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    Sep 12, 2024  
2019-2020 University of Maine at Machias Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 University of Maine at Machias Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Standards and Policies

Academic Advising

The student has the final responsibility for meeting program and degree requirements. To assist the student with course selection and long-range planning,  an advisor is assigned to each matriculated student. Students and advisors discuss such matters as course selection, general academic progress, the desirability of changing degree programs, and the student’s overall educational goals.

All matriculated and special students must discuss course selections with their advisors prior to registration. Students registering using MaineStreet ( must obtain a PIN Number  from their advisor each semester. Students choosing to register with a registration card must obtain their advisor’s signature before submitting the card to the Student Services Center or the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Load

A 15- or 16-credit academic load per semester is considered a normal academic load for students wishing to complete a baccalaureate degree in four years. However, several factors may lengthen this period. For example, some students require extra courses at the beginning of their studies; some students find it necessary to repeat courses; and many students work, have families, or maintain other commitments that preclude finishing the degree in the minimum period.

To be considered full-time, a student must carry a minimum load of 12 credits. Full-time enrollment is required for participation in elective offices in student government, residence hall accommodations and other benefits, intercollegiate athletics and full veteran’s benefits. Students on probation or with other major responsibilities, such as family or employment, should consider a load of less than 15 credits. A semester load in excess of 18 credit hours must be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

A student carrying a load of fewer than 12 credits is considered to be a part-time student. UMM’s course scheduling and other services recognize the needs of part-time students.

Double Major

Students may complete two different majors simultaneously with no additional credits beyond those required to satisfy both majors. These students will earn a single baccalaureate degree.  The degree granted will be the degree associated with the student’s primary major.  All requirements for both the primary and secondary major must be completed at the time the degree is awarded.  Students may not select the Bachelor of College Studies degree as a double major.

Both majors will be noted on the transcript, worded according to the following example:  Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, with a second major in English, Creative Writing & Book Arts or Bachelor of Arts in English, Creative Writing & Book Arts with a second major in Secondary Education (depending upon which is designated the primary major).

Double Degree

If a student has chosen to double major in programs which are associated with two different degrees and wishes to earn both a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science degree, the student must earn 30 credits beyond the number required for the degree with the lesser number of credit hours, whether the student is completing the degrees simultaneously or consecutively.

Post-Baccalaureate Study for a Second Degree

Students who have already earned a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution will receive a waiver of UMM core requirements. This waiver will be posted during the transfer credit evaluation process.

Program Changes

It is not unusual for a student to be admitted to UMM for a particular academic program and later discover that a different program will better suit his or her needs and interests. Many students change their majors one or more times. Often it is advisable to enter as “undeclared” and explore various areas before deciding on a major.

To change majors, request a new advisor and/or declare a concentration or minor, students must complete a Change of Program form, obtain the signatures required, and return to the Registrar’s Office.

Professional Licensure & Certification

Students who are pursuing degrees leading to application for professional licensure or certification, and/or who will be participating in clinical placements, internships, or practica through their UMM program, should be aware that their host facility may require a criminal background check, finger printing, or drug screening.  In such situations, each student is responsible for obtaining and paying for the background check or other screening process and for delivering required documentation to the facility.  Although the university will make reasonable efforts to place admitted students in field experiences and internships, it will be up to the host facility to determine whether a student will be allowed to work at that facility.  Students should further be aware that a criminal record may jeopardize licensure by the state certification body.  Students may consult the certification body corresponding to their intended occupation for more details.  Successful completion of a program of study at UMM does not guarantee licensure, certification, or employment in the relevant occupation.

Repeating Courses

When a student repeats a course, the initial grade remains on the transcript, but only the latest grade is used for computing the grade point average. Credit earned for all previously completed attempts of the course will be lost. When a student completes the exact equivalent of a UMM course at another institution (while registered at that institution) with an acceptable grade, the effect of the original grade on the student’s GPA will be cancelled. However, the grade the student earned at the other institution will not replace the original grade in the calculation of the GPA, in accordance with standard transfer credit policy.

Add / Drop


MaineStreet - Students can use MaineStreet ( to add and drop courses during the Add and Drop periods. For students already registered for semester courses, no additional access numbers are needed beyond their Mainstreet login and password. Students can also use MaineStreet to print out their revised schedules.

Paper-based changes - Students who choose to add and drop courses using the paper-based system must obtain the signature of their advisors on an add-drop form, which can be obtained from and must be returned to either the Student Services Center or the Registrar’s Office by the add and drop deadlines.

Wait Lists - Students may place themselves on a Wait List by checking the “Wait List if Closed” box when adding classes to their MaineStreet schedule.  The system will indicate to the student their position on the Wait List.  Students using the paper-based system must have either the signature of their advisor or their PIN for the term on an add slip in order to be waitlisted for the class.  No student may be added to a Wait List after the first day of classes for the term. 

Before the start of the term, students on Wait Lists will be automatically moved into classes as space becomes available.  Students should check their MaineStreet schedules to find out whether or not they’ve been moved into a class.  Students who no longer wish to be enrolled in the waitlisted class are responsible for dropping the class from their MaineStreet schedule. 

