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2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog 
2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • CSD 690 - Directed Research I

    In-depth topical study under faculty supervision. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1-3
  • CSD 691 - Directed Research II

    Continued in-depth topical study under faculty supervision. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1-3
  • CSD 699 - Graduate Thesis

    Graduate Thesis

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: Ar
  • DAN 101 - Beginner Modern Dance I

    Fundamental concepts and practice of modern dance technique: body alignment, stretch/strengthening, movement vocabulary, body coordination, musicality and spatial awareness. For the general student at the beginning dance level. Previous dance training. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 102 - Beginner Ballet I

    An introduction to classical ballet dance training. Traditional exercises at the barre and on center floor emphasize body placement, flow of energy, and the creation of expressive movement in space. For the performing artist or general student. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 103 - Beginner Jazz I

    Fundamentals of jazz dance technique with emphasis on body alignment, coordination and movement vocabulary. Preparation for expressive movement in relation to modern jazz music. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 105 - Beginner Tap

    Teaches the fundamentals of Rhythm tap and Broadway Styles technique with emphasis on body alignment, flexibility, strength, rhythm, coordination and movement vocabulary. Expressive movement is encouraged. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 112 - Production/Rehearsal

    Dance production and performance with emphasis on repertory, costuming, lighting in relation to choreography, staging, publicity and rehearsal. May be repeated with permission.

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    audition or permission.

    Credits: 1

  • DAN 121 - Beginner Modern Dance II

    Builds upon the fundamental concepts and practice of modern dance technique focusing on body alignment, stretch, strengthening, movement vocabulary, coordination, musicality and spatial awareness. Further emphasis on longer dance phrases and musicality. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DAN 101 or permission.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 122 - Beginner Ballet II

    Builds upon the fundamentals of classical ballet technique with emphasis on alignment, flexibility, strength, coordination and movement vocabulary. Expressive movement, the execution of ballet ‘line’, and performance of longer dance phrases will be encouraged. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DAN 102 or permission.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 123 - Beginner Jazz II

    Builds upon the fundamentals of lyrical jazz technique and contemporary jazz styles with emphasis on alignment, coordination, and movement vocabulary. Expressive movement in relation to modern jazz music and performance of longer dance phrases will be encouraged. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DAN 103 or permission.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 130 - Ballroom and World Dance Forms

    From swing to salsa and waltz to tango, basic social and Latin dance, with emphasis on alignment, coordination, and movement vocabulary. Additional exposure to Afro-Caribbean roots of today’s dance forms. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 201 - Intermediate Modern Dance

    Continuation of DAN 121. Emphasis on solving more complex movement problems. Provides an enhanced movement vocabulary and further principles of body alignment, stretch/strengthening and musicality and expressiveness. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DAN 121 or permission.

    Credits: 2-3
  • DAN 202 - Intermediate Ballet

    A detailed study of ballet form for the student with some previous training. Students master the execution of exercises and steps with speed, clarity and grace in order to achieve a fuller kinesthetic awareness. Can be used as a base for professional training or general artistic enrichment. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DAN 122 or permission.

    Credits: 2-3
  • DAN 203 - Intermediate Jazz

    A continuation of DAN 123. Further development of principles of movement within the jazz idiom: body alignment, musicality, phrasing, stylistic form and performance awareness. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DAN 123 or permission.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 205 - Intermediate Tap

    Expands upon the fundamentals of Rhythm Tap and Broadway Styles technique. Complex rhythmic patterns, breaks, and longer combinations are encouraged.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DAN 105 or permission.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 250 - Dance Composition I

    Study of the principles and elements of choreography. Provides guided practice in the construction of movement phrases, and studies for solo and group dances. Includes an informal studio presentation of student pieces.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prior dance experience or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • DAN 266 - Dance History

    Religious, social and cultural aspects of dance from lineage-based ritual to the present century.

    Credits: 3
  • DAN 270 - Pilates Conditioning and Functional Anatomy

    Teaches mat work to enhance strength, flexibility, and breath. Further work into the function of the skeletal-muscular-neurological systems as they apply to movement efficiency and somatics.

    Credits: 3
  • DAN 297 - Introductory Topics in Dance

    Provides an opportunity for introductory level exploration within a particular dance form, tradition or innovation not covered within the existing course offerings. Specific topics will vary semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 301 - Advanced Modern Dance

    A continuation of DAN 201. Emphasis on performance quality, phrasing and musicality. The advanced dance may develop and expand his/her style and vocabulary. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DAN 201 or permission.

