevented from registration or pre-registration at any university in the University of Maine System.

The University of Maine System or its universities may disclose (directly or through its collection agencies) to a credit bureau organization that the student has failed to pay an assessed charge.

The University of Maine System or its universities may use in-house collection efforts, commercial collection firms, legal services, and the State of Maine Bureau of Taxation for collection on the accounts.

The financial requirements of the University, changing costs, state and legislative action and other matters may require an adjustment of these charges and expenses. The University reserves the right to make such adjustments to the estimated charges and expenses as may, from time to time, be necessary in the opinion of the Board of Trustees up to the date of final registration for a given academic term. The applicant acknowledges this reservation and agrees to the financial terms and conditions of the University by the submission of an application or by registration.

Student Financial Appeal

The following is an appeal process for students who dispute financial claims by the University of Maine; i.e., tuition, fees, room and board, and amounts due on outstanding student loans.

Students should submit a written statement to the University Bursar or other designated university official stating the amount and nature of the disagreement and why he or she feels the charge is incorrect.

Students should submit their written appeal within thirty (30) days of the initial billing of a disputed charge. The Bursar should respond in writing to the student’s complaint within 30 days of the receipt of the appeal.

If the Bursar’s decision is considered incorrect by the student, the student may appeal that decision (within 30 days) in the following order:

To the Chief Business Officer or equivalent official as designated by the university.

To the President of the university whose decision shall be final.

Residency Guidelines

Residency Classification: There are many factors which will be considered in determining residency for in-state tuition purposes. No one factor can be used to establish domicile, rather all factors and circumstances must be considered on a case-by-case basis. A domicile or residency classification assigned by a public or private authority neither qualifies nor disqualifies a student for University of Maine System (UMS) in-state status.

Please note that initial residency is determined by the Admissions office for matriculated undergraduate students, the Continuing & Distance Education office for non-matriculated undergraduate students, and the Graduate School for graduate students based on application information.

The decision, made by the University, shall be made based on information and documentation furnished by the student and other information available to the University. No student is eligible for in-state tuition classification until he or she has become domiciled in Maine, in accordance with University guidelines, before such registration. If the student is enrolled full-time in an academic program, as defined by the University, it will be presumed that the student is in Maine for educational purposes, and that the student is not in Maine to establish a domicile. A residence established for the purpose of attending a UMS institution would not by itself constitute domicile. The burden will be on the student to prove that he or she has established a Maine domicile for other than educational purposes. An individual who has lived in the State of Maine, for other than educational purposes, one year prior to registration or application to a campus is considered an in-state student.

In general, members of the Armed Forces and their dependents will be granted in-state tuition during such periods of time as they are on active duty within the State of Maine or if their Military State of residency is Maine as evidenced by appropriate official documentation. Individuals who have been granted in-state tuition under these conditions but then cease from active duty would continue to be granted in-state tuition. A Maine resident who is absent from the State for military or full-time educational purposes will normally remain eligible for in-state tuition.

A student, spouse, or domestic partner of a student, who currently has continuous, permanent full-time employment in Maine before the student decides to apply for degree status at the University will be considered in-state for tuition purposes.

A student who is dependent on his/her parent(s) and/or legally appointed guardian (or to whom custody has been granted by court order) is considered to have a domicile with the parent(s) for tuition purposes.

In-state tuition is not available to anyone who holds a non-immigrant U.S. visa. If an individual is not a domiciliary of the United States, they cannot be a domiciliary of the State of Maine.

A student who attended an out-of-state educational institution at in-state tuition rates in the immediately preceding semester, shall be presumed to be in Maine for educational purposes and not to establish a domicile. Again, the burden will be on the individual to prove that he or she has established a Maine domicile for other than educational purposes.

Change of Residency Classification. To change tuition status, the following procedures are to be followed:

“Request for Change in Tuition Status” cover sheet and application must be filed with the Bursar at The University of Maine, Bursar’s Office, 5703 Alumni Hall, Orono, Maine 04469-5703 before the first day of classes for the summer session, fall or spring semester for which residency is requested. All applications are prospective.

If the Bursar’s written decision, to be issued within 30 days of the first day of classes is considered incorrect by the student, the student may appeal that decision in writing within 30 days to the Chief Business Officer. After receiving a written decision from this level within 30 days, the student has 30 days to submit a written appeal to the President (or designee).

The President (or designee) will issue a final decision within 30 days.

In the event that the Bursar, or other designated official, possesses facts or information indicating a student’s change of status from in-state to out-of-state, the student shall be informed in writing of the change in status and will be given an opportunity to present facts in opposition to the change. The student may appeal the decision of the Bursar or other designated official as set forth in the preceding paragraph.

New England Regional Student Program

Expanded study opportunities are made available each year to New England residents through the New England Regional Student Program, administered by the New England Board of Higher Education. When a program is not offered at a student’s home state institution, a qualified student may apply for enrollment at an out-of-state institution offering that program under the Regional Student Program. Depending upon the institution in which they enroll, students qualifying for study under the Program are charged either the institution’s resident tuition or an amount 75 percent above the resident tuition.

Requests for detailed information should be directed to the Student Records office of participating state universities. It is essential that students read the individual catalog, since degree nomenclature differs by institution. Application for enrollment is made directly to the institution, which has sole authority over admissions. Applicants must clearly indicate, both in their initial inquiries and on their application forms, that they are seeking admission under the terms of the New England Regional Student Program. Further information is available from the New England Board of Higher Education, New England Regional Student Program, 45 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111, (617)357-9620. Information about qualifying programs can also be found online at

Canadian Resident Tuition Rate

Residents of Canada are assessed reduced tuition equivalent to the Maine resident tuition rate at The University of Maine.

Department of Veteran Affair’s “Covered Individual Policy”:

In compliance with United States Code section 3679 of title 38, any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits will be permitted to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance. A certificate of eligibility can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ eBenefits website, or a VA form 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes. 

The University of Maine will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from the VA under chapter 31 or 33.

This agreement will terminate on the date on which payment from the VA is made to the institution or 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility, whichever date is most beneficial to the covered individual.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at