Students will not be moved into a class from the Wait List if:

  • they have any type of Hold which stops registration (i.e. Business Office, Immunization, etc.),
  • they are already enrolled in another section of the class,
  • enrollment in the waitlisted class will put the student over 18 credits for the term, or
  • there is a time conflict with another class on their schedule.

Students who are still on the Wait List when the term starts should present themselves at the first class to find out if the instructor has room in the class, which may be made available by non-attending students.  Students who are still on Wait Lists when the term starts need to obtain the instructor’s signature on an add slip and submit the form to the Registrar’s Office in order to be added to the Class Roster.  Waitlisted students are accepted into classes on a space-available basis, in the order in which they were waitlisted for the class. 

Students who request to enter a class after Wait Lists have closed must obtain the signature of the instructor on an add slip, or ask the instructor to send written permission to the Registrar’s Office via email (


Add Period - No student may add a course after the add deadline, the end of the first week of classes, without the written approval of their academic advisor and the course instructor.  For courses which do not run the full length of the semester, the add deadline is the 7% point of the course (equivalent to first week of a normal semester). 

Late Adds - A student may not add a course after the third week of the semester (or 20% point of shorter sessions) without completing a Late Course Add form, which must be approved by the instructor, advisor and Vice President for Academic Affairs.  On the form, the student will explain the extraordinary circumstances which prompted the request.  The instructor and student must also explain how the student plans to make up all missed work. 

Drop Period - Students not withdrawing from school completely may reduce their course load without any financial penalty through the first two weeks of the semester.  For classes which do not run the full length of the semester, the drop deadline is approximately the 14% point of the course (equivalent to the first two weeks of a normal semester).  Dropping a course during this period will leave no record of course registration on the student’s record.

After the drop period has passed, a student withdrawing from a course must submit a Course Withdrawal form.


Course Withdrawal

From the end of the Drop period until the 75% point of the term or session, a Course Withdrawal form must be completed by the student. Students should obtain both instructor’s and advisor’s signatures and submit the form to the Student Services Center or Registrar’s Office. Grades of “W” are issued for withdrawals and do not affect the student’s grade point average, although they may affect financial aid.

Except in unusual circumstances, and with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, a student may not withdraw from a course after the withdrawal deadline.

Students requesting permission to withdraw from a course after the final withdrawal deadline must submit a letter to the Vice President for Academic Affairs explaining the extenuating circumstances that prevented the student from withdrawing by the deadline. This letter should be submitted with the Course Withdrawal form described above. In cases of medical emergency, a letter from the attending physician should also be attached. The Vice President for Academic Affairs may approve or deny this request.

Semester Withdrawal

Students intending to withdraw from all classes for a semester must complete the appropriate section of a Semester Withdrawal form, whether or not they intend to return the following semester.  Students intending to return must obtain their advisor’s signature, while those who do not intend to return must meet with the High School Transitions Advisor in the Student Services Center (second floor of Powers Hall). Withdrawal forms and all attachments should be submitted to the Student Services Center or Registrar’s Office, who will forward to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for a decision if necessary.

Students who leave classes/university and do not complete an official withdrawal form are liable to suffer academic penalties (i.e. failing grades and ultimate dismissal). Students desiring to withdraw after the 75% point of the term or session should attach a letter as described above to the withdrawal form.

Semester withdrawal results in grades of “W” in all courses that have not already been graded for that semester.

Leave of Absence

Matriculated students planning to take a semester off may apply for a Leave of Absence.  Students who take an approved leave of absence may return to degree status at the end of the leave period without making formal application for readmission. A leave of absence longer than one semester in length requires the approval of the Chair of the Division housing the student’s major. Students may not remain on leave for more than two consecutive semesters. A Leave of Absence must be requested no later than two weeks after the start of the semester in question. Forms are available from the Student Services Center or Registrar’s Office or on the Registrar’s Office web site.

Coursework at Other Institutions

Students matriculated in UMM degree programs are expected to secure written approval prior to taking coursework at another institution. Students should complete an Away Approval form, available from the Student Services Center or Registrar’s Office or Registrar’s Office web site, well in advance of registering at the “away” institution.  Prior approval will ensure that the course will transfer to UMM as recorded on the Away Approval form, as long as the student completes the course with an acceptable grade. Credit approved for courses taken at other institutions will be evaluated and posted to the student’s record according to UMM’s Transfer Credit Policies (see above).

Grade Forgiveness

A student readmitted to the University of Maine at Machias after a period of two or more years may choose to request grade forgiveness for all previous work done at the institution. To qualify, students must be matriculated and enrolled at the time of the request, and have completed at least 15 credits at the institution with a minimum GPA of 2.5 after the point of readmission. 

If grade forgiveness is approved, the student retains past credits only for courses in which a grade of C- or higher was received. The effect of all prior quality points is nullified and the student’s cumulative GPA is reset to zero. All prior grades earned continue to be displayed on the student’s transcript, though they do not affect the student’s cumulative GPA.

Pass / Fail

Courses are graded on an A to F basis unless otherwise noted in the course description.

When a course is graded on a pass/fail basis, the grade of P will be considered equivalent to a C- or better. A grade of LP (Low Pass) may also be assigned, and considered the equivalent of a D+, D or D-.  Whether a grade of P, LP or F is earned in a course graded on a pass/fail basis, the grade will not affect the grade point average.