    Credits: 2-3
  • DAN 302 - Advanced Ballet

    A continuation of DAN 202. Emphasis on performance quality, an expansion of balletic and choreographic vocabulary. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DAN 202 or permission.

    Credits: 2-3
  • DAN 303 - Advanced Jazz

    A continuation of DAN 203. Further emphasis on musicality, movement vocabulary and phrasing of advanced floor combinations. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DAN 203 or permission.

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 397 - Intermediate Topics in Dance

    Provides an opportunity for intermediate level exploration within a particular dance form, tradition or innovation not covered within the existing course offerings. Specific topics will vary semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 497 - Advanced Topics in Dance

    Provides an opportunity for advanced level exploration within a particular dance form, tradition or innovation not covered within the existing course offerings. Specific topics will vary semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.

    Satisfies the General Education Artistic and Creative Expression Requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 2
  • DAN 498 - Dance Project/Thesis

    A supervised practicum in choreographic process and/or performance accompanied by a written analysis of this practicum. An advanced level research topic, designed jointly by the student and the instructor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Advanced level technique or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • DIS 300 - Disability: Interaction of Human Diversity and Global Environment

    Designed to introduce the student to disability as an element of human diversity that has a significant reciprocal relationship with the environment. We begin by discussing prevalence and incidence of disability across the globe, examine the historical changes in concepts of disability over time, and then study disability as a human phenomenon which both emerges from and influences biological, economic, physical, social, political, spiritual, cultural, technological and virtual environments.

    Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives and Population and the Environment Requirements.

    Credits: 3
  • DIS 400 - Disability as Diversity I

    Examines disability history, theory and current thinking in the field of disability studies. Through interdisciplinary interchange and experiential learning, students will explore the lived experience of people with disabilities and their families across the lifespan, examine and debate ethical dilemmas related to disability, and analyze implicit disability related values reflected in diverse academic and professional fields. Students will apply their learning to their own disciplines.

    Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.  Together with DIS 450, satisfies the Ethics Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • DIS 450 - Disability: Population-Environment Diversity

    Consistent with contemporary literature and research in the interdisciplinary field of disability studies, students will examine and analyze disability as an interactive disjuncture between the environment, the human body and population groups.  Students will analyze how environments shape and are shaped by disability populations and will focus on realigning bodies, populations and environments to advance full participation, reduce personal and environmental harm reductions, and preserve just and safe environments.  Included will be natural, virtual, service, economic, social, policy, and community environments across the globe.

    Satisfies the General Education Population and the Environment Requirement.  Together with DIS 400, this course satisfies the General Education Ethics Requirement.

    Credits: 3
  • DIS 470 - Interdisciplinary Project in Disability Studies

    Provides the opportunity for students to apply knowledge about disability to the actualization of a disability-related project in the student’s area of interest. With guidance from the DIS 470 instructor and the student’s advisor, students may participate in ongoing projects or identify new disability-related areas for project activity. Students may take this course to complete the requirements for the disability concentration or to work with guidance on a project of interest. Provides the opportunity for collaboration across disciplines.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DIS 400 and DIS 450 or permission.

    Credits: 1-6
  • DIS 480 - Independent Project in Disability Studies

    Individual work on a topic or problem selected by the student. Primarily for students in the Interdisciplinary Concentration in Disability Studies.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-6
  • DIS 490 - Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Disability Studies

    Faculty and students identify and work on selected topics and/or problems related to the area of disability. Focuses on related literature, research, services/supports and materials.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-6
  • DIS 600 - Contemporary Disability Theory

    Critically examines historical and contemporary context of disability and analyzes the emergence of disability as a contemporary category of human diversity. Identification and analysis of the political, social, economic, intellectual, and technological trends relevant to disability rights. Analyzes universal principles as the next paradigmatic framework for the promotion of socially just community responses to diversity and difference.

    Credits: 3
  • DIS 620 - Disability as Diversity

    Examination and analysis of the service, support, and community contexts in which people with disabilities live, work, and participate. Distinction between and analysis of the concepts of accommodation and universal design/access. Critical examination of service and community responses to diversity and difference. Collaborative leadership strategies to improve inclusion and social justice for all people including those with disabilities.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DIS 600.

