Named Professorships and Chairs
Mark and Marcia Bailey Professorship of Speech and Theatre, Dr. Nathan E. Stormer
Bath Iron Works Professorship in Structural Engineering, Dr. Habib-J. Dagher
Adelaide C. Bird and Alan L. Bird Professor in History, Dr. Nathan Godfried, Dr. Elizabeth McKillen, and Dr. Stephen Miller
John C. Bridge Engineering Professorship, Dr. William G. Davids
Henry R. and Grace V. Butler Professorship of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Dr. Bruce E. Segee
Louis Calder Professor of Pulp and Paper Technology, Dr. Joseph M. Genco
Roger C. and Virgina A. Castle Professorship in Electrical Engineering, Dr. Mauricio Pereira da Cunha
Correll Presidential Chair in Energy, Dr. Krish Thiagarajan
Agatha B. Darling Professorship of Oceanography, Dr. Lawrence M. Mayer
George H. Denton Professorship of Earth Sciences, Dr. Aaron E. Putnam
Lloyd H. Elliott Professorship in English, visiting scholars
Farm Credit Assistant Professorship of Production Economics and Agriculture Finance, Dr. Xuan Chen
Edwin L. Giddings Professor of Forest Policy, Dr. Robert J. Lilieholm
Edward Sturgis Grew Professorship in Petrology and Minerology, Dr. Alicia Cruz-Uribe
Richard C. Hill Professorship in Mechanical Engineering, Dr. S. David Dvorak
Curtis Hutchins Professor of Forest Ecosystem Management, Dr. Robert S. Seymour
Irving Chair for Forest Ecosystem Management, Dr. Aaron Weiskittel
Dr. Waldo “Mac” Libbey ‘44 Professorship in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dr. Yifeng Zhu
Libra Professorship in Conservation Biology, Dr. Malcolm L. Hunter, Jr.
Libra Professorship of Geological Sciences, Dr. George H. Denton
Libra Professorship of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Andrew J. Goupee
Libra Professorship in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, History, Dr. Scott W. See
University of Maine Libra Professorship, Dr. Heather M. Leslie
University of Maine Libra Professorship, Dr. Paul Glen Holman
Malcolm G. Long Professorship in Civil Engineering, Dr. Robert Lopez-Anido
Col. James C. McBride Distinguished Professorship in History, Dr. Richard C. Judd
C. Ann Merrifield Professorship in Life Science Education, Dr. Michelle Smith
John M. Murphy Chair of International Business, Policy & Strategy, Dr. John F. Mahon
J. Larcom Ober Research Chair in Chemical Engineering, Dr. Adriann R. P. Van Heiningen
Nicolas M. Salgo Professor of Business Administration, Dr. Ivan M. Manev
Henry W. Saunders Professor of Hardwood Silviculture, Dr. Robert G. Wagner
Kenneth Warren Saunders and Henry W. Saunders Professor of Engineering Leadership and Management, Dr. Dana N. Humphrey
Frank M. Taylor Distinguished Professorship in Civil Engineering, Dr. Eric N. Landis
University of Maine Trustee Professorship, Dr. Michael L. Peterson, Jr.
Visiting Libra Professorship in Diversity, Dr. Carolina Alvarado
Barbara Wheatland Professorship of Geospatial Innovation, Dr. Daniel Hayes
Arthur O. Willey Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Senthil S. Vel