When a course may be taken pass/fail at the option of the student, the student must declare his/her option in writing before the end of the second week of classes by submitting the Declaration of Grade Option form to the Student Services Center or Registrar’s Office, or to the instructor, who will in turn submit the student’s form to the Registrar’s Office.  Once made, this decision cannot be changed.


A student may audit a course for informational instruction only. A student who audits does not receive academic credit for work done.

A student may register for any course on an audit basis by obtaining the approval of the course instructor on a Course Audit Request form (available from the Student Services Center or Registrar’s Office or Registrar’s Office web site). Students auditing a course pay full price for tuition and fees.

A course registration may only be changed to or from audit status during the first week of the semester. Instructor permission is required.

Full-time students may not use the audit registration as a basis for exceeding the usual credit maximum of 18 semester hours. Audit registration also may not be used as a means of achieving full-time status.

Audit registrations will appear as such on the permanent record of the student. The University, therefore, reserves the right to monitor the attendance of the auditing student.


Official grades are reported and recorded on a student’s official academic record at the end of each semester on the basis of the following system:

Grade                     Quality points per credit

A                                4.00

A-                               3.67

B+                              3.33

B                                3.00

B-                               2.67

C+                              2.33

C                                2.00

C-                               1.67

D+                              1.33

D                                1.00

D-                               0.67

F                                 0.00

A Excellent
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Minimal Pass
F Failure
I Incomplete; temporary grade indicating that specific arrangements have been made with the instructor to complete work by a later date not to exceed 210 days. An “I” that is not removed by the prearranged date is replaced with an “F.”
DG Deferred grade; satisfactory progress in a course that extends beyond a single semester.
W Withdrawal or administrative withdrawal
P Successful completion of a pass/fail course; hours are not included in GPA calculations.
LP Low Pass (D+, D, D-) in a Pass/Fail course; hours are not included in GPA calculations.
L Stopped attending; may be assigned to the student who stopped attemding a course without officially withdrawing.  “L” will be computed as an “F” for GPA purposes.
MG No grade supplied by instructor.
AU Audit registration; no credit hours attempted or earned.
* Quality points count toward GPA; credits do not count toward degree credits earned.
~ Quality points do not count toward GPA; credits count toward degree credits earned.
# Quality points do not count toward GPA; credits do not count toward degree credits earned.
  • Course has been repeated:  Neither credit nor quality points are included in cumulative totals.
  • Latest completed attempt:  Only latest graded registration affects cumulative totals.

To compute a grade point average (GPA), the number of credits for each course is multiplied by the quality points for each grade received.  For example, a grade of A in a three-credit-hour course would be worth 4 x 3, or 12 quality points. The cumulative GPA is obtained by dividing the total number of quality points earned at UMM by the total number of GPA hours attempted at UMM. For example, 108 quality points divided by 36 GPA hours attempted results in a cumulative GPA of 3.0. The following grades and/or symbols are not used in the computation of GPA:  I, W, P, LP, DG, MG, AU.

Incomplete Grades

An Incomplete is a temporary grade indicating that specific arrangements have been made with the instructor to complete work by a later date not to exceed 210 days after the end of the term.

If a student has completed almost all the requirements for a course, but has a compelling reason for not being able to complete the rest of the requirements on time, an Incomplete may be appropriate.

If a student has not completed most of the work for a course, an Incomplete is not appropriate.  The student should receive the grade he/she earned for the course, or an “L,” with last date of attendance/participation, if appropriate (for students who disappear from a course).  Any student who receives an “F” or an “L,” and who wishes to retake the course, needs to register for the course during a subsequent term in order to participate in the class.

If the student has completed almost all the requirements for the course and the instructor agrees that an Incomplete is appropriate, the instructor will complete an Incomplete Grade Contract in MaineStreet which specifies the following:

  • the work to be completed by the student
  • the date by which the student will complete the work
  • the grade the student will receive if the work is not completed.

The Registrar’s Office waits until 210 days after the end of the semester in which the Incomplete was given, then changes any remaining Incomplete grades to the grade specified on the Incomplete Grade Contract. If no grade is specified, the Incomplete is turned to an “F.”


A student is responsible for meeting all the academic requirements of a course, including attendance. The attendance policy for each course is stated in the course syllabus given to each student at the first class meeting.

Students who Stop Attending.  Students who stop attending classes during the drop period will be removed from those classes, since the university is obligated by law only to report as enrolled those students who are actually attending or participating in classes.  In online classes, signing into Blackboard (or other learning management system) will be considered attendance or participation in the class.  

After the end of the drop period, students who disappear from classes, but fail to withdraw, will be assigned a grade of L, which has the same value as an F on the student’s grade point average.  Financial aid may be adjusted depending on the student’s last reported date of attendance.

Definition of a Credit Hour

Academic credit is awarded for successful completion of coursework.  The University of Maine at Machias defines one credit as a minimum of 15 hours of course instruction time together with a minimum of 30 hours of student individual or group study. While the total amount of time spent by the student in learning activities should therefore be a minimum of 45 hours or more per credit, the proportion of instructional time to individual/group study may vary in certain courses (e.g., asynchronous components, laboratory components, performance and studio sessions, internship and practica, independent studies, etc.).  “Instruction time” refers to interaction and communication among instructors and students, including any assessments (e.g., tests, presentations).  Credit, credit hours and semester hours of credit are synonymous terms.  Catalog references to credit are abbreviated as “Cr.”