    Credits: 3
  • DIS 630 - Disability Policy

    Analyze the historical context of current disability policy. Critically examine the major federal legislative policies that guide disability responses. Apply, compare, and contrast multiple models of policy analysis to the examination of policy and identification of needed policy change and policy advocacy.

    Credits: 3
  • DIS 650 - Research Seminar in Disability Studies

    Provides the opportunity to apply knowledge and skill of design and methods to inquiry related to disability, diversity and universal principles. Examination of current literature and scholarship and formulation of research questions and methods to address disability, diversity and related inquiry.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • DIS 670 - Graduate Practicum in Disability Studies

    Opportunity to apply theory and research knowledge about disability to leadership in disability scholarship, policy, and or related practice in the student’s area of interest. Design and conduct an independent or collaborative project.


    Credits: 3

  • DIS 671 - Interdisciplinary Project in Disability Studies II

    Opportunity for students to continue to apply theory and research knowledge about disability to leadership in disability scholarship, policy, and or related practice in the student’s area of interest. With guidance from the DIS 671 instructor and the student’s advisor, students will continue and complete the independent or collaborative project initiated in DIS 670.

    (Effective Spring 2007.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    DIS 670 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • DIS 680 - Independent Study in Disability Studies

    Individual work on a disability related topic or problem selected by the student and approved by a Center for Community Inclusion faculty member.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-6
  • DIS 690 - Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Disability Studies

    Advanced study of topics and/or problems related to disability studies. Focuses on related literature, research and services/supports.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-6
  • EAD 500 - Fundamentals of Instructional Leadership

    A required introductory course which focuses on the practices and responsibilities of school leaders in promoting productive student outcomes, including the examination of mission, academic programs, personnel issues, and decision making.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Two years’ teaching experience or current employment in schools or admission to Educational Leadership Program or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 510 - Educational Supervision

    Includes creative supervision, techniques of working with professional staff, improvement of curriculum, observational and evaluation techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDB 202, EDB 204 or equivalents.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 531 - School Law for Administrators

    The Constitutional framework, legal issues and state statutes affecting the practice of school administration. Special emphasis on the impact of recent court decisions.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 532 - Staff Development for School Leaders

    Provides school board members, administrators, teachers and staff the opportunity to further skills and knowledge of staff development. Participants examine the theory and practice of staff development, explore underlying beliefs and assumptions and apply evolving insights in a staff development project that is situated within their own schools and practice.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 550 - Theories of Administration I

    Introduces concepts and research findings in social and behavioral sciences basic to the educational administrator. Interdisciplinary analysis of administrative problems and organizational behavior.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EDB 202, EDB 204 or equivalents.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 551 - Dynamic of Change in Schools

    Provides students an introduction to contemporary thinking about both the theoretical and practical processes of change and school improvement efforts.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 560 - Functions and Theories of Educational Leadership

    The philosophical foundations for schools and leadership; organizational theories underlying school management and leadership; and the inter- and intrapersonal dimensions of leadership.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3 - 6
  • EAD 561 - Leadership of Planning and Evaluation

    Examination and application of the evaluation and planning cycle in schools through preparation and execution of a program evaluation with colleagues; includes collection of data on programs, personnel and student outcomes.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EAD 560 and EDS 520 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 562 - Group Leadership and Decision-Making in Schools

    Introduction to and the application of group dynamics, group leadership and group decision-making in the many contexts encountered by school leaders.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EAD 560 and EAD 561 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 563 - Individual Leadership: Problems, Paradoxes and Possibilities

    Provides students a forum to examine interpersonal aspects of school leadership. Students research and prepare strategies in response to leadership dilemmas, then carry them out in simulated situations.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EAD 560, EAD 561 and EAD 562 and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 564 - Educational Organizations from a Personal, Social and PoliticalPerspective

    Organizational analysis; investigation of the social, political, economic context of organizations; strategies surrounding strategic planning, goal setting and visioning; and change theory and its application.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EAD 560, EAD 561, EAD 562 and EAD 563 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 598 - Special Topics in Educational Leadership

    Concentrated study of designated topics in educational leadership. Topics may vary depending on faculty and student interest. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Master’s level student or permission. Some sections may have additional prerequisites.