Policy on the definition of a credit hour

The University of Maine and the University of Maine at Machias acknowledge and adhere to the federal definition of a credit hour with respect to courses offered face to face, in hybrid format, and online, as developed in 2010 and published in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 34, Part 600.02: 

[A] credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than

(1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit [ … ] or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or

(2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution[,] including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the awarding of credit hours.

Grade Reports

Once grades have been posted to their academic records, students can see them by selecting the link for Grades in the Academics section of their MaineStreet Student Center. 

Students without a Business Office hold should also be able to print an Unofficial Transcript from the drop-down box labelled “Other Academic” in their MaineStreet Student Center. 

Students needing assistance to use the system should call the Student Services Center at (207) 255-1470 or the Registrar’s Office at (207) 255-1223.

Academic Records

Transcripts - Students’ official academic records are maintained in the Registrar’s Office. Transcripts of these records are not furnished to individuals, other institutions, or prospective employers without the written consent of the student. Written requests for transcripts should be addressed to the Registrar’s Office, University of Maine at Machias, 116 O’Brien Avenue, Machias ME 04654-1397.  There is no charge for printed transcripts.   Students needing secure, electronic copies of their official transcripts may order them for a $4 fee as long as they have no Business Office holds (

The University gives each graduate one complementary official transcript with the diploma.

Current students without Business Office holds may obtain an “unofficial” transcript at any time by visiting the Registrar’s Office in person, or by selecting Unofficial Transcript from the drop-down box labelled “Other Academic” in their MaineStreet Student Center.  No partial transcripts are issued.  

University policy prohibits issuing official transcripts to any student indebted to the University.

Students applying for admission to other University of Maine System institutions do not need to request transcripts since Admissions and Transfer Officers have access to internal transcripts, as long as students have no holds on their record.

Academic Record Changes - Considerable care is taken to ensure that courses and grades entered on a student’s permanent record are accurate. Any student who suspects an error has been made should contact the Registrar’s Office immediately. Records are assumed to be correct if a student does not report any discrepancies to the Registrar’s Office within one year of the completion of the course. At that time, the record becomes permanent and the student has no further right to appeal.

Probation and Suspension

To be considered in good academic standing, students are required to meet the following minimum cumulative and/or semester GPA:

Credit Hours Attempted Minimum cumulative GPA
  0 - 15.99 1.5
16 - 29.99 1.6
30 - 59.99 1.7
60 - 89.99 1.8
90+ 1.9

Probation - Students will be placed on academic probation if their cumulative GPA falls below the minimum specified for the hours they’ve attempted. Students who earn a semester GPA below 1.5, regardless of their cumulative average, will also be placed or continued on probation.

Suspension - Students who have been on probation for two consecutive semesters and fail to achieve the necessary minimum GPA will be suspended for one semester.  

Students who have been accepted into the Transitions Program will be suspended if they do not bring their cumulative Grade Point Average to the minimum specified for the number of hours they’ve attempted by the end of their second semester.

Students who have been academically suspended must apply for readmission if they desire to return.

Appeal Process - If a student wishes this suspension to be reconsidered, he or she has the option for an appeal to the faculty Academic Affairs Appeals Committee.  If the Committee upholds the suspension and the student is not satisfied, the student has the option for a further appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Dismissal - Students placed on suspension for a third time will be dismissed from the University for five years. Students dismissed for academic reasons must apply for readmission if they desire to return.

Residency Requirements

Students in baccalaureate degree programs must complete at least 30 credits through UMM, at least 12 of which must be in their major and 9 of these 12 must be upper level (300 level or above). 

Students must complete at least 15 credits through UMM to receive an associate degree from this institution.

Students completing a Certificate program must complete a minimum of 12 credits through UMM.

Course Substitutions

Under unusual circumstances, a student may request that a course substitution be approved for a particular core or program requirement. The student must initiate the request, indicating the course to be substituted for the requirement and detailing how the replacement course meets the objectives of the original requirement.  Faculty who normally teach the required course will have input into the decision, as will the student’s advisor.  

If the substitution is for a major or minor requirement, faculty in the Division housing the program in question will vote to grant or deny the substitution. If the substitution is for a Core requirement, the faculty in the Division which houses the course for which the student is seeking the substitution will recommend approval or denial.  For core requirements, the additional approval of the Program Review and Evaluation Committee is also required.

Copies of the complete policy, procedures and forms may be obtained from the Student Services Center, Registrar’s Office or Registrar’s Office web site.

Dean’s List

At the end of each semester, a Dean’s List is compiled to recognize students who have performed with distinction. Academic achievement in summer courses is not considered for inclusion in the list.

All matriculated and special students (e.g., Teacher Certification, UMS Away) are eligible if:

  1. they have completed at least 6 or more credits graded on an A-F basis, excluding developmental courses, during the semester in question. Credits earned on a pass/fail basis and in developmental courses (numbered below 100) do not count toward the 6 credit hours;
  2. they have achieved a semester average of 3.25 or better and have earned no grade below a C in any course that semester.  The semester average for Dean’s List purposes will not include grades from developmental courses, nor grades from classes in sessions which end after the Regular Session;
  3. they have no Incomplete or Missing grades on their record in courses which have ended by the end of the Regular Session, and they have not withdrawn from 6 or more credits during the term; and
  4. their academic performance is otherwise satisfactory.

The Dean’s List will be formulated 28 days after the end of finals week for that semester. Any final grades or grade changes submitted after that time will not affect a student’s Dean’s List status for that term.


Degrees are conferred with Honors at commencement for the following academic achievement:

Baccalaureate Degree

Cumulative GPA Honors status
3.75 and above summa cum laude
3.50 - 3.74 magna cum laude
3.25 - 3.49 cum laude

Associate Degree

Cumulative GPA Honors status
3.00 and above with honors

Catalog Effective for Graduation Requirements

Freshmen and new transfer students must satisfy the graduation requirements outlined in the catalog in effect the first semester of their attendance as a matriculated student. Students who take a break in enrollment from the institution without applying for a formal leave of absence must apply for readmission to the institution. Those who wish to complete degree requirements under the catalog in effect during their first semester as a matriculated student should request readmission under the terms of that catalog on their readmission application. The institution may approve or deny this request based on the number and type of courses that the student has left to complete. If this request is denied, students will be expected to complete degree requirements in effect at the time of readmission to the institution.

Any student has the right to select graduation requirements from a later catalog than the one in effect at the time of initial matriculation. No student may select requirements from an earlier catalog.

If significant changes to the University Core and/or program requirements take place while a student is in attendance, a student may choose to complete old core and new program requirements, instead of completing all requirements from the catalog in place at initial matriculation. However, students may not select program and concentration requirements that come from different catalogs.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is fundamental to an educational community and students have a responsibility to uphold that integrity. Academic dishonesty, a corrosive force in the academic life of any university,  jeopardizes the quality of education and depreciates the genuine achievements of others.

Definitions of Academic Dishonesty

Cheating - The UMS Conduct Code, revised in May 2015, defines cheating as “the act or attempted act of deception by which a student seeks to misrepresent that he/she has mastered information on an academic exercise that he/she has not mastered.”  Examples include but are not limited to:

  1. Using books, notes, calculators, or conversations with others, etc. to complete a test or other assignment when such use is prohibited.
  2. Having other people conduct research or work for the student without advance authorization from the instructor. This includes the services of term paper companies (e.g. downloading a paper in whole or in part from the Internet).
  3. Reusing previously submitted work in whole or in part for credit or honors without authorization from the instructor.
  4. Copying from another student’s test paper.
  5. Allowing another student to copy from a test paper.
  6. Using or possessing specifically prepared materials during a test (e.g. notes, formula lists, notes written on the student’s clothing, etc.) when such materials have not been authorized.

Fabrication - The UMS Conduct Code, revised in May 2015, defines fabrication as “the use of invented information or the falsification of research or other findings in an academic exercise.”  Examples include but are not limited to:

  1. Altering and resubmitting returned academic work without notice to the instructor.
  2. Citing information not taken from the source indicated.  This may include the intentional incorrect documentation of secondary source materials.
  3. Listing sources in a bibliography not used in the academic exercise.
  4. Submitting in a paper, thesis, lab report or other academic exercise falsified, invented or fictitious data or evidence, or deliberate and knowing concealment or distortion of the true nature, origin or function of such data or evidence.
  5. Submitting as your own any academic exercises (e.g. written work, printing, sculpture, etc.) prepared totally or in part by another.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty - Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty.

Plagiarism - The UMS Conduct Code, revised in May 2015, defines plagiarism as “the submission of another’s work as one’s own, without adequate attribution.”  When a student submits work for credit that includes the words, ideas or data of others, the source of the information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate and specific references, and, if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks or indentation as appropriate.  By placing his/her name on work submitted for credit, the student certifies the originality of all work not otherwise identified by appropriate acknowledgements.  Plagiarism covers unpublished as well as published sources.  Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:

  1. Quoting another person’s actual words, complete sentences or paragraphs, or entire pieces of written work without acknowledgement of the original source.
  2. Using another person’s idea, opinion or theory even if it is completely paraphrased in one’s own words without acknowledgement of the source.
  3. Borrowing facts, statistics or other illustrative materials that are not clearly common knowledge without acknowledgement of the source.
  4. Copying another student’s essay test answers as one’s own.
  5. Copying, or allowing another student to copy, a computer file that contains another student’s assignment, and submitting it¸ in part or in its entirety, as one’s own.
  6. When working with others on an assignment, submitting individual copies of the assignment as one’s own individual work.

Appropriate Citation - Material borrowed from any source, including the Internet, must be acknowledged.  Students are urged to consult with individual faculty members¸ divisions or recognized published guidelines in their field for appropriate formatting of the following:

 Direct Quotation - Every direct quotation must be identified by quotation marks or appropriate indentation and must be promptly cited using appropriate referencing protocols as specified by the instructor or the discipline of the course.

 Paraphrase - Prompt acknowledgment is required when material from another source is paraphrased or summarized, in whole or in part.