    Credits: 1-3
  • EAD 615 - The Principalship

    Organization, supervision, and leadership of school faculty, students, and curriculum, focusing on the role of the principal.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EAD 500 or EAD 550 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 616 - Resource Based Decision Making for School Leaders

    Provides understanding and insight into the school district budget process and the principal’s role and responsibilities in that process and in administering and accounting for various types of non-budgetary school funds.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 630 - School Finance and Business Management

    Topics includes: school budget proposals, purchasing, accounting, administering the budget, legal requirements of budgetary practices. Emphasis on Maine School Finance Law and its application.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Master’s degree with emphasis in school administration and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 634 - School Personnel Management

    Covers recruitment, assignments, in-service training of teachers; job analysis and evaluation; leave, tenure and salary policies; staff participation in management.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Master’s degree with emphasis in school administration and permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 637 - Politics, Power and Policy in Educational Leadership

    An investigation of the role of power, politics and policy-making in educational governance with public school systems and their surrounding communities. Examines decision-making and the influence of politics as a system for identifying personal and community values, allocating resources, power and authority within a social system. Considers implications for both organizational and individual leadership issues at the macro-political level.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Admission to Educational Leadership program or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 640 - Contract Negotiation and Management for Educational Administration

    The role of the administrator in the negotiation process and in contract management.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 650 - Leadership Studies

    Leadership research applied to the assessment of leadership styles, diagnosis of situational variables, and development of effective leadership styles for a variety of educational and human service settings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Admission to Educational Leadership program or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 651 - Organizational Behavior in Education

    Sociological, social psychological, political and social constructionist models of organizational behavior in educational settings are examined in relation to decision-making, power, bureaucratic and professional authority and careers.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EAD 550 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 654 - Educational Policy Formulation and Analysis

    Explores the processes of educational policy formulation at local, state and national levels and the nature and role of policy analysis in those processes.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    EAD 550 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 656 - Social and Ethical Foundations of Educational Leadership

    Examines the purposes of schools from a sociocultural perspective and the many choices and judgments required of educational leaders. Investigates the ethical reasoning required by these choices.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Certificate of Advanced Study student.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 658 - Advanced Leadership Studies in Education

    Exploration of the theoretical framework for studying leadership, the traditions of empirical research on leadership, and contemporary studies of leadership in education.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Open to doctoral students in any field.

    Credits: 3
  • EAD 690 - Principal Internship

    Provides students with a field-based opportunity to explore the role of the principal and assess themselves for work in such a role.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Admission to Educational Leadership program and permission of advisor.

    Credits: 1-3
  • EAD 691 - Internship in Educational Leadership

    Provides students with a field-based opportunity to explore leadership roles (e.g. curriculum coordinator, teacher leader) and assess themselves for work in such a role.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Admission to Educational Leadership program or permission of advisor.

    Credits: 1-3
  • EAD 692 - Superintendent Internship I

    First semester of an 11-month internship, usually taken to start the sequence of three two-credit courses: EAD 692, EAD 693 and EAD 696. Provides students with an opportunity to explore the role of the superintendent of schools and assess themselves for work in such a role. Jointly planned by student, advisor and internship supervisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Masters degree with emphasis in administration and permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • EAD 693 - Superintendent Internship II

    Second semester of an 11-month internship, taken in a sequence of three two-credit courses: EAD 692, EAD 693 and EAD 696.  Provides students an opportunity to explore the role of superintendent of schools and to assess themselves for work in such a role.  Jointly planned by student, advisor, and internship supervisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Masters degree with emphasis in administration and permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • EAD 696 - Superintendent Internship III

    Third semester of an 11-month internship, concluding the sequence of three two-credit courses: EAD 692, EAD 693, and EAD 696.  Provides students an opportunity to explore the role of superintendent of schools and to assess themselves for work in such a role.  Jointly planned by student, advisor, and internship supervisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Masters degree with emphasis in administration and permission

    Credits: 1-3
  • EAD 697 - Independent Study in Educational Leadership

    Provides graduate students with an opportunity to increase professional competence through independent readings and research. Students plan individual projects to gain competencies in educational leadership.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Master’s or CAS students and permission.

    Credits: 1-6
  • EAD 698 - Special Topics in Educational Leadership

    Concentrated study of designated topics in educational leadership. Topics may vary depending on faculty and student interest. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CAS or doctoral level student or permission. Some sections may have additional prerequisites.