 “Borrowed” Facts or Information - Information obtained in one’s reading or research that is not common knowledge among students in the course must be acknowledged as specified by the instructor or the discipline of the course.

Academic Misconduct - Academic misconduct includes other academically dishonest acts such as tampering with grades or taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of an unadministered test.  Examples include but are not limited to:

  1. Stealing, buying or otherwise obtaining all or part of an unadministered test.
  2. Selling or giving away all or part of an unadministered test including answers to an unadministered test.
  3. Bribing any other person to obtain an unadministered test or any information about the test.
  4. Entering a building or office for the purpose of obtaining an unadministered test.
  5. Continuing to work on an examination or project after the specified time has elapsed.
  6. Entering a building or office for the purpose of changing a grade in a grade book, on a test, or on other work for which a grade is given.
  7. Changing, altering, or being an accessory to the changing and/or altering of a grade in a grade book, on a test, a “change of grade” form, or other official academic records of the University that relate to grades.
  8. Submitting any academic accomplishment in whole or in part for credit more than once whether in the same course or in different courses without prior consent of the instructors.

All violations of the Academic Integrity Code are deemed to be violations of the Student Conduct Code and will be treated as such.

Academic Appeal Procedures

First Level of Appeal - Appeals in all academic matters should be initiated by the student directly, in person, with the administrator, faculty member or staff member involved within 30 days of the incident or event in question. If the student is not satisfied with the results, he/she should consult immediately with his/her academic advisor.

Second Level of Appeal - The next level of appeal should be by the student and their academic advisor to the next superior of the administrator, faculty member, or staff member involved, and should be submitted in writing within ten days after the ruling on the initial appeal step.

Third Level of Appeal - The third level of appeal should be to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, unless they have already been involved at the level of the second step described above.

Fourth Level of Appeal - If the student is still not satisfied with the decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, he/she may, with the assistance of his/her academic advisor, request a hearing before the Academic Appeals Committee. At this point in the process, the question of whether the appeal is indeed of an “academic” nature shall be determined by the President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Dean of Students before the appeal shall be referred to the Academic Appeal Committee. If it is ruled not to be an “academic” matter, the appropriate appeal procedure shall be pointed out to the student and his/her advisor.

The Academic Appeals Committee shall consider all action taken on the appeal to this point and other matters that it deems pertinent to the case. It shall make a full report of this and a specific recommendation for final disposition by the President. As a part of its recommendation, the Academic Appeals Committee shall report the vote count within the committee on its recommendation.

Final Ruling - The President shall make the final ruling on the appeal.

Confidentiality of Student Records

Policies and Practices in Handling Student Records

In 1974, President Ford signed into law the amendments to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.  This act protects the privacy of students, provides them the right to inspect and review educational records and provides the opportunity for a hearing to challenge records when they are inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student’s rights of privacy.  At the University of Maine at Machias, the Registrar’s Office should be contacted regarding questions of interpretation of this law.

Application of the Act

This Act applies to students presently enrolled at the University of Maine at Machias, former students, and alumni, but not to applicants seeking admission to the institution.   The Act does not apply to de-identified information.

Educational Records and Information Maintained at UMM

The University does not maintain a single record or file consisting of all materials and information pertaining to students in any one location. Instead, various segments of the record are kept in a variety of offices. The types of records and the custodian of each record is outlined below:

Record Type Office
Academic Registrar’s Office
Admissions Admissions Office
Athletics Athletics Office
Counseling/Mental Health Counseling Center
Disciplinary Dean of Students
Financial Business Office
Financial Aid Financial Aid Office
International Students Admissions Office
Medical & Health Health Services
Placement High School Transitions Advisor
Veterans Registrar’s Office

Educational Records

The term “educational records” means records directly related to a student and maintained by an educational institution.  The term does not include:

  1. Records of faculty and administration that are in the sole possession of the maker, are used only as a personal memory aide and are not accessible or revealed to any other individual except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record.
  2. Law enforcement records, created and maintained by campus security, which are kept separate from educational records and are created for law enforcement purposes only;
  3. Medical, psychiatric, or psychological records created, maintained and used by individuals providing treatment to a student and used only for the care or treatment of a student. 
  4. Employment records, except for records of students employed because of their status as students.
  5. Records that are created or received after an individual is no longer a student and which are not directly related to the individual’s attendance as a student. 
  6. Grades on peer-graded papers before they are collected and recorded by a teacher.

Public Information

The following information about students may appear in one or another form before the public.  Students may ask that either all of the following information, or that address information only, not be released without their written consent.  Students can select the desired Privacy Setting from the drop-down box under Personal Information in their MaineStreet Student Center, or submit a Request to Suppress Directory Information to the Registrar’s Office.

  • Full Name
  • Campus Address
  • Home Address
  • Telephone Numbers
  • University Email Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Field of Study
  • Weight and Height (members of athletic teams)
  • Dates of Attendance
  • Enrollment Status
  • Degrees and Awards Received
  • Graduation Date
  • Most Recent Previous Educational Institution Attended
  • Class Level
  • Participation in officially recognized Activities & Sports

If a student chooses not to have this information released, it will not be released, except as otherwise permitted by law.