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECE 101 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Introduction to the engineering profession as well as information and concepts of general use in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Topics include: exploration of career paths and professional responsibilities, basic use of personal computers, mathematical concepts, development of problem solving skills with professional communication. Students work in teams on projects involving digital and motor control. Rec 3, Lab 1. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering majors only or permission. Corequisite: PHY 121.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 105 - Explorations in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Teaches non-engineering students the relationships between computers, sensors and mechanical systems. Provides an understanding of how microprocessors interact with mechanical systems to achieve desired results. Students will design, build and program robots to perform simple tasks using a high level language such as C. The class will be primarily hands-on.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 177 - Introduction to Programming for Engineers

    Introduction to computer programming with emphasis on algorithms and an understanding of underlaying hardware. Topics include syntax, variables, control structures, pointers, operators, functions, and input and output. Lec 3, Lab 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 101 and MAT 126, or permission

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 198 - Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Topics in electrical engineering not regularly covered in other courses. May include ECE topics suitable for advanced first-year students. Content can be varied to suit current needs. (Fall and Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • ECE 209 - Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

    Basic circuit laws and theorems, operational amplifiers, natural and forced response of first order circuits, phasors and steady-state AC circuits, 3 phase circuits. For non-majors. Lec 3, Rec 1.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 127, PHY 122.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 210 - Electrical Networks I

    Covers basic circuit laws and theorems, op-amp circuits, natural and forced responses of first order systems, phasor concepts, solution of steady-state AC networks, AC power calculations. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 127, PHY 122.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 211 - Electrical Networks II

    Natural and forced responses of second order systems, polyphase circuits, magnetically coupled circuits, frequency domain analysis, Bode plots, two-port parameters, Fourier series applications. Lec 3 (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 210, MAT 228.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 214 - Electrical Networks Laboratory

    Provides support for ECE 211. Lab exercise and circuit simulations demonstrate concepts presented in ECE 211. Participants become familiar with circuit simulation, safety and grounding considerations, instrumentation, e.g., oscilloscopes, signal sources, multimeters, and signal analyzers. Also of particular significance will be the development of technical writing skills. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 211 or Corequisite: ECE 211.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 271 - Microcomputer Architecture and Applications

    The microcomputer and its component parts including microprocessors, registers, memory and I/O. Programming and applying the microcomputer in engineering systems. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 275 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 275 - Sequential Logic Systems

    Methods of design and testing for logic systems with memory. Includes procedures and the design of system tests, combinational design, multi-level circuits, logic minimization, sequential design, analysis and optimization and the use of computer tools for logic design. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 177.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 300 - Seminar

    Exploration of career opportunities, organizational structure of industry and professional responsibilities. Lec 1. (Fall.)

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)


    Prerequisites & Notes
    Junior standing.

    Credits: 1

  • ECE 314 - Signals and Systems

    Analysis of continuous linear time-invariant systems including Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transform techniques and their applications; transformation and properties of continuous signals and systems, convolution, transfer functions and state variable system representations. Rec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 258 and at least a C- in ECE 211.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 323 - Electric Power Conversion

    AC/DC power conversion, linear and switching power supplies, magnetic circuits, inductors, transformers, fundamentals of electromechanical energy conversion, basic properties of electric motors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 211 and ECE 214 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 331 - Introduction to Unix Systems Administration

    Topics include hardware and devices, file systems, user management, backup and recovery, application management, and network services such as NFS, NIS, DNS, DHCP, electronic mail and web servers. Problem solving and diagnostic methods, performance tuning, legal and professional issues, ethics and policies and security aspects of hosts on the Internet are discussed. Students gain hands-on experience and complete a project.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    COS 220.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 342 - Electronics I

    Investigates semiconductor fundamentals of the p-n junction, BJT and MOSFET. Static and low frequency dynamic models are developed and utilized in design and analysis. Explores basic electronic circuit building blocks based on diodes, BJT’s MOSFET’s and fully-compensated op-amps. Lec 3, Lab 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 214 and at least a C- in ECE 211.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 343 - Electronics II

    Introduces design and analysis of semiconductor circuits. Analog networks include amplifiers, power supplies and oscillators. Digital efforts are concentrated in the CMOS and pseudo-NMOS areas with a brief look at the BJT logic. Explores basic concepts of frequency response, feedback and data conversion. Lec 3, Lab 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 342.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 351 - Fields and Waves

    Topics include: static electric and magnetic fields, properties of dielectric and ferromagnetic materials, time varying fields, Faraday’s law, Maxwell’s equations, plane waves in dielectric and conducting media, calculation of the fields and other properties of common transmission lines. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 211, MAT 228, MAT 258.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 383 - Communications Engineering

    A study of basic principles of modern communication engineering including methods of analysis, modulation techniques, effects of noise, information transmittal. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHB 350 and ECE 314.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 394 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Practice

    Work experience in electrical engineering and/or computer engineering. May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring and Summer.)

    (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    sophomore standing and permission.

    Credits: 1-3

  • ECE 401 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Project

    First of a three semester sequence of courses involving the design, implementation and reporting of an engineering device, system or software package by an individual student or small group. Part one: project selection, feasibility studies and proposal writing. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 314, ECE 342, or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1
  • ECE 402 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Project

    Second of a three semester sequence of courses involving the design, implementation and reporting of an engineering device, system or software package by an individual student or small groups. Part two: resource location, module debugging, prototype testing. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 401.

    Credits: 4
  • ECE 403 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Project

    Third of a three semester sequence of courses involving the design, implementation and reporting of an engineering device, system or software package by an individual student or small group. Part three: written and oral presentation of the completed project.

    Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive and Capstone Experience Requirements. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 402.

    Credits: 2
  • ECE 414 - Feedback Control Systems

    Analysis and design of continuous control systems using transfer function and state variable system representations. Covers signal flow graphs and Mason’s gain formula, decomposition of transfer functions, controllability and observability, root locus techniques, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Nyquist criterion, controller design in time and frequency domains, State feedback, phase lead and lag controllers, PID type controllers. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 314, basic knowledge of matrix algebra.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 417 - Introduction to Robotics

    Introduces robotics and operation of microcomputer-controlled manipulators with their applications in automation. Includes a general review of robot structure, current application of robots in automation, spatial descriptions and coordinate transformations, manipulator kinematics and solutions, robot control and path planning, dynamics and vision in robot application. Lec 2, Lab 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    COS 215 or COS 220 and MAT 228; knowledge of matrix algebra and some familiarity with basic control and rigid body mechanics suggested.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 435 - Network Engineering

    Focuses on the engineering aspects of data networks including physical media and interconnections, signals and noise, modulation, multiplexing, frame and packet transmission, routing, network design and network management. Problem solving and diagnostic methods, legal and professional issues, ethics and policies, and security aspects of interconnected networks are discussed. Students gain hands-on experience and complete networking projects.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    COS 231 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 444 - Analog Integrated Circuits

    Considers topics in the internal circuit design and system applications of analog integrated circuits. Concerns addressed include temperature and power supply sensitivity, gain, bandwith, stability and I/O characteristics. Specific topics include current sources, differential amplifiers, level shifters, op-amps, regulators and phase-locked loops. Lec 3. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 314 and ECE 343.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 445 - Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits

    Reviews device characteristics with emphasis on switching behavior. Considers ramifications of need for designs to be compatible with IC processing technology. Emphasis on CMOS and ECL based systems. Explores interface and optimization problems as related to timing and loading. Brief look at significant parameters needed for accurate computer modeling. Lec 3. (Fall.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 342.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 453 - Microwave Engineering

    Topics include: rectangular and cylindrical waveguides, transmission line models, impedance matching, Smith chart methods, microwave circuits and components, s-parameter measurement techniques and antennas. (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 351.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 462 - Introduction to Basic Semiconductor Devices and Associated Circuit Models

    Introduces the fundamental device material that is basic to electronics-engineering. Initial concepts include diamond (zinc-blende) crystal structure, holes, free electrons, drift, diffusion, and the energy band model. These are then used to explore p-n junction and MOS structures including the extraction of SPICE model parameters. A more detailed look at reasons behind the characteristics of p-n and Schottky diodes, MOSFETs and BJTs follows. The goal is an understanding of the behavior of the basic semiconductor devices, their limitations and their models. If time permits additional topics from the following list will be discussed: Power Semiconductors, Photonic Devices, Semiconductor Reliability. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ECE 342, MAT 228.

    Credits: 3
  • ECE 464 - Microelectronics Science and Engineering

    The science and engineering of CMOS and deep sub-micron semiconductor device fabrication. Semiconductor process steps including: diffusion, oxidation, reactive ion etching, chemical etching, surface cleaning, lithography, ion implantation, thin film deposition and chemical-mechanical polishing. A CMOS process flow is outlined. Computer simulation is utilized to provide insight into ion implantation, diffusion and lithography. Lec 3 (Spring.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    CHY 121 and PHY 122. Corequisite: MAT 258.

    Credits: 3

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