Access Rights of Students

Students have the right to review and inspect their educational records.  If these records contain information on more than one student, a student has the right to review only his/her own specific information.

The financial records of parents shall not be released to students.

The University gives each graduate one complementary official transcript with the diploma. Additional official copies may be obtained from the UMM Registrar’s Office. Written requests should be sent to:  Registrar’s Office, University of Maine at Machias, 116 O’Brien Avenue, Machias, ME 04654. Transcripts sent to other University of Maine System campuses are free. Official transcripts cannot be issued to any student indebted to the university. Current students may obtain an unofficial listing of their coursework at any time by visiting the Registrar’s Office in person, or by selecting Course History by Subject in their MaineStreet Student Center.   No partial transcripts are issued.

Confidential letters and confidential statements of recommendation placed in the educational records of the student before January 1, 1975 will not be released to students, as long as the statements are used only for the purposes for which they were specifically intended; and

Confidential letters and confidential statements of recommendation placed in the student’s educational records after January 1, 1975 will not be released to students if:

  1. The student has waived his or her right to inspect and review those letters and statements in a signed writing and the University does not require the waiver as a condition for admission to or receipt of a service or benefit from the University; and
  2. Those letters and statements are related to the student’s admission, application for employment or receipt of an honor or honorary recognition.

If a student has waived his/her rights under this section, the University shall give the student, on request, the names of the individuals who provided the letters and statements, and shall use the letters and statements only for the purpose for which they were intended.  A waiver may be revoked with respect to any actions occurring after the revocation. 

Student’s Right to Consent to Disclosure and Exceptions

Except for those stated below, no one shall have access to educational records without the written consent of the student concerned.  Exceptions are:

  1. School officials who have a legitimate educational interest. The term “school official” includes faculty and staff, and contractors, consultants, volunteers or other parties to whom the University has outsourced institutional services or functions.  A school official has a legitimate educational interest if s/he needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.  University staff who are students may access their own records as stated above and may only access other student records within their job responsibilities.
    • Individual Students.  Sensitive information can be released to school officials on a need-to-know basis as determined by Registrar’s Office staff.  School officials in need-to-know status are usually affiliated with an academic program, acting in the capacity of an advisor/counselor, or associated with certain administrative offices.
    • Groups of Students.  Based on legitimate need, University offices may request information such as lists or file extracts.  Offices requesting these data may be asked to provide, in writing, detailed justification and a description of the end use to made of the data.  It is imperative that University personnel outside the Registrar’s Office understand the legal responsibilities they assume when they take possession of records or personal data in any form.  University staff with access to student files through batch programs and/or query languages have the same responsibility for security and release of data, as they have for data in other forms.
    • Access to Computer Files.  Access to the University’s student information system, data extracted from that system or query tools can be provided to school officials on a need-to-know basis.  The requesting individual must specify, in writing, the data element he/she requires and must sign a statement accepting responsibility under the law for the data released to him/her and ensuring file security.  Once access is granted, a user has the same responsibility and faces the same sanctions in regard to security violations as Registrar’s Office personnel.
  2. Authorized federal or state officials in connection with an audit or evaluation of federal or state supported educational programs,  provided that, except when collection of personally identifiable information is specifically authorized by Federal law, such information is protected from further disclosure and destroyed when no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained.
  3. Records released as necessary in connection with the student’s application for, or receipt of, financial aid.
  4. Organizations conducting studies on behalf of educational agencies, pursuant to a written agreement, and in connection with predictive tests, student aid programs, or the improvement of instruction, provided that the identity of students is not revealed to individuals other than representatives of such organizations. Such information will be destroyed when no longer needed for the purpose for which the study was conducted.
  5. Recognized accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions.
  6. Parents of a student who is dependent upon such parents for federal income tax purposes.
  7. Records released on the basis of judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena and on condition that reasonable effort is made to notify the student of the subpoena or order, except where a court or other issuing agency has ordered that there be no notification.
  8. In an emergency, appropriate persons as determined by the custodian of the records, if the knowledge of information from the particular record is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons.
  9. Information the University has designated as “directory information” if the student has not objected to the release of such information.
  10. Disclosure to the student.
  11. Disclosure to a victim of an alleged crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense, of the final results of a disciplinary hearing against the alleged perpetrator of that alleged crime or offense, with respect to that crime or offense.
  12. Disclosure, subject to certain notice, copying and hearing requirements, to officials of another school, school system or institution of post-secondary education where the student seeks or intends to enroll or where the student is already enrolled, so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.
  13. To state or local officials pursuant to state statute concerning the juvenile justice system, with the written provision that they will not disclose the information to others without the student’s consent except as provided by state law.
  14. Disclosure of the final results of a disciplinary hearing involving an alleged crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense where a violation of school policy was committed. These disclosures may not include information which identifies student victims or witnesses without their prior written consent.
  15. Disclosure in a legal action between the institution and the student.
  16. Parental notification of a violation of a law or policy governing the use of or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance by a student under 21 who has been found to have committed a disciplinary violation with respect to that use or possession.
  17. Disclosure of information provided by the University concerning the status of registered sex offenders.
  18. Records released to any individual or group shall be transmitted on condition that the individual or group is informed that they may not permit any other party to have access to such information without the written consent of the student. If the individual or group receiving information violates this condition they will be prohibited from receiving access to student records for five (5) years.  The recipient shall also be notified in writing that if compliance with this requirement is not acceptable, all records shall be returned, unused, to the institution. This prohibition does not apply in the case of disclosures of directory information; disclosures pursuant to a subpoena, court order or litigation; disclosure to the parents of a dependent student; disclosures to the student; disclosures of the final results of a disciplinary hearing involving an alleged crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense where a violation was committed; disclosures to parents of a student under 21 violating a law or policy governing the use of alcohol or a controlled substance; disclosures of information that the University is required to disclose under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus SecurityPolicy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 USC 1092(f) (Clery Act), to the accuser and accused regarding the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding brought alleging a sexual offense; or disclosures of information concerning the status of registered sex offenders.

Each office that maintains educational records shall maintain a record for each student with the student’s education record.  The record shall list all individuals (except institution officials, a person with written consent from the student, the student and court or law enforcement officials described above), agencies or organizations that have requested or obtained access to and each disclosure of the student’s education record, except for directory information.  This record will include the legitimate interest for which each release of the student’s education record was permitted.

Procedure to Follow for Access to a Record

  1. A request by a student or agency to inspect a record shall be made in writing to the office which maintains the record.
  2. Every office is obligated to inform the student when the requested record will be made available. The office has up to 45 days to comply with the request. In most instances, the response will be made promptly.
  3. Every individual and office is obligated to properly identify itself before being shown appropriate student records.
  4. Students are obligated to properly identify themselves before being shown their records.
  5. Students are obligated not to interfere with the normal operation of the office in which the record is being maintained.
  6. Students are obligated to examine the record during regular hours maintained by the particular office.
  7. Prior to giving a student his or her record for examination, all confidential data received prior to January 1, 1975, any information waived by the student, any information pertaining to other students and any financial records of parents will be removed.
  8. The examination of the record shall be supervised.
  9. Copies of records shall, upon request, be transmitted to the student after payment of established fees for such copies, unless payment of the fee prevents access.

Retention of Education Records

The UMM Registrar’s Office maintains the official academic record of each student in perpetuity.

The Registrar’s Office also maintains each student’s accurate mailing address and contacts students regarding official academic actions taken by the University. Students should use the MaineStreet portal to report any changes of home or mailing address. The University accepts no liability for failure to communicate official academic information or for inability to contact students in an emergency if up-to-date address information has not been reported to the University or recorded by the student in MaineStreet.

University offices use the University of Maine System’s Records Retention Practices as a guide for maintaining and disposing of records. 

Records other than the official academic record can be destroyed at the discretion of specific department heads wherein a record resides. For example, the undergraduate Admissions Office destroys records of applicants who do not enroll after one year, while records of applicants who do enroll are maintained in perpetuity. The Office of Financial Aid destroys records five years after the student’s last academic year of attendance. It should be noted that access rights shall be honored prior to the destruction of records where the student has requested such access.

Departments and offices which maintain educational records may have specific policies regarding access to and retention of such records which are consistent with this Policy and FERPA. Students seeking information about those specific policies should contact the particular department or office which is the custodian of the record.

Challenge to the Content of a Record

After reviewing a record, a student has the right to challenge the content of the record as being inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student’s right of privacy.  A student may not challenge the judgment of a grade which has been assigned to his or her performance in a course under this policy, but may challenge the accuracy of the recording of a grade.

The University will inform students and parents of their rights through the Student Handbook and/or by providing a copy of this document [the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act].

The procedure to be followed, should students want to challenge the content of their records, is:

The student should discuss their objection (submitted in writing) with the designated person in the office where the records are maintained and try to resolve the problem through informal discussion.

If no agreement is reached through informal discussion, students should submit an objection in writing to the supervisor of the office in step 1.

If no satisfactory solution if forthcoming, the student should file a written request for a formal hearing with the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

All responses to the student’s objections must be made within a reasonable time.  Students must be given notice of the right to a hearing, notice of the time and place of the hearing and an opportunity to present evidence at the hearing.  The student may, at his/her own expense, be assisted or represented by one or more individuals of his/her choice, including an attorney.  The decision must be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, and must include a summary of the evidence and the reasons for the decision.

Upon receipt of a written request for a formal hearing, the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall appoint a panel of three (3) members, with no direct interest in the matter, to hear the objection and advise him/her.  He/she will appoint one of the panelists to serve as Chair.  

Once appointed, the panel will hold a hearing within two (2) calendar weeks.  The panel must provide an opportunity for a presentation of evidence relative to the objection stated and must render a decision in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs within one (1) week following the conclusion of the hearing.  The Vice President for Academic Affairs will inform the student in writing within ten (10) working days of his or her decision.  If, as a result of the hearing, the University decides that the information [in the record] is inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of the student, it shall:  i) amend the record accordingly; and ii) inform the student of the amendment in writing.  If, as a result of the hearing, the University decides that the information is not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of the student, the student has the right to place a statement in the record if they disagree with the institution’s decision after the hearing.

A student has the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University of Maine at Machias to comply with the requirements of FERPA, and should do so within 180 days of such alleged violation.

The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC, 20202